OCTOBER 12, 1974

It is surprising how many things you can learn to do with one hand.

Example #1: Yesterday, I had to dash by the grocery store with Deignan. I slung her across my shoulder (gently!), threw my items in the cart and dashed to the checkout to pay. I even carried the small bag to the car in one hand. Ol’ Deig slept peacefully on my left shoulder the whole time.

Example #2: This morning, she wanted some carrying around, so I cleaned up the living room, emptied and reloaded the dishwasher and put two Stevie Wonder albums on the record player, all with Deig in her usual position draped over my left breast.

I read an article that said mothers universally carry their children on their left sides. The man who did the study was theorizing that this happens so the babies can be near their mother’s heartbeat, which calms them and makes them remember their time in the womb. Bullshit! He’s never had to function with one hand! I’ll bet right-handed mothers carry their babies on the left and left-handed mothers carry their babies on the right to leave the most-used hand free for action. His theory is overly romantic! I wish I could get a grant to prove mine! Women’s studies at their finest!