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Copyright © 2016 by Abbi Jacobson
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ISBN 9780735223233
Set in Gotham
Designed by Abbi Jacobson
I wonder how this book made its way into your hands. You might have bought it because you are into Broad City, or someone gave it to you as a gift (solid friend), or maybe you’re sitting in a dope waiting room full of cool books. How-ever you stumbled upon it, you’re here and I’m glad. So . . . What the fuck is this book? Is it a coffee-table book? I think so . . . I always wanted to make a book people would display on their coffee tables. You might be at some interesting, attractive person’s house and THIS IS ON THEIR COFFEE TABLE!? Probably. Obviously. That’s gotta be a high percentage of you.
So, welcome to my book. Let me give you a bit of an introduction to what you’re about to get into:
I have always been intrigued by what people carry around with them. It can tell you everything. I like how people organize their things, their wallets, their cars, their bags, etc. We are curating our worlds almost constantly with the items we choose to bring with us.