AUGUST 25, 1981

Marched into her office, yes I did! And said: “I can’t stand it. I gotta go. I’ll stay till the end of September, but sorry, nothing personal, but I gotta go.” I quit that job! Gave notice. She wouldn’t hear it. “You can’t!” she said. “We’ll lose the account if you do.” I didn’t cry. “I can’t be a straight person,” I said. “I can’t do it.” And I left the meeting. Split immediately. Came home. Took a shower. Changed clothes. Went to an interview for another job that won’t drive me crazy and crossed my fingers. I hope they will hire me, but even if they don’t, I feel so good. I feel better. I feel freer.

I sat in there and looked at my boss and I said to myself: “You don’t have to do this/be here/take this. You can split!” And I did.