Y Japanese yen; Chinese yuan; Yugoslavia; short for YMCA, YWCA, etc – qv
y yard; yacht; year; yellow; young; youngest; variable (algebra); dry air (meteorology); symbol for any unknown factor (as in xy)
YA young adult
YAG yttrium-aluminium garnet (artificial diamond)
YAL Young Australia League
Y&LR York and Lancaster Regiment
Y&R Young and Rubicam (advertising agency)
YAR York-Antwerp Rules (marine insurance)
Yard, The Scotland Yard
YAS Yorkshire Agricultural Society
YAVIS young, attractive, verbal, intelligent, successful (ideal profile)
YB, yb yearbook
YC Young Conservative; yacht club; Yale College (US); youth club
YCA Youth Camping Association
Y-chromosome Sex chromosome in male humans and many male animals
Y2K Second millennium; year 2000
YCL Young Communist League
YCW Young Christian Workers; you can’t win
yd yard (yds = yards)
YE Your Excellency
yel yellow
Yem Yemen; Yemeni
YEO Youth Employment Officer
yer yearly effective rate of interest
YES Youth Employment Service; Youth Enterprise Scheme
YFC Young Farmers’ Club
YFG yttrium-ferrite garnet (qv YAG, YIG)
Y-fronts style of men’s underpants, having a Y opening
YH youth hostel
YHA Youth Hostels Association
YHANI Youth Hostels Association of Northern Ireland
YHWH consonant letters of the Hebrew name for God (Yahweh or Jehovah), regarded as too sacred to be pronounced (also YHVH, JHVH, JHWH)
Yid Yiddish; Yiddisher; derogatory name for a Jew
YIG yttrium-iron garnet (qv YFG, YAG)
Yippie Youth International Party member
YMBA Yacht and Motor Boat Association
YMCA Young Men’s Christian Association
YMCU Young Men’s Christian Union
YMFS Young Men’s Friendly Society
YMHA Young Men’s Hebrew Association
YMV yellow mosaic virus
yo year-old (eg a 2-yo stallion)
YOB, yob year of birth
YOC Young Ornithologists’ Club (RSPB)
YOD, yod year of death
YOM, yom year of marriage
YOP Youth Opportunities Programme
Yorks Yorkshire
you’re you are
you’ve you have
YP young person; young prisoner
YPA Young Pioneers of America
yr year; your; younger
YRA Yacht Racing Association
yrbk yearbook
yrly yearly
yrs years; yours (also Yrs)
YS Young Socialists
Ys Yugoslavia; Yugoslavian (also Yugo)
YT Yukon Territory
YTD, ytd year to date
YTS Youth Training Scheme
YTYTK ‘You’re too young to know!’ (catchphrase from ITMA radio show)
Yugo Yugoslavia; Yugoslavian car brand
Yuk Yukon
yuppie young upwardly mobile professional (profile)
YWCA Young Women’s Christian Association
YWCTU Young Women’s Christian Temperence Union
YWHA Young Women’s Hebrew Association
YWS Young Wales Society