— the exactest element for us,

In which we pronounce joy like a word of our own

Well we’d heard it to be veiny with cottonmouths I’m not gonna lie.

For true

the sheer ( snake-electric ) back-beyond of the place

put a pull on us like a magnet.

That that rag-rope ( flagged and ) barred the path just egged us on.

( To go and

skulk- and sidle-learn

to palp and tap the edge

to crack us in. )

—What’d we feel there once we’d crossed?


thought-thick trunks

of swampfoot oaks.

Something like ‘ A shift in the structure of experience. ’

Here was

Johnny Pep ( shrapped home from war )


agglomerating discards and disjecta.

His craving wove a plexus ( more a house ) from limbs and leaves.

He knit us in:

he left us be. He let us watch he watched us try

( to climb to ape his crisscross weave )

to pitch to plait the roof.

Something like ‘ Yall strayboys welcome to be welcome if you work. ’

Didn’t we ‘work’—

particular night-hoots ( and near-chromatic whistle-riffs ) in echo;

beast-likenesses ( or bugs )

he whittled live from hickory showed us how.

He’d let us

watch him strip and shave

the shagbark bark

to taste ( to read ) to mull the grain.

Something like ‘ root-room ’ I reckon. Something like

‘ When Johnny Pep hitched home from war

we took to carving ( curing ) scraplings into shapes. ’