As requested, this is a personal account of the steps by which I came to state and prove the so-called impossibility theorem for social choices. It will be worthwhile to restate the theorem in abbreviated form in order to understand better its genesis.
We consider a society which must make a choice binding on all its members. On any given occasion, there is a set of alternatives, S, among which the social choice must be made. It will be assumed that both the society and any set of alternatives considered are finite. The ith individual in the society has a preference ordering, Ri, over all conceivable alternatives. Each ordering is assumed to be transitive and complete (that is, for any two alternatives, x and y, at least one of the two statements, x Riy or y Rix, holds). We seek a social preference ordering, R, over all alternatives from which the social choices for any given set of alternatives, S, can be derived as the maximal elements of S under the ordering R.
The social ordering must satisfy two properties: it must reflect in some sense the preference orderings of individuals, and in making a social choice from any given set of alternatives, it should use information about the preference orderings of individuals among those alternatives only. Further, it should be defined for any conceivable set of individual preference orderings, i.e., it is a functional, called the social welfare functional, from vectors of individual preference orderings to preference orderings. The second property above, termed Irrelevance of Independent Alternatives, has the particular implication that the choice from any two-alternative set depends only on the preferences of individuals as between those alternatives. The first property can be stated in differing ways; a particularly weak one is called the Pareto Principle and states that if everyone strictly prefers x to y, then x is preferred to y in the social ordering. The impossibility theorem then states that there is no social welfare functional with the required properties.
The example that most clearly illustrates the intended scope of the theorem in real-life situations is that of an election. Any form of election uses as data the preferences of the individual voters among the candidates (indeed, usually much less data are available, for example, only the first choice of each voter) and nothing else. The result is a chosen candidate. The theorem states that if a candidate is chosen among three or more, he or she would not necessarily be chosen in a two-candidate race with each other candidate. If all voters and all candidates are treated alike, the voting method reduces to majority voting in a two-candidate race, and the theorem then states that among three candidates, it is possible that A would get a majority against B, B against C, and yet C against A.
To return to my personal history of this theorem, I will have to start by disregarding the (relatively few) previous works; with the exception of the paper by Duncan Black, to be mentioned below, I knew none of them. As it happens, during my college years, I was fascinated by mathematical logic, a subject I read on my own until, by a curious set of chances, the great Polish logician, Alfred Tarski, taught one year at The City College (in New York), where I was a senior. He chose to give a course on the calculus of relations, and I was introduced to such topics as transitivity and orderings. When, as a graduate student, I came to study mathematical economics with Harold Hotelling, I learned the then not widespread idea that consumers choose commodity vectors as a most preferred point (the ordinalist interpretation), as contrasted with the older view that there was a numerical-valued utility function which they maximized (the cardinalist interpretation). The identity of this view with the logical concept of an ordering was obvious enough. Further, Hotelling and others had already suggested that political choice could follow similar principles of rationality.
My first serious encounter with the idea of social choice came as a curious by-product of economic theory. The standard theory of the firm was based on the reasonable hypothesis that it seeks to maximize profits. Firms however produce over time; for example, investments are made for the purpose of securing production in the future. Since future prices are not known today, the firm cannot really maximize profits over time but only expected profits, based on expectations of future prices (and other conditions). In the course of trying to write a dissertation (subsequently abandoned), I was concerned with the fact that firms in the modern world typically had many owners (shareholders). If one ignored the time dimension, this posed no problem; each owner was interested in maximizing profits, and therefore they would all make the same choice. In the more general temporal situation, each owner would want to maximize expected profits. But the owners might easily hold different expectations. Therefore, they would not agree what investment policy would be optimal. The natural assumption was that one investment policy would be chosen over another if a majority of the stockholders (weighted by number of shares) preferred the first to the second. My training led me to check whether this relation is transitive; there was no difficulty in constructing a counterexample.
This struck me as very interesting, but more as an obstacle to my work than anything else. I could not believe it was original and indeed had the conviction that I had heard of this paradox before. I have never been able to verify that I did read it somewhere; it was in fact old, having been developed by the French political philosopher and probability theorist, Condorcet, in 1785. But I certainly had never read Condorcet or any other source I now know of.
I did not pursue the matter any further at that time (1947). The next year, at the Cowles Commission for Research in Economics at Chicago, I was idly thinking about electoral politics for some reason. I started with a model in which candidates (or parties) arranged on a left-right scale, so that the supporters of any one party would prefer a party nearer to them to one further in the same direction. Thus, each voter had a preference order over parties, with a peak and decreasing in both directions. It was quickly apparent that under these conditions, majority voting would indeed define an ordering. However, about a month after these reflections, I found the identical idea in a paper by Duncan Black in the Journal of Political Economy. Again I did not pursue the matter, partly because I felt all this was distracting me from what I took to be my obligation to serious economic work, specifically using general equilibrium theory to develop a workable model as a basis for econometric analysis.
I spent the summer of 1949 as a consultant at the Rand Corporation. This organization had been set up to consult with the United States Air Force. The advice was very free-wheeling indeed at that time and included research on the development of the then new concept of game theory. There was a philosopher on the staff, named Olaf Helmer, whom I had met earlier through Tarski; he had translated a textbook of Tarski’s for which I read the proofs. He was troubled about the application of game theory when the players were interpreted as nations. The meaning of utility or preference for an individual was clear enough, but what was meant by that for a collectivity of individuals? I assured him that economists had thought about the problem in connection with the choice of economic policies and that the appropriate formalism had been developed by Abram Bergson in a paper in 1938; it was a function, called by him the social welfare function, which mapped the vector of utilities of the individuals into a utility. As stated, this seemed to depend on a cardinal concept of utility, but it seemed to be the case that one could restate it in a manner consistent with the ordinal concept, that is, not a numerically valued utility for individuals and for society but preference orders for both. He asked me to write up an exposition.
I started to do so and immediately realized that the problem was the same I had already encountered. I knew already that majority voting would not aggregate to a social ordering but assumed that there must be alternatives. A few days of trying them made me suspect there was an impossibility result, and I found one very shortly. A few weeks later I made a further strengthening, and this was the form expressed above. A first paper was published in 1950, and a monograph expressing the mathematics more completely and adding a number of interpretive comments in 1951. When presenting the paper at the 1949 meeting of the Econometric Society, a political science professor called my attention to a paper by E. J. Nanson in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria in 1882; in 1952, I learned of the work of Condorcet. Duncan Black has since given a more complete history of the subject. It was marked by rediscoveries, since there had never been a continuous tradition.
Reprinted from Arrow, K. J. (1991). The origins of the impossibility theorem. In J. K. Lenstra, A. H. G. Rinnooy Kan, A. Schrijver (Eds.), History of mathematical programming: A collection of personal reminiscences. Amsterdam: North-Holland. Copyright © 1991 with permission from Elsevier.