2 Mark Hollingsworth, and Charles Tremayne, The Economic League: The Silent McCarthyism, National Council for Civil Liberties, London, 1989, p 25.
3 T Bunyan, The history and practice of the political police in Britain, Quartet Books, London, 1977, p 248.
4 Peter Taylor, ‘Tomlinson “gobsmacked” by secret files’, BBC news, 27 October 2002, nin.tl/BBCtruespies
5 Quoted in Leo Huberman, The Labor Spy Racket, Modern Age Books, New York, 1937, p 28. This book synthesized much of the evidence from the hearings and reported aspects newspapers had not found time for.
7 Evidence given to the Scottish Affairs Select Committee, 22 January 2013.
8 See Carillion website nin.tl/carillionFAQ
9 Figures on the number of people who lost their jobs during the McCarthy witch-hunt are taken from Ellen Schrecker, The Age of McCarthyism: a brief history with documents, St Martin’s Press, Boston, 1994, available from nin.tl/McCarthyismdocs
10 C Andrew, The Defence of the Realm: the authorized history of MI5, Penguin: London, 2010, p 597.
11 T Bunyan, The history and practice of the political police in Britain, Quartet Books, London, 1977, p 250.
12 Interview with the authors.
13 Mark Hollingsworth and Richard Norton-Taylor, Blacklist: the inside story of political vetting, The Hogarth Press, London, 1988, p 181.
14 A McIvor, ‘A Crusade for Capitalism: The Economic League, 1919-39’, Journal of Contemporary History, Vol 23, No 4, October 1988, pp 631-655.
15 M Hughes, Spies At Work, 1 in 12, Bradford 1994, p 247.
16 E Lubbers, Secret Manoeuvres in the Dark, Pluto Press, London, 2013, p 35.
17 Hollingsworth, and Tremayne, op cit, p 107.
19 Obituary, The Independent, 16 September 2006.
20 Scottish Affairs Committee, Blacklisting in Employment: oral and written evidence, The Stationery Office Limited, London, 2013, p 142.
21 Interview with the authors.
23 Scottish Affairs Committee, op cit, p 163.
24 ‘Man behind illegal blacklist snooped on workers for 30 years’, Guardian, 27 May 2009, nin.tl/snoop30years
25 La bour Research Department, A Subversive Guide to the Economic League, 1969.
26 Dominic Sandbrook’s State of Emergency: The way we were: Britain 1970-1974, Penguin, London, 2011, is typical.
27 Ralph Darlington and Dave Lyddon, Glorious Summer: Class struggle in Britain 1972, London: Bookmarks, 2001, p 179.
28 Richard Clutterbuck, Britain in Agony: The Growth of Political Violence, Faber & Faber, London, 1978, p 78.
29 Economic League (date unknown), The Agitators: Who they are, how they work, what they want, Service to industry series booklet number 3, p 22.
30 Darlington and Lyddon, op cit, p 204.
32 Quoted in Alwyn W Turner, Crisis? What Crisis?: Britain in the 1970s, Arum Press, London, 2009, p 77.
33 Cited in a speech by David Anderson MP, House of Commons debate, 23 January 2014.
34 ‘Shrewsbury 24 case’, Guardian, 11 October 2012, nin.tl/shrewsbury24
35 Quoted in a speech by Tom Watson MP, House of Commons debate, 23 January 2014.
36 Reel News video, Blacklisted, 2012.
37 Quoted in Des Warren, The key to my cell, Living History Library, 2007.
38 Quoted by David Hanson MP, House of Commons debate, 23 January 2014.
39 Shrewsbury 24 Campaign website, nin.tl/picketsspeak
40 ‘Blacklisted builders launch mass legal action…’, Guardian, nin.tl/buildersaction
41 Ricky Tomlinson, Application to the CCRC, reference 00397/2012.
42 Interview with the authors.
43 Hollingsworth & Norton-Taylor, op cit, p 183.
44 Scottish Affairs Committee, op cit, p 142.
46 Ricky Tomlinson, Ricky, Time Warner, London, 2003, p 209.
47 Quoted in speech by Tom Watson MP, House of Commons debate, 23 January 2014.
48 The Great Payroll Scandal, UCATT-sponsored report by the Institute of Employment Rights.
49 Melissa Wickham, Self-Employment in London, GLAEconomics working paper 56, April 2013, nin.tl/GLApaper
50 Janet Druker and Geoffrey White, Employment relations on major construction projects: the London 2012 Olympic construction site, in Industrial Relations Journal 44, 2013, pp 566–583.
51 Reel News video, Umbrella scam: sparks lead the fightback, nin.tl/umbrellascam