Chapter 8 Endnotes

1 Interview with the authors.

2 Ian Kerr evidence to Scottish Affairs Select Committee, 27 November 2012.

3 Interview with the authors.

4 Interview with the authors.

5 John McAllion MP (for Dundee East) Hansard, 26 October 1999.

6 Interview with authors.

7 Construction News, 11 April 2002,

8 ‘Exposed: Crisis tears at the heart of a great trade union’, Daily Mirror, 22 October 1993.

9 Interview with the authors.

10 ‘Construction union UCATT and new construction union of EETPU face battle for members’, Construction News, 23 August 1991.

11 Email to the authors, 13 June 2014.

12 Interview with author.

13 Reported in North West Cowboy #1 and reproduced on Labournet website 19 January 2005.

14 Blacklisting Report to Unite EC, 19 Sept 2011.

15 Interview with the authors.

16 Alan Wainwright’s evidence to the Scottish Affairs Select Committee, 6 November 2012, EV128.

17 Email to the authors, 5 June 2014.

18 Interview with the authors.

19 Interview with the authors.

20 Letter from OH Parsons solicitors to Phil Chamberlain, 13 June 2014.

21 Email from Spencer Wood, OH Parsons solicitors, to Dave Smith, 4 April 2014.

22 Witness statement used in internal UCATT disciplinary hearing.

23 Interview with the authors.

24 UCATT Conference Report 2000, p 129.

25 UCATT Conference Report 1996, p 273.

26 Email from Spencer Wood, OH Parsons solicitors, to Dave Smith 4 April 2014.

27 Blacklisting Report to Unite EC, 19 Sept 2011

28 Email to the authors, 8 April 2014.

29 Interview with the authors.


31 Janet Druker and Geoffrey White, ‘Employment relations on major construction projects: the London 2012 Olympic construction site’, in Industrial Relations Journal 44:5–6, 2013, pp 566-583.