JANUARY 25, 1972

Note on Ms.: It has some fairly decent articles, but they are all/all/all, down to the last woman, middle class and overwhelmingly white. A few examples: an evening where a housewife has her moment of truth. There are three couples there in the story. The husbands are all lawyers. The wives are a teacher, a doctor and a writer. How middle class can you get? And they are all white. The woman who is a writer also tells feminist fables, has published a novel and gives lectures on modern poetry. Gloria Steinem is the epitome of the women Ms. is talking to. The women working on the magazine all try to identify with non-white women and say that among women “there are no barriers,” but the only black woman in the whole issue is a black welfare mother who is in the fucking back of the magazine. She is obviously being used as a token. Her piece is not a lead article, but her picture is in the table of contents so you will think they are into a black/third world thing. It is not addressed to women. It is addressed to white women, and not even all of them. I don’t know why I feel so pissed about it. I guess I hoped for more. I must be a more radical feminist than I thought, plucked eyebrows and all. I am letting them grow back. Fuck this fake shit! I don’t care if Nefertiti did do it!