By D.R. Grady
Directly after a court hearing
Kingdom of Sandovia
“Daddy, why did t’at man go to pwison?”
Hugo Saltaire gazed down at the little boy bouncing along beside him and couldn’t believe how blessed he was. Somehow, fate had decreed that he not only wed a beautiful, loving wife, but with her he’d been granted this wonderful, amazing son and an incredible infant daughter.
He realized that with the privileges granted him, so came responsibility. One day his new son would grow to be a man. By the time that happened, Hugo was determined he would have given his heir an unshakable foundation. Mallen would also know the security of love and acceptance - just as Hugo’s father had given him.
Mallen would someday want a wife and children of his own. When this happened Hugo needed him to choose wisely.
With a deep breath, he answered Mallen’s question. “That man hurt his wife.”
“Why did he do t’at?”
“Because he forgot women are gifts from God and are to be treated as such.”
“So he went to pwison because he hurt his wife?”
“That’s right, son. We deal harshly with men who hurt women.”
Hugo hunkered down to Mallen’s eye level so the little guy would understand the importance of his question, and the subsequent answer. “Because as men we are bigger and stronger than women and children. Therefore we cherish and love them, we do not hit, push, or in any other way hurt them. Women and children are precious. We protect them, we do not abuse them.”
“So that man is in jail because he didn’t chewish or wuv his wife?”
Hugo had to smile at the little fellow’s pronunciation, but he was pleased Mallen understood the concept. “That’s right.”
“Yes, Mallen?”
“What’s chewish mean?”