Abbott, Greg
Abdulmutallab, Umar Farouk
Abouhalima, Mahmud
Adams, Christian
Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud
Aid to Families with Dependent Children
Al Qaeda passim
American Constitution Society
American Council of Trustees and Alumni
American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
American Federation of Teachers
American Lung Association
Annals of Internal Medicine
Annan, Kofi
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty
Anti-Defamation League
Arab League
Arab Spring
Arms Trade Treaty
Arum, Richard, Academically Adrift
Awlaki, Anwar al-
Baker, James
Ban Ki-moon
Berwick, Dr. Donald
Biden, Joe
Bin al-Shibh, Ramzi
Bin Laden, Osama
Blackburn, Dr. Elizabeth
Blair, Dennis
Blumenthal, Dr. David
Brandeis, Louis
Breuer, Lenny
British Journal of General Practice
Browner, Carol
Brzezinski, Zbigniew
Buchanan, James
Buffett rule
Bull, Bartle
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
Burlingame, Debra
Bush, George H. W.
Bush, George W.; debt and spending under; environmental policies of; Justice Department; national security policies of passim passim; tax cuts
Byrd, Robert
Caro, Robert
Carter, Jimmy
Castro, Fidel; and brother Raul
Celebrezze, Anthony J.
Census Bureau
Center for Equal Opportunity
Center for Responsive Politics
Chávez, Hugo
Cheney, Dick
Christie, Chris
Chronicle of Higher Education
Civil Rights
Clean Air Act
Clean Water Act
Clegg, Roger
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Hillary
Coates, Chris
Coburn, Tom
Cohen, Dr. Seymour
Commission on Federal Election Reform
Commonwealth Fund, The
Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
Conrad, Kent
Constitution; First Amendment; Fifth Amendment
Contract with America
Corzine, Jon
Crane, David
Croly, Herbert
Cuomo, Andrew
Curtis, Thomas
Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care 2008,
Daschle, Tom
Daskal, Jennifer
Declaration of Independence
Deng Xiaoping
Department of Defense
Department of Justice
Department of Labor
Dewey, John
Dickens, Charles
Donahue, John
Dukakis, Michael
Earned Income Tax Credit
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Eliot, George, Middlemarch
Emanuel, Dr. Ezekiel
Emanuel, Rahm
Employee Free Choice Act
European Union
Fair Labor Standards Act
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac
“Fast and Furious,” see Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
Federal Reserve Board
Federalist Papers, The
Feldt, Gloria
Fernandes, Julie
Fields, Dr. David
Forbes, Steve
Ford, Gerald
Ford, Henry
Foster, Richard
Frank, Barney
Frankfurter, Felix
Friedman, Milton
Fulbright, William
Gaddafi, Muammar
Galbraith, John Kenneth
Gallup poll
Gates, Robert
George III
Ghailani, Ahmed
G.I. Bill
Gibbs, Robert
Gingrich, Newt
Global Security Review
Goldwater, Barry
Gonzales, Alberto
Gore, Al
Gration, J. Scott
Gregg, Judd
Gregoire, Christine
Greider, Dr. Carol
Guantanamo Bay passim
Guillory, Dr. Samuel
Hamdan, Salim
Hasan, Nidal Malik
Hassett, Kevin
Hatch, Orrin
HAVA (Help America Vote Act)
Hayden, Gen. Michael
Hayek, Friedrich von, The Road to Serfdom
Head Start
Health Affairs
Heartland Institute, The ObamaCare Disaster
Heritage Foundation, The
Higher education bubble
Hitler, Adolf
Holbrooke, Richard
Holder, Eric
Home Affordable Modification Program
Hood, John
Hoover, Herbert
Hoyer, Steny
Human Rights Watch
International Criminal Court (ICC); Rome Statute
International Monetary Fund
Islamiyah, Jemaah
Jackson, Henry “Scoop,”
Jackson, Jerry
Jackson, Lisa
Jackson, Robert
Johnsen, Dawn
Johnson, Lyndon
Journal of the American Medical Association
Journal of Economic Literature
Kahane, Meir
Kamenetz, Anya, DIY U
Kasich, John
Kassimir, Dr. Joel
Katyal, Neal
Kemp, Jack
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Robert
Kerry, John
Kessler, Ronald, Inside the White House
Keynsian economics
Khadr, Omar
Khan, Dr. Abdul Qadeer
Khan Academy
Kincannon, Louis
King, Brad
King, Loretta
King, Martin Luther
Kinston, N.C.
Krugman, Paul
Ku Klux Klan
Laffer, Arthur; The End of Prosperity
Lancet, The
Landmines Convention
Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST)
Leahy, Patrick
Leighninger, Leslie
Lincoln, Abraham
Lindh, John Walker
Lloyd George, David
Lohmann, Roger and Nancy, Social Administration
Long, Huey
Mac Donald, Heather
Madison, James
Madoff, Bernie
Manza, Jeff
Marri, Ali Saleh Kahlah al-
Marshall, Thurgood
Martin, Trayvon
Mathematica Policy Research
Matthews, Chris
McCain, John
McCarran-Ferguson Act
McEntee, Gerald
Meany, George
Medvedev, Dmitry
Meet the Press
Micheletti, Roberto
Milosevic, Slobodan
Mitchell, George
Moe, Terry
Mohammed, Binyam
Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh (KSM)
Moore, Stephen, The End of Prosperity
Morales, Evo
Morning Edition
Morrill, Justin; Morrill Act
Moses, Dr. Jeffrey
Mundt, Karl
Musgrove, Dr. Philip
Musharraf, Pervez
Mussolini, Benito
Napolitano, Janet
Nashiri, Abd al-Rahim al-
National Abortion Rights Action League
National Affairs
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
National Bureau of Economic Research
National Education Association
National Endowment for the Arts
National Health Service (British)
National Industrial Recovery Act
National Intelligence Estimate
National Labor Relations Act
National Voter Registration Act
Netanyahu, Benjamin
New Black Panther Party (NBPP)
New England Journal of Medicine
New START Treaty
New York Times, The.
Newsome, Gavin
Nixon, Richard
Nobel Prizes
Nosair, El Sayyid
Nuremberg tribunals
Obama, Barack; and the economy; and environmental issues passim; health care plans of; and the justice department; and national security; and national sovereignty; and voting practices; and the war on terror
Obama, Michelle
ObamaCare; see also Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Ogden, David
O’Keefe, James
Okun, Arthur
O’Neill, Tip
Operation Cast Lead
Orszag, Peter
Ortega, Daniel
Our Global Neighborhood
Padilla, José
Paine, Tom, Common Sense
Panetta, Leon
Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act
Pascal, Blaise
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA); see also ObamaCare
Patriot Act
Peace of Westphalia
Pelosi, Nancy
Perez, Thomas
Perrelli, Thomas
Perry, Mark
Petraeus, David
Pew Research Center
Pfeifer, Dr. Tracy
Philadelphia Inquirer
Planned Parenthood
Popple, Philip
Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI)
Putin, Vladimir
Quinn, Jack
Rahman, Omar Abdel
Rand, Ayn
Rasmussen, Scott; Reports
Rauh, Joshua
Reagan, Ronald; Reagonomics
Reich, Robert
Reid, Richard
Ressam, Ahmed
Rice, Susan
Rich, Marc
Richardson, Bill
Riedl, Brian
Roberts, John
Roksa, Josipa, Academically Adrift
Romer, Christina
Romer, David
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Theodore
Ross, Dennis
Rubin, Robert
Ryan, Paul
Saddam Hussein
Salameh, Mohammed
Samore, Gary
San Francisco Chronicle
Sanders, Bernie
Sandoval, Brian
Sarkozy, Nicolas
Scanlon, Larry
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
Seattle Times
September 11, 2001 , absence of attacks after; attacks; economic effect of; trials after
Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
Shabazz, King Samir
Sharpton, Al
Shleifer, Andrei
Sierra Club
Smith, Adam
Social Security
Soufan, Ali
Southern Poverty Law Center
Spakovsky, Hans von
Speer, Christopher
Sprizzo, John
St. Louis Post Dispatch
St. Petersburg Times
Stein, Herbert
Stevens, John Paul
Stiglitz, Joseph
Supreme Court; Boumediene v. Bush; Crawford v. Marion County Election Board; Gonzales v. Oregon; Gonzales v. Raich; Griswold v. Connecticut; Hamdan v. Rumsfeld; Johnson v. Eisentrager; ObamaCare hearing; Roe v. Wade;
Schechter decision
Sutton, Willie
Stock market crash
Szostak, Dr. Jack
TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program)
Tauscher, Ellen
Tenet, George
Thatcher, Margaret
Thernstrom, Abigail
Thomas, Clarence
Thomas, Evan
Thurmond, Strom
Tobin, James
Tocqueville, Alexis, Democracy in America
Truman, Harry
Twight, Charlotte
Uggen, Christopher
United Nations passim
Uribe, Álvaro
Van Rompuy, Herman
Vedder, Richard
Viard, Alan
Village Voice
Villaraigosa, Antonio
Voter ID
Voting rights
Wagner, Robert, Jr.
Wagner Act
Walker, Scott
Wall Street Journal, The
Washington, George
Washington Post, The
West, Tony
Wilson, Woodrow
Winthrop, John
Works Progress Administration
World Bank
World Economic Forum
World Health Organization
World Trade Center bombing (1993)
Young, Coleman
Yousef, Ramzi
Zelaya, Manuel
Zimmerman, George
Zubaydah, Abu