
“Abbi is a visionary. She is fiercely creative, and her voracious imagination is pal-pable on these pages. Her illustration is a world I want to literally jump into and live in, and I’m closer to it than ever before with Carry This Book. It’s interactive and voyeuristic, and the most delicious part is seeing inside Abbi’s curious, ro-mantic mind.” Ilana Glazer

“We’ve been asked what’s in our wallets. We’ve been told what’s in a name. Now Abbi looks at what’s in the bags and suitcases of real and fictional people. Homer Simpson? Check. Michael Jordan? Check. Anna Wintour? Check. Looking at these illustrations and trying to guess who they belong to is like an inside-out game of Where’s Waldo? You know what’s amazing? After I was done reading, I emptied out my own Kipling bag, and this book was in it.” Questlove

“Abbi is very smart. And she can write. And she can draw. She conquers all. Abbisolutely.” Maira Kalman

“Using a comedic, ingenious blurring of reality and fantasy, Abbi has created a wondrous peek into secret worlds. Her work captures something essential about her subjects, allowing us to revel and delight in an imagined space. Carry This Book is visually enchanting and a joy to read.” Carrie Brownstein

“The hilarious and lovely Abbi Jacobson is in book form. Fantastic!”

Aziz Ansari