Chapter 4 Endnotes

1 Quoted in Ayre, Barker, French, Graham, Harker, The Flying Pickets: The 1972 builders’ strike and the Shrewsbury pickets, The Des Warren Trust Fund, 2008.

2 Speech to the Blacklist Support Group AGM in 2013.

3 Dept for Business Information & Skills,

4 John McAllion MP, Hansard, 26 October 1999.

5 Enough is Enough: It’s time to fight and support the Vascrofts Strike (1992) A5 and A4 leaflets produced by the JSC during the three separate Vascrofts disputes.

6 Interview with the authors.

7 ‘Contractors plan legal moves over JSC’, New Civil Engineer, June 1992.

8 Interview with the authors.

9 Interview with the authors.

10 Interview with the authors.

11 Interview with the authors.

12 Builders Crack: The Movie, Unionfilms, 1999.

13 House of Commons Scottish Affairs Select Committee, Blacklisting in Employment – Written & Oral Evidence.

14 Interview with the authors.

15 Interview with the authors.