- accusation (ak-yoo-ZAY-shuhn)—
- a claim that someone has done something wrong
- aggressive (uh-GREH-siv)—
- ready to attack
- contagious (kun-TAY-jus)—
- spreadable
- crescendo (kruh-SHEN-doh)—
- something, like music, that increases gradually the reach the highest point
- deflection (de-FLEK-shuhn)—
- causing something to change direction
- demotion (de-MO-shuhn)—
- to change the rank or position of someone to a lower or less important one
- enthusiasm (en-THOO-zee-az-uhm)—
- great excitement or interest
- equation (i-KWAY-zhuhn)—
- a mathematical or scientific statement
- ferocious (fuh-ROH-shuhs)—
- fierce and savage
- humiliation (hyoo-MIL-ee-ay-shuhn)—
- a feeling of being very ashamed or foolish
- offense (AW-fenss)—
- the way that players on a team try to score points or goals against an opponent
- strategy (STRAT-uh-jee)—
- a careful plan or method
- suspension (sus-PEN-shuhn)—
- the act of forcing someone to not participate as a form of punishment
- unruly (un-ROO-lee)—
- difficult to control
- zone (ZOHN)—
- a type of defense where players guard a certain area (rather than player) on the court