Chapter 9 Endnotes

1 Interview with the authors, 6 December 2014.

2 Scottish Affairs Committee, Blacklisting in Employment: oral and written evidence, The Stationery Office Limited, London, April 2013, p 205.

3 Mark Hollingsworth and Richard Norton-Taylor, Blacklist: the inside story of political vetting, The Hogarth Press, London, 1988, p 158.

4 BBC2 TV True Spies series, October-November 2002.

5 Ibid.

6 Telegraph, 15 January 2014, – accessed 12 March 2014.

7 Seumas Milne, The Enemy Within: The Secret War Against the Miners, Pan, London, 1994.

8 Ibid, p 383.

9 Witness statement submitted to the Committee.

10 World in Action report, ‘Boys on the Blacklist’, broadcast 16 February 1987.

11 Scottish Affairs Committee, op cit, p 110.

12 Interview with the authors.

13 Scottish Affairs Committee, op cit, p 155.

14 Email to the authors, 14 January 2014.

15 ‘Did police cutbacks allow extremists to hijack student demonstrations?’ Telegraph, 14 November 2010,

16 ‘Police were brief on industry extremists and bad eggs’, Times, 23 January 2013, – accessed 9 February 2013.

17 Interview with the authors.

18 Interview with the authors.

19 Rob Evans and Paul Lewis, Undercover: The true story of Britain’s secret police, Faber and Faber, London, 2013, p 182.

20 From Mark Metcalf’s blog post ‘I Spy Mark Cassidy’,

21 Stephen Dorril, The Silent Conspiracy: Inside the intelligence services in the 1990s, Heinemann, London, 1993, p 170.

22 Evans and Lewis, op cit, p 202.

23 Interview with the authors.

24 Interview with Phil Chamberlain.

25 Interview with the authors.

26 The British National Party is a far right political group which stands candidates at the ballot box but it also active on the streets and has a number of members with convictions for violence. For a period in the 1980s and 1990s it was the premier such political force, though infighting has now reduced its influence. Brick Lane is a multi-racial area of London which has long been home to migrants.

27 Interview with the authors.


29 Interview with the authors.

30 BBC2 TV, True Spies documentary, broadcast 3 November 2002,

31 Solomon Hughes Plain Dealer blog, 8 April 2014,

32 Interview with Phil Chamberlain.

33 Milne, op cit, and BBC2 TV, op cit.

34 Interview with the authors.

35 Interview with the authors.

36 Scottish Affairs Committee, op cit, p 192.

37 Written evidence to Scottish Affairs Select Committee, March 2013,


39 ‘Taylor hired spy stopped Newbury Protest’, BBC news, 6 November 2002, – accessed 10 February 2014.

40 Scottish Affairs Committee, op cit, p 149.

41 Eveline Lubbers, Secret Manoeuvres in the dark, Pluto, London, 2013, p 159.

42 Ibid.

43 Interview with the authors.

44 Interview with the authors

45 Interview with the authors.

46 Interview with the authors.

47 Interview with the authors.

48 McLibel Support Campaign press release, 5 July 2000.

49 Interview with the authors.

50 Guardian, 23 October 2014,

51 Guardian, 4 December 2014,

52 Speech at Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance meeting at London Metropolitan University, 12 November 2014.

53 Speech to parliamentary meeting, 23 June 2014,

54 ACPO,

55 Ibid.

56 ‘National police unit monitors 9,000’, Guardian, 26 June 2013, – accessed 16 June 2014.

57 BBC news, 16 June 2014,


59 City of London Police,

60 Operation Herne: report 2 – allegations of Peter Francis, p 6.

61 Ibid.

62 Interview with Phil Chamberlain.

63 Email to authors.

64 According to the Observer, Mills has since lectured at Anglia Ruskin and his LinkedIn profile describes him as ‘senior officer in national extremism unit dealing with UK domestic extremism’. Observer, 8 November 2014,

65 ‘How police rebranded protest’, Guardian, 25 October 2009, – accessed 16 June 2014.