OCTOBER 1, 1977

Working part-time at the museum is like stepping into another world. Yesterday, we got a letter from a Yugoslavian painter who wants to exhibit at the museum. Even though I’m just there to do public relations work, they give it to me to craft a reply. He says everything in English, but so wrong. It is really sweet. My favorite lines are: “If you would like to contact me later, I shall be happy to indulge your demands in my possibilities.” And: “If I can be immodest, I am sure that your public and reviewers would on the same way with the rapture accept my paintings.” Clearly, the man is a genius. I don’t know if his work is any good, but I would love to hear him talk.

Steve Martin has done an album called Let’s Get Small. I love the little routine about a drug that makes you get small. He talks about it like it was grass. I wonder how I’ll feel hearing that when I’m fifty, which ain’t so far away. Will I still think it’s funny? Will I still get small?