JANUARY 3, 1975

It is frightening to see what is happening in this country. The unemployment rate is 7.1 percent and growing every week. People just don’t have any jobs. I went to the grocery store this evening by myself and as I was picking up my bags, an older white man came up and put the bags in the car for me. You could tell he was embarrassed to be doing it, but he needed the money. I felt paranoid as hell since he was a stranger, but I gave him some money. He thanked me and walked away. It was sad.

Gerald Ford is a complete fool! He’s off skiing for two weeks while Rockefeller skulks around in the background and Henry Kissinger gives inane interviews about nothing ruling out the possibility of violence as we rip off the Arabs and claim their oil as our own. Things are getting worse and worse. How do poor people survive?