DAY 14

Loving Yourself: A Review of Your Second Week

Today you review your progress in your mirror work and learn how to give yourself more time and encouragement on the journey.

How proud I am of you, dear ones! Here it is the end of our second week, and there you are in front of your friend, your mirror, practicing and learning each day the many ways you can reflect more love back into your life! You deserve love and joy and all the good that life has to offer you.

You may still feel a little silly or uneasy doing your mirror work. That’s okay. I encourage you to be patient with yourself as you embark on new exercises each day. Change can be difficult, or it can be easy. Remember that this is a journey of self-love and acceptance, and acknowledge all the effort you are making.

You have accomplished so much already. You have seen how your mirror helps you become much more aware of what you say and do. You are learning how to let go of whatever does not serve you. You are becoming more aware of your self-talk, listening carefully to your words and learning how to turn them around into positive affirmations. You are also working hard to transform your inner critic into an admiring fan who will praise and compliment your efforts and your commitment to change. Good for you!

Your inner child was the subject of two lessons this past week, and you bravely tackled them both. Give yourself a big cheer! You introduced yourself to your inner child, and you are beginning to understand what this little one is feeling. You are also finding time to hold this child in your arms and let it know how safe and loved it is. I am so proud of you for taking this enormous step toward loving yourself.

After these first 14 lessons, you are discovering how your body mirrors your inner thoughts and beliefs. You are beginning to pay attention to your body’s messages. You are beginning to feed your body the loving nourishment it needs: encouraging thoughts and positive affirmations. You are also noticing how good you can feel when you express your true feelings and emotions, even if they are negative ones. You must also congratulate yourself for all the hard work and exercises you are doing to release your anger toward others. This is such a healing experience that can truly change your life.

By observing your fears and addressing them during your mirror work, you have learned another very important lesson this week: you are not your fears. Fear is only a limitation of your mind. You always have a choice between love and fear.

You have also been practicing one of my favorite principles this week: how you start your day is often how you live your life. It makes me so happy to know you are making an effort to start your day with loving thoughts. This sets a positive tone for the rest of your beautiful day.

See how much you have already learned in just 14 days? Continue to give yourself every encouragement as you go through this new experience of mirror work. Always know that I am here by your side.

Let’s affirm: Here I am, world—open and receptive to all the wonderful things that this mirror-work course is teaching me.

Your Day 14 Mirror Work Exercise

  1. Find a photo of yourself as a child at a time when you were truly happy. Perhaps you have a snapshot taken at your birthday party, or while you were doing something with friends or visiting one of your favorite places.
  2. Tape this photo to your bathroom mirror.
  3. Talk to that vibrant and happy child in the photo. Tell this child how much you want to feel that way again. Discuss with your inner child your true feelings and what’s holding you back.
  4. Say these affirmations to yourself: I am willing to let go of all my fears. I am safe. I love my inner child. I love you. I am happy. I am content. And I am loved.
  5. Repeat these affirmations ten times.

The Power Is Within You: Your Day 14 Journaling Exercise

  1. Take out your journal and open it to the first exercise you did on Day 7.
  2. Read the feelings and observations you wrote down when you did your mirror work that day.
  3. On a new page, write down your feelings and observations today, after the second week of mirror work. Are the exercises getting easier for you? Are you feeling more comfortable looking in the mirror?
  4. Write down where you are having the most success. Write down where you are having the most trouble.
  5. Create a new mirror work exercise and affirmations to help you in those areas where you are experiencing blocks.

Your Heart Thought for Day 14: I Am Willing to See Only My Magnificence

Choose to eliminate from your mind and your life every negative, destructive, fearful idea and thought. No longer listen to or become part of detrimental thoughts or conversations. Today no one can harm you because you refuse to believe in being hurt. You refuse to indulge in damaging emotions, no matter how justified they may seem to be. You rise above anything that attempts to make you angry or afraid. Destructive thoughts have no power over you.

You think and say only what you want to create in your life. You are more than adequate for all you need to do. You are one with the Power that created you. You are safe. All is well in your world.

Your Day 14 Meditation: Feel Your Power
(Day 14 of the audio download)

Welcome this new day with open arms and love. Feel your power. Feel the power of your breath. Feel the power of your voice. Feel the power of your love. Feel the power of your forgiveness. Feel the power of your willingness to change.

You are beautiful. You are a divine, magnificent being. You deserve all good—not just some good, but all good. Feel your power and be at peace with it, for you are safe.