—We seen his mama she dry and scant
By hook or by bent
I guttle the rudimental stories.
I’m all in-scoop
suck and swallow by dint of birth. Of shape.
—Were you hallow-nursed on riversource
upon a time ( or ‘ the rocky breasts forever ’ ) I was not.
I learned to lie in want
for succor-food; for forms; I gaped I gulped for what I got.
Nowadays to need
to come by what comes by here comes natural and needs no bait.
Just steep dead-still as a blacksnake
creek and wait.
[ my chokesome weeds, my crook, my lack, my epiphytes, my cypress knees ... ]
This old appetite as chronic as tides—
on foot or by boat by night ( please ) come slake me with radicle stories.