JUNE 3, 1974

Officially into that final and most difficult trimester. Almost time for the kid. But this is basically another entry about the things the books don’t usually tell you about. Seems that all the uglies wait until the end. Just when you are getting the most weight gain because the baby is starting to pick up weight (until now it is you who has been gaining; the kid only weighs two pounds at most!), you also find that your skin is beginning to break out in earnest. Not an occasional blemish, but a real case of teenage acne. And then your hair grows faster, but more unevenly and you feel heavy, awkward and generally fat/fat/fat. Note: Arms seem to be the most precarious part of my anatomy right now. They feel really chunky and sleeveless dresses are absolutely required in Georgia in the summertime. Help! But the skin problem is really a bitch. All that stuff about the glow of motherhood? It’s just teenage acne back to haunt us!

But, Dr. Borders heard the baby’s heartbeat today and said it is really strong. According to the kicking I’ve been receiving, it is a linebacker for the Green Bay Packers. I am uglier, but in a mostly positive mood. Thank heaven for that!