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abandoned villages. See land, abandoned

Abel, W.

Agincourt, Battle of

agricultural productivity. See carrying capacity

Alexander I, tsar of Russia

Alexander II, tsar of Russia

Alexander III, tsar of Russia

Allen, R. C.

Alston, R.

Americas, exploitation of. See New World exploitation

Anne, empress of Russia

Antonine plague

Antoninus Pius

Antony, Mark


artisanship and handcrafts; in France; in Russia

Astrakhan khanate

Atticus, T. Pomponius

Augustus. See also Octavian

Bagnall, R.

Baratier, E.

Basil II, grand prince of Moscow

Basil III, grand prince of Moscow

Basin, T.

bastard feudalism

Bean, J.M.W.

Beik, W.

Beloch, J.

Berthe, M.

bifurcation points

birth rates. See reproductive rates

Black Death epidemic

Bois, G.

Boissière, P.

Bonney, R.

Boris Godunov, tsar of Russia

Borsch, S.

Boserup, E.

Bourbon cycle (France)


Braudel, F.

Brenner, R.

Brunt, P. A.

Brusilov, A. A.

business persons. See merchants/business persons

Caesar, Julius


Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure

Campbell, B.M.S.


Carpentier, È.

carrying capacity; in China; in England; in France; of Rome; in Russia

Catherine II, empress of Russia

Charles IV, king of France

Charles V, king of France

Charles VI, king of France

Charles VII, king of France

Charles VIII, king of France

Chelnokov, M. V.


church bureaucracies. See clergy


civil wars. See also sociopolitical instability

Clark, G.


clergy; in England; in France

climatic influences; on England; on France; on Russia


coin hoards; in England; in France; in Rome; in Russia

Colbert, J.-B.


commoners; in England; in France; in Rome. See also peasants

Conflict of the Orders (Rome)

Constantine, grand duke of Russia


consumption patterns; for elites; in England; in France; for peasants; in Rome; in Russia

Contamine, Philippe

crafts. See artisanship and handcrafts

Crassus, Marcus Licinius

Crawford, M.

Crécy, Battle of

credentialing crises. See student populations

Crimean War (1853–56)

crime waves; in England; in France; in Russia

crisis phases; in England; in France; of Rome; in Russia

crop failures: in England; in Russia

currency policies: of England; of Rome; of Russia

David II, king of Scotland

Decembrist Rising (1825)

deLigt, L.

Denholm-Young, N.

depression phases; in England; in France; of Rome

De Sanctis, G.

deurbanization. See urbanization/deurbanization

Dewald, J.

diminishing returns, law of



disease. See epidemics

disintegrative trends. See also specific phases (e.g., crisis phases)

Dobb, M.

Domesday Book


Dow-Jones Industrial Average


Drusus, Livius, the Younger


Duncan-Jones, R.

Dunning, C.

Dupâquier, J.

Duplessy, J.

Durnovo, P. N.

Dyer, C.

economic trends; in England; in France; of Rome; in Russia

education trends. See student populations

Edward I, king of England

Edward II, king of England

Edward III, king of England

Edward IV, king of England

Edward V, king of England


elite dynamics; consumption patterns and; in England; in France; Ibn Khaldun cycles and; overproduction and; patronage and; of Rome; in Russia. See also surplus-extraction relationships

elite incomes; in England; in France; in Rome; in Russia. See also wages

Elizabeth, empress of Russia

Elizabeth I, queen of England

England: carrying capacity in; clergy in; climatic influences on; coin hoards in; consumption patterns in; crime waves in; crisis phases in; crop failures in; currency policies of; definitions of cycles for; depression phases in; economic trends in; elite dynamics in; entry fines in; epidemics in; expansion phases in; extinction rates in; famines in; fathers-and-sons cycles in; gentry in; geopolitical environments of; incomes (elite) in; intraelite competition in; land abandonment in; land availability in; landownership in; land rents in; land-to-peasant ratios in; litigation in; living standards in; misery index in; money supply in; mortality rates in; patronage in; peasants/commoners in; population dynamics in; prices in; protective settlement patterns in; public building in; reproductive/replacement rates in; social mobility in; social structures in; sociopolitical instability in; stagflation phases in; state finances in; student populations in; surplus-extraction relationships in; trade in; urbanization in; wages in; wages (military) in

entry fines

epidemics; in England; in France; in Rome; in Russia

Ermolov, A. S.

Eskin, Iu. M.

expansion phases; in England; in France; of Rome; in Russia

extinction rates: in England; in France; in Rome. See also mortality rates

famines; in England; in France; in Russia

farmers/fermier (France)

fathers-and-sons cycles; in England; of Rome; in Russia

February Revolution (1917)

Fedor, tsar of Russia

Fedorov, V. A.

feedback effects

food prices. See prices

food riots

Fourquin, G.

France: artisanship/handcrafts in; carrying capacity in; clergy in; climatic influences on; coin hoards in; consumption patterns in; crime waves in; crisis phases in; definition of cycles for; depression phases in; economic trends in; elite dynamics in; epidemics in; expansion phases in; extinction rates in; famines in; gentry in; incomes (elite) in; intraelite competition in; land abandonment in; land availability in; land prices in; land rents in; land-to-peasant ratios in; living standards in; mortality ratesin; patronage in; peasants/commoners in; population dynamics in; prices in; protective settlement patterns in; replacement rates in; social mobility in; social structures in; sociopolitical instability in; stagflation phases in; state finances in; surplus-extraction relationships in; trade in; urbanization in; wages in; wages (military) in

François I, king of France

François II, king of France

Frank, T.

free land. See land availability

Frier, B. W.

Fronde (France)


generation cycles. See fathers-and-sons cycles

gentry: in England; in France; in Russia

geopolitical environments; of England; of Russia


Gesta Stephani

Given-Wilson, C.

Glyn Dwr uprising (1400)

Gohlener, V. M

Goldstone, J.

Gorfunkel, A. H.

Gracchus, Gaius

Gracchus, Tiberius Sempronius

grain prices. See prices

grain reserves

Greenberg, J.

Grigg, D.


Hallam, H. E.

Hanawalt, B.

Han Fei-Tzu

Harl, K. W.

Hatcher, J.

heights of individuals

Henri II, king of France

Henri IV, king of France

Henry II, king of England

Henry III, king of England

Henry IV, king of England

Henry V, king of England

Henry VI, king of England

Henry VII, king of England

Hilton, R. H.

Hollingsworth, T. H.

Hopkins, K.

Hoskins, W. G.

Hundred Rolls

Hundred Years’ War

Ibn Khaldun

Ibn Khaldun cycles

ideological conflicts

incomes. See elite incomes; wages; wages, military

Industrial Revolution

infanticide/infant mortality

instability indexes

integrative trends. See also specific phases (e.g., expansion phases)

intercycle phases

intraelite competition; in England; in France; in Rome; in Russia


Ivan III, grand prince of Moscow

Ivan IV, tsar of Russia

Jacquart, J.

James I, king of England

James II, king of England

John II, king of France

Jones, R.

Jongman, W.

Kazan khanate

Keene, D.

Kerridge, E.

Kievan cycle (Russia)

King, G.

Kiser, E.

Kolesnikov, S. P.

Kollmann, N. S.

Kolycheva, E. I.

Kondratieff cycles

Kopanev, A. I.

Krizhanich, Y.

land, abandoned: in England; in France; in Rome; in Russia

land availability; in England; in France; in Rome; in Russia

land occupancy

landownership; in England; in Russia

land prices; in France; in Rome

land rents; in England; in France; in Rome; in Russia

land-to-peasant ratios: in England; in France; in Russia

Langdon, J.

law suits. See litigation trends

lawyers. See professional persons

Lee, J. S.

Lepidus, Marcus Aemilius

Le Roy Ladurie, E.

Lewit, T.

Licino-Sextian laws

Lindert, P. H.

Linton, A.


litigation trends

living standards; in England; in France; in Rome; in Russia. See also consumption patterns

Livonian War (1557–82)


Loades, D.

Lo Cascio, E.

Lorcin, M.-T.

Louis VI, king of France

Louis IX, king of France

Louis X, king of France

Louis XI, king of France

Louis XIII, king of France

Louis XIV, king of France

Macedonian Wars


Malthus, T. R. See Malthusian-Ricardian theory

Malthusian-Ricardian theory


Marcus Aurelius

Marius, Gaius

Marxist theory

Mary, queen of England

mass mobilization potential

Matthew effect

McEvedy, C.

McFarlane, K. B.

merchants/business persons

Mertes, K.

migrations. See also urbanization/deurbanization

Miliukov, P. N.

Mironov, B. N.

misery index

monasteries, dissolution of

monetarist theory

mortality rates; in England; in France; in Rome; in Russia. See also extinction rates


New World exploitation

Nicholas I, tsar of Russia

Nicholas II, tsar of Russia


O'Brien, P.

occupation index

Octavian. See also Augustus

Olearius, A.

Ordinance of Laborers (England)

Ormrod, W. M.


Orthodox Church, Russian

Ottoman Empire

Overton, M.

Painter, S.

Palitsin, A.

Paris, M.

patronage: in England, in France

Paul I, tsar of Russia

Pearl, R.

peasant revolts. See sociopolitical instability

peasants; in England; enserfment/emancipation of; in France; in Rome; in Russia. See also surplus-extraction relationships

People's Will

Perroy, E.



Peter I, tsar of Russia

Peter III, tsar of Russia


Petreus, P.

Pflaum, H. G.

Philip II Augustus, king of France

Philip IV, king of France

Philip VI, king of France



Poitiers, Battle of



Pompeius, Gnaeus Magnus (“Pompey the Great”)

Pompey, Sextus

Popper, K.

popular uprisings. See also sociopolitical instability

population dynamics; in England; in France; of Rome; in Russia. See also specific classes

Postan, M. M.

prices; in England; in France; in Rome; in Russia

professional persons (lawyers, doctors, etc.)

protective settlement patterns; in England; in France; in Rome

public building; in England; in Rome; in Russia

Punic Wars

Ramsay, J. H.

Razin, Stepan

rents. See land rents

replacement rates: in England; in France; in Rome

reproductive rates

Ricardo, D. See Malthusian-Ricardian theory

Richard II, king of England

Richard III, king of England

Rogers, T.

Romano, R.

Rome, carrying capacity of; coin hoards in; consumption patterns in; crisis phases of; currency policies of; definition of cycles for; depression phases of; economic trends of; elite dynamics of; epidemics in; expansion phases of; extinction rates in; fathers-and-sons cycles in; incomes (elite) in; intraelite competition in; land abandonment in; land prices in; land rents in; living standards in; mortality rates in; plebeians/commoners in; population dynamics of; prices in; protective settlement patterns in; public building in; reproductive/replacement rates in; slaves in; social mobility in; social structures of; sociopolitical instability of; stagflation phases of; state finances of; surplus-extraction relationships in; trade in; urbanization in; wages in; wages (military) in

Rosenstein, N.

rural settlement fluctuations. See also urbanization/deurbanization

Russell, J. C.

Russia: artisanship/handcrafts in; carrying capacity in; climatic influences on; coin hoards in; consumption patterns in; crime waves in; crisis phases in; crop failures in; currency policies of; economic trends in; elite dynamics in; epidemics in; expansion phases in; famines in; fathers-and-sons cycles in; gentry in; geopolitical environments of; governmental structures in; incomes (elite) in; intra-elite competition in; land abandonment in; land availability in; land rents in; land-to-peasant ratios in; litigation in; living standards in; mortality rates in; peasants in; population dynamics in; prices in; public building in; serfs in; slaves in; social mobility in; social structures in; sociopolitical instability in; stagflation phases in; state finances in, student populations in; surplus-extraction relationships in; trade in; urbanization in; wages in

Russian Orthodox Church

Russian Revolution (1905)

Russian Revolution (1917)

Russo-Japanese War (1904–05)

Saturninus, Lucius Apuleius

Scheidel, W.

Schlesinger, A. M., Jr.

secular cycles: exogenous forces in; generation cycles in; historical background of; laws of historical dynamics and; lengths of; phases of; research methodology for; theory of; variations/extensions of theory on

Septimius Severus

serfs, in Russia

Seven Years’ War

Shatzman, I.

Skocpol, T.

Skrynnikov, R. G.

slaves: in Rome, in Russia

Social Democratic Party (Russia)

Socialist Revolutionary Party (Russia)

social mobility; in England; in France; in Rome; in Russia

social structures; in England; in France; of Rome; in Russia. See also specific classes

Social War

sociopolitical instability; in England; in France; of Rome; in Russia; tables of

Sorokin, P. A.


stagflation phases; in England; in France; of Rome; in Russia

Stainero, J.

state, the. See also sociopolitical instability

state finances; in England; in France; of Rome; in Russia

Stephen, king of England

Stone, L.

Storey, R. L.

student populations

Suger, abbot of St. Denis


Sumption, J.

surplus-extraction relationships; in England; in France; in Rome; in Russia

Sweezy, P.

taxes/taxation. See state finances

technological progress. See also Industrial Revolution

territorial expansion. See also warfare, external

Thirty Years’ War

Thompson, J.D.A.


Tihonov, Yu. A.

Time of Troubles (Russia)

Titow, J. Z.

Tolstoy, L.

Toynbee, A.

trade; in England; in France; in Rome; in Russia


Union of Liberation (Russia)

urbanization/deurbanization; in England; in France; in Rome; in Russia. See also land; abandoned


Valuev, P. A.

Verhulst, P.


Vodarski, Ya. E.

Vyshnegradsky, I. A.

wages; in England; in France; in Germany; in Rome; in Russia. See also elite incomes

wages; military: in England; in France; in Rome


warfare, external; England/France; France; Rome; Russia

Wars of Religion

Wars of the Roses

War with Hannibal. See also Punic Wars

Wells, R. J.

Williams, P.

Witte, S. Yu.

Wood, James

worker uprisings

Wrigley, E. A.

youth cohorts

Zasulich, V.

Zhao, W.