There’s just something about knowing your daughter could have been killed in a neighborhood that makes you fall in love with a place. After all, she hadn’t died. Could the neighborhood somehow be responsible for her not dying, and if so, how do you thank a neighborhood? By continuing to live there and love one’s neighbors? And what if, as soon as you’d moved there, you had begun making plans to move away, mostly because of the neighbors, whom you did not love?
It was easy to love our closest neighbors, the two or three families from whom we borrowed eggs and ladders, but just beyond the mouth of the cul-de-sac were graver dangers we hadn’t noticed until it was too late: Renters. Not the good kind who grow their own flowers and poison their weeds, but the kind who poison their flowers and grow their own weed. The housing market was a goner, and the renters poured in two by two, and it was not long before their homes started to look as though pornographic films and ritual murders were being filmed inside: the venetian blinds tattered, a front door that appeared to have been clawed at by a large mammal, strange garbage by the roadside: empty boxes of Milwaukee’s Best, cartons of latex gloves, discarded tubs of what appeared to be monitor lizard food. These lizard people were up to no good, one feared.
“Where do you live?” people asked me. That’s a popular question anywhere, but especially in an old city like Savannah, the answer sure to give the asker clues as to how comfortable you are with your children having friends who have witnessed a murder or know what a bail bondsman is.
On their first visit to the city, my father grimaced at every home in our neighborhood: The tall grass, the weedy flower beds, the sunken roofs, the disturbing shortage of American trucks. This was an unfit place for his boy. His boy, after all, was a doctor.
“This is my son, Dr. Key,” Pop had begun saying to his cousins at family funerals.
“How impressive!” they’d say, preparing to invite me to study their growths. “And what kind of doctor are you?”
“I’m an English teacher.”
“What kind, you say?”
“I treat people who are having trouble with their colons.”
“And semicolons.”
“Oh! I see!” they’d say, more confused, looking around for assistance.
My wife would intervene.
“He’s not the kind of doctor who helps people,” she would say.
“I thought you said he was a doctor,” they’d say to Pop.
“A professor!” he’d declare with visible pride.
Professors were supposed to live in big old houses in places where American flags and wisteria whipped in the tastefully scented wind, and it would have been too difficult to explain to Pop that those days were over, that universities were indeed lovely places to work but the salaries for people who scanned sonnets for fun was somewhat less than for those who scanned tumors.
Had he really worked that hard to give his boy a life in a place where everything was smaller: the bathrooms, the dogs, the guns? The house was so tiny that I’d had to put my drums on the back porch, which pleased my wife, because she believed they’d be easier for someone to steal, but I didn’t like it, and neither did Pop. Playing drums was strange enough; keeping them on your back porch was just trashy. Born in 1942, right there in between the Depression babies and the boomers, Pop came from a generation where everything got bigger and better every day in every way, and that included your income and your square footage and your prospects and your BMI. I wanted to show him that a smaller house didn’t necessarily mean a smaller life, that I thought it would be good for my offspring to grow up in a place where the children didn’t all look alike and they could learn the virtue of humility and what sorts of trees to climb when chased by marginalized dogs.
“It’s a starter home,” I explained.
“Yeah, good,” he said.
Humble people come from places like this, I thought, in addition to felons. Things were looking up. Houses had been flipped, flower boxes mounted, picket fences installed. For every discarded Magnum Lubricated Condom, there was the sudden appearance of a jogging stroller.
On the corner lot of our street lived a sweet man, a blind veteran we called Old Man Winter because he was old and grizzled and when he spoke you could sort of feel the shiver of death, and also because we could not remember his name. He usually wandered in the street, gathering tennis balls knocked over the fence from the small public courts the city had installed to attract the sort of people who might not keep lizards. Old Man Winter gathered these balls, which were the last remaining objects he could see besides the sun, and handed them out to the squirrels, who he believed were our children.
“What’s your name, again?” I asked him, often.
“What’s that?” he said.
“Your name.”
“Tennis balls,” he said, handing me one.
“Your name.”
“Tennis balls!” he said, pointing.
He would sit in the shade of his trees on a lawn chair and tell me about the trees, bigger than any dogwoods I’d ever seen, which he explained had been purchased by his dead wife in the mists of prehistory from a mail-order catalog, which he spoke about with great awe.
“It was a book full of trees,” he’d say.
“Amazing,” I’d say.
In spring, these dogwoods bloomed bright white like an earthbound cloud bank that made it almost seem like heaven, so pretty you thought you wanted to find a way to live there forever, because you’d always wanted to live in a place where people planted things that would outlive them, because real beauty took a lifetime.
He was a good man, and the neighborhood had others like him, GI Bill homesteaders who had made it a pretty place, but they were dying.
Then came the day that every homeowner knows too well, the day when you see a naked man fighting with the shrubbery. We pulled into the cul-de-sac, and we saw him in Old Man Winter’s yard.
“Is that man naked?” my wife said.
We parked, tried not to stare, but before I could get inside the house, the naked man was standing behind me.
“I got a flare,” he said.
I turned around and was pleased to note that he was not naked after all, just wearing flesh-colored shorts designed for a toddler.
“A flare!” he said again.
“A flour!” the large woman behind him said, holding sheets of paper.
They had come right up into my yard, opening the gate of my little picket fence as if it were their very own, a small but telling detail.
“A flyer?” I said.
“You bet,” he said. “I can do it all: trim, chop, lop, rake, cut.”
“He can do it all,” the large woman said.
The man was what my father would describe as “squirrelly.” Like a squirrel, he jerked, stiffened, shuddered in fleshy paroxysms the way most people do when filled with Holy Ghost Power. Unlike a squirrel, he seemed overly concerned with rubbing himself in general and his nipples in particular. He was muscular, his abs defined, what my brother would’ve described as “ripped.” He also appeared high on the drugs, perhaps of the Moon Rock variety, or whatever the youth call it these days. Kibbles ’n Bits? I had seen this sort of human before, but could not remember where. Maybe a TV show: Divorce Court? People’s Court? Cops?
The woman behind the naked man explained that she was Old Man Winter’s granddaughter. She was a big gal, and the eye was drawn to her hair, which could best be described as Thunderdome-era Tina Turner. It was red, and it swelled up and out from her skull, a rare and deadly tropical flower.
They spoke to me, handed me a flare, and were gone.
“I’m just glad we don’t live next to people like that,” my wife said.
“We’re very lucky,” I said.
A few months later, I noticed an ambulance in Old Man Winter’s driveway. Father Time had caught up with the man. They would have to saw him in half and count his rings. For a week, his family sat Shiva in the carport, which they transformed into a saloon. He had begot a tribe of excellent drinkers and smokers who seemed to find great pleasure in yelling at one another on a variety of topics, from the temperature of their beer to the proper usage of panties and tongue rings.
On the day after the funeral, I saw Captain Squirrel and Lady Thunderdome carrying what appeared to be laundry baskets full of garbage into Old Man Winter’s house.
“What are they carrying?” my wife said.
“Their stuff,” I said.
“Oh no.”
In the weeks that followed, cars packed the dirt driveway, clogged the street, parked in front of our house. Cats came, too, so many cats, urinating in my yard, sleeping on my car. There was something vaguely menacing about it, this excessive parking, this cat business. They were blocking my view. And I knew it was wrong, to want to firebomb these cars.
Apparently, Old Man Winter’s children could not decide what to do with the house, so they let one of the grandchildren squat there until plans could be made to burn it for the insurance.
“I don’t like this,” my wife said, looking through a slit in the blinds.
“Relax,” I said. “Show some Christian hospitality.”
But really, I didn’t like it, either, and I didn’t like that I was aware of not liking it, which meant I was probably too weak to go through with any sort of firebombing plan. What would Pop do? He would do the reasonable thing and start by shooting all the cats. He was a stronger man than me, not so prone to questioning his own motives. He kept a stick in the car just for hitting people.
Later, while cutting my grass like a responsible citizen, I noticed on my property what appeared to be the feces of a large mammal. And then I noticed something far worse: a small boy, on my back porch, sitting at my drums.
“Hello,” I said. “Who are you?”
“I’m a drummer,” he said.
“What’s your name?”
The little towheaded boy with the earring seemed nice enough, even though he touched my drums, which in an ideal world would result in his public execution. But I remembered Christian charity and explained that I would give him lessons, after he answered some questions.
“How big is your family?” I asked.
“I got, like, four brothers and two sisters,” he said.
“And a mom and a dad?”
“It’s like three daddies.”
“That’s not possible.”
He shrugged. Anything was possible.
“What does your momma do?” I asked.
“She’s in the beauty school,” he said. “She can do hair pretty good.”
I asked him who pooped in my yard.
“It wasn’t me,” he said.
I woke at midnight. In the distance, the cannons boomed.
“What is that sound?” the wife said.
I went to the window, eager to espy these people launching field mortars into the park. But nothing, not even a flare. Dark. It happened every night for the next many nights, boom, boom, boom. At midnight, and two, and four.
“I want to murder them,” my wife said.
“Go to sleep,” I said.
“You have to stop them,” she said.
“I’ll go talk to Jimmy,” I said.
“Jimmy” is what we had been calling him, which was short for “Jimmy Crack Corn,” which was long for “crack,” which we were very confident he smoked.
I slinked into the backyard and surveiled across property lines with a headlamp and a new stick procured expressly for hitting people. I saw what was happening. This was no mortar fire. These were doors. Doors that slammed with great force. Sliding van doors, car doors, tailgates, shed doors, screen doors. The back door, in particular, slammed with such booming fury that it sounded like someone was hurling manatee carcasses into the bed of a pickup.
What was this? A meth lab? A manatee death camp?
I needed to do something before my wife poured a bottle of Benadryl into her soul. In a burst of courage, I dropped the stick and removed the headlamp and stepped around the bamboo curtain. And there they were: Jimmy and his woman, him sweating like a can of beer, searching through boxes.
“Evening,” I said.
What happened?” my wife said.
What happened was, I apologized for my family’s vulgar habit of sleeping at night, while Lady Thunderdome belched out what sounded like a whole onion and Jimmy C.C. made some barking noises. I explained all this to my wife, who slammed her head into the pillow in an effort to induce an aneurysm, which she believed would help her sleep.
It kept happening, every night, the Battle of Verdun.
“What are they doing, you think?” I said.
“Drugs,” she said.
They acted just as unhinged during daylight, when Lady Thunderdome piloted her van like a banking jet, her regal mane attempting to escape its life of hair-sprayed servitude through an open window. She rocketed past her driveway and slingshotted herself from the rounded end of the sac and came to a neck-breaking stop in front of our house. Then she would pull up. Then back. Then up. Then back. Then into her driveway. Then out. Then in.
“What is wrong with these people?” my wife said.
Lady Thunderdome would then remove from the van a pale, thin baby made of gray plastic. It did not cry, despite its recent jaunt in the G-force simulator. The baby just stared at you. It was a Deliverance baby. It knew things.
I felt bad about thinking the baby should be in a remake of a Burt Reynolds movie and resolved to be kinder, more compassionate. And then one Saturday, there Jimmy was, on the legal side of our picket fence, drinking a Miller Lite and staring like he had a secret.
“Howdy,” I said, walking over to say hello.
In a frightening burst, a barking animal rushed from the piles of refuse in his carport, a wiener dog, a long turd of a pet the color of a bratwurst, and it barked with fury: deep, amplified, angry barks. I had always believed small dogs were sent by God as a judgment to his people and greatly desired to see this one fall into a deep hole or be swept out to sea. The dog stuck its head through a gap in the pickets and barked again. It came through the fence. It coughed. It yakked. It vomited.
The dog was now eating its own vomit six inches from my shoes, on my land.
“I fed him a sirloin,” Jimmy said, proudly.
“He appears to be eating it again,” I said.
Part of me kept wanting to hate them, maybe because it was in my bones to be in a blood feud with such people, but then I would beat back the dogs of my Scotch-Irish bellicosity and try to be a better man.
Sure, Jimmy didn’t appear to own any shirts. Sure, he’d transformed the corner lot of our cul-de-sac into a sort of Hurricane Katrina–themed terrarium, rolls of sodden carpet leaning against trees, velour recliners exposed to the elements, dead sticks of furniture lazing in the sun like poisoned cows. Sure, he was a liar, lying about all sorts of things, like how he was an entrepreneur or how he could get me a backhoe.
“Why would I need a backhoe?” I asked.
“To dig shit up,” he said. “It’s always shit needs to be dug up.”
He pointed around my yard at various shit that was in the ground.
I did like the way Jimmy talked. It reminded me of home. It was hard to describe, something like the sound of a distant chainsaw pinched in a knot of pine. Was it possible to construct something like mutual respect, if not outright friendship, with this man?
He explained what he was going to do to Old Man Winter’s cottage.
“We gonna make it a beauty parlor,” he said.
Stunned, I nodded and drifted off into a nightmarish reverie where the cul-de-sac overflowed with large, loud women and their skyward hair, pouring out the front door of Old Man Winter’s home underneath a sign that read “Tina’s Kut n’ Kurl” or perhaps “The Mane Event.” Like Steel Magnolias, except where all the women carried knives. Jimmy said his construction plans involved destroying most of the sixty-year-old azaleas and dogwoods that remained the property’s last redeeming features.
“Can you believe it?” I said to my wife later. “A beauty parlor.”
She had no time for beauty parlors. “That dog attacked our children,” she said.
“Just now.”
I found the middle child, then three years old, in the bedroom, lying motionless like a wounded soldier and covered excessively in Dora the Explorer bandages.
“It tried to eat me,” she said.
Love thy neighbor as thyself. What does it even mean? Does it mean you’re supposed to make friends with a man who has been seen on top of his roof waving borrowed lawn-care tools angrily at low-flying aircraft? Does it mean you smile when he informs you proudly of the roll of chicken wire he found by the highway, and how he intends to use this chicken wire to build a play area for his youngest son, because “kids like to climb shit,” but instead chooses to build what appears to be a large sculptural installation, in which various birds and wildlife become trapped? How many children is his dog allowed to eat before you’re allowed to stop loving him? How many times is he allowed to ask if you like the Steve Miller Band before you’re allowed to beat him to death with his own dog?
“I should shoot that animal,” I said to my wife.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” the wife said. “You should shoot him.”
I had already started trying to get my parents to move to Savannah. Maybe even to this neighborhood, if we stayed. How fun it would be, where my mother could be near her grandchildren and Pop could say fun things to my wife’s friends about their thighs. But I could not move them here, not to this.
“We have to move,” I said to my wife.
There were a few more Jimmy Crack Corns in the neighborhood already, and more coming. The writing was on the wall. It was a shame. Such a nice little house. Maybe Old Man Winter’s family would wise up and sell and stem this tide. Maybe somebody would buy it. Nice yard. Great trees. The best trees in the whole neighborhood.
Give it time, I told myself. This guy’s just trying to scratch out a life here, just like you. We at least still had those gorgeous trees. A few mornings later, we woke to the sound of a chainsaw.
Dear Lord,” I said.
“Is that legal?” someone said.
We were standing in the street, trying not to stare at the rape of the natural world currently taking place in Old Man Winter’s yard, where Jimmy Crack Corn was clear-cutting and burning the dogwoods.
The trees were on fire.
“What’s he doing?” someone said.
“Destroying property values,” another neighbor said.
Events had taken a bad turn. Jimmy Crack Corn and Tina Turner had started asking people for money. The story was, they’d lost their debit card and just needed a little cash.
“For what, do you think?”
“For crack,” my wife said.
“For chainsaws,” a neighbor said.
They lost their debit card a lot.
It was Tina who did the asking, their thinking, perhaps, that it would be easier to give money to the future valedictorian of the region’s most prestigious college of beauty than to a man who operated his nipples like a pair of important toggle switches. The other neighbors were angry about this, but I tried to withhold judgment. They had asked just about everyone on the sac, and we knew they were coming for us.
“Look at him,” a neighbor said.
He had felled two or three dogwoods already and had started pulling azaleas out of the earth with his truck, leaving nothing but a row of divots like shallow baby graves. The corpses were heaped on hazardous bonfires in the yard, around the stumps of the fallen trees, on which Jimmy had also dumped clothes and other garbage.
“Somebody should say something,” they said.
Everybody looked at me.
“You live next to him,” they said. “You’re the one who talks to him.”
What would my father do, I wondered? After Bird and I had left home for good, he and Mom had moved from the country into the paved environs of Brandon, Mississippi, where Pop quickly installed himself as president of his homeowners’ association. He had rules about where you could put a boat, putting up fences, how tall the grass could be. For example, it was not the kind of place you could just spray down an old bookcase with lighter fluid and set it on fire in your yard, as I’d seen Jimmy do.
“The power’s gone to his head,” Mom had said.
Pop had been a suzerain king of the Pecan Ridge subdivision, ensuring clean, tasteful homes by patrolling the streets with his four-wheeler, menacing his constituents, waving documents in the air, threatening legal action if they did not roll up their garden hoses properly. He hired neighborhood youth to work on defunct properties and launched a beautification program with proceeds from the association, sometimes paying out of his own pocket. Every time I visited, he had poor young men, shirtless and overheated, doing his bidding.
“Those are his slaves,” Mom said.
“They get paid,” Pop said, although he didn’t seem happy about it.
Is that how you loved your neighbor, by enforcing a sort of fascist purity on the land and its people, keeping property values and blood pressure high? There didn’t seem to be any radical Nazarene love in Pop. He was all Pilate, or Mussolini, or some other Roman. Which would I be? Should I speak harshly with J.C.C., or would I try to love him, and was there a difference?
The next day, Jimmy was back at it with the chainsaw.
“Beer?” I said.
“It’s hot as a motherfucker,” he said.
We chatted: about life, and weather, and why he decided to destroy the trees.
“They were all so pretty,” I said.
“Yeah, they pretty dead, now. Ha ha!” he said.
He looked happy, destroying nature.
I finished my beer and departed, but not without hope. Those beers, I decided, were the right approach. Pitchforks and angry mobs and legal documents weren’t the way to get Jimmy C.C. to change.
“It’s him,” my wife said late one night, seeing his shadow through the window on the door. “Do not give him drug money.”
“What if they need food?” I said.
He needed fifty dollars, he said. For supplies.
I wanted to say yes, to give freely. I also wanted to say no, because I had a mortgage, while Jimmy Crack Corn was a shiftless, freeloading job-lot whose only vocation appeared to be arson.
“What kinds of supplies?” I asked.
He told me a heart-wrenching tale with many incongruous references to banks, checks, paydays, President Obama, University of Georgia football, and the murder of his father during a home invasion not too far from here sometime during the Johnson administration.
“Wow,” I said, explaining that I carried no cash, in this modern age. “You know, it’s all debit this, debit that.”
He left.
I was torn. Here was a man living in a free house who had farmed out most of his children to various scorned lovers and distant kin and who spent his jobless days setting the cul-de-sac on fire and his nights preparing for the South American tour of Stomp while my wife contemplated murder under a threadbare comforter. It was time for a confrontation, not a friendly one.
I planned it out.
I would say, Hey, man. Are you okay?
Why do you keep lying about money!
Stop burning your garbage. This is not a Cormac McCarthy novel!
If you build a beauty parlor here, I will beat you to death with a shovel!
But it would be fine if you burned the dog!
My wife took to locking the screen door on the porch, to prevent them from knocking at midnight, but they found a way around that, too.
“They are knocking on the window, the window!” my wife said.
I steeled myself.
It was time.
“Tell him,” my wife said. “No more.”
I opened the door, and there was no him to tell, but a her: Lady Thunderdome. She stepped into the bright rhombus of porch light and related a sad tale about—actually, this is quite amazing—a lost debit card.
“For what?” I said.
“For diapers,” she said.
Thirty seconds later, I was shoving into her hands the legal tender of Huggies, which I offered in lieu of U.S. currency. She seemed disappointed, inspecting the diapers a bit too closely, assessing their potential as barter goods.
She marched back into the night, vacating the porchlight rhombus, which cut across the yard, and showed me a shadow that looked a lot like my father’s, and I wasn’t sure if I liked it.
In the story of the Good Samaritan, a lawyer asks how to inherit eternal life, and Jesus gets the man to recite what he knows about loving God and one’s neighbor, and then the lawyer says, Yeah, but who’s my neighbor? So J.C. tells the story of the man from Jerusalem who got his ass whipped on the highway, and the people who should’ve helped him—the people who came from his part of town, say—did not help him. The one who helped him was a man from a whole other town, practically a hotbed of terrorism or a Canadian, and the Canadian terrorist did first aid and put the hurt Jew on his burro and took him to a safe place and found people to take care of the man.
The Bleeding Ass-Whipped Jew, that’s your neighbor, said J.C. Now go be a Canadian Terrorist First Responder.
Were Jimmy Crack Corn and Tina Turner by the proverbial roadside, their asses whipped? Was I really capable of behaving like a Canadian? In the story, the guy’s hurt and about to die. Jimmy C.C. was not about to die. If anybody was going to die, it would be one of my people, from the falling timber and the furniture fires and the vomiting sausage beast.
“Hey,” Jimmy C.C. said one night, at my door again. He had that hangdog look, the money-asking sag about the shoulders. He needed maybe twenty dollars, he said.
“I’ll give you two hundred,” I said.
“Shit,” he said.
“To paint my fence,” I said.
He paused, pondering this strange idea of exchanging labor for money.
You paint your fence?” Pop said, on a visit.
“Paid the neighbor to.”
“Good,” he said. “Yeah, that’s real good.”
And then, they disappeared, sort of. Somebody had gotten word that J.C.C. was working construction on a contract for the U.S. Army, while others said he’d come by asking for money and mentioned something about going away for a while, to do electrical work at a hospital or install Sheetrock at a university or burn all the trees on the Yucatán Peninsula. The story changed a lot, but one thing was certain: Things were quieter.
Their injured cars remained, four in all, furred in thickening coats of pollen and ash, but it was a haunted house. Cody and the Fake Gray Baby were scarcer, too. Rumors spread. They would be evicted, kicked out, a splinter in the Old Man Winter family tree. Strange cars had been seen. A crime scene van, on a Sunday morning. Crimes against humanity or specific people, it was unclear.
Weeds choked up through the baby graves. Remnants of azalea root stems shot up springlike, green as new money. The concrete column of a birdbath jutted into the sky, bathless. The black sooty heaps of garbage remained cancerous, threatening to darken everything. The few surviving dogwoods did bloom. We would have to postpone selling. The sac was a mess.
But my wife calmed down. She had been lately moved by an encounter with a Filipino missionary who visited our church and who spoke of maggots in her cupboards and children in need of shoes.
“It gives you perspective,” my wife said. “I could do that. Be a missionary.”
I told her I believed we were missionaries already, that we were just really bad at it.
Jimmy Crack Corn remained elusive. Occasionally, he would return from whatever districts of the world he’d been terrorizing and would wave from behind a shrub, where he could be seen urinating in beer bottles. On these furloughs, we could still hear him at night, throwing manatees in trucks or whatever it was he was doing. My wife slept through it now, because she had a new migraine pill that induced a coma. It was better this way, my wife on drugs. Safer, happier. “Jimmy Crack Corn, and I don’t even care,” she would sing, floating off to a happier place.
Since he was around less, there were fewer incidents. In a way, I missed seeing him rape the natural world, but I guess there’s only so much nature to slash and burn.
Last December, we saw him, presumably returned for the holiday, and he was at it again. There’d been talk, relayed by neighbors and screamed by Tina Turner through windows and over fences, that Jimmy C.C. was back for good now, whatever that meant. And then I saw him one night, through distant and growing flame, lording over another fire in the front yard, high and proud and bright as a column of midnight sun. It was a big fire. Too big.
“What’s he burning this time?” my wife asked.
She no longer sounded upset, just curious. The firelight capered around the tops of the trees in a festive manner, and then, driving closer, I saw.
“A couch,” I said. “And what looks like most of their furniture.”
“Oh, good.”
“Maybe they’re getting new furniture for Christmas,” I said.
We pulled into our street and watched him, this shirtless beast of a man in the cold black of this season of Advent, holding what appeared to be a piece of the sofa high over his bespectacled head, his eyes blazing with two lesser fires. He threw the wide, fat cushion through the curtain of flame, and the flames rose higher.
We parked, and went inside, and sat down to dinner.
“Who wants to pray?” I said, the firelight dancing wildly now through the windows.
“Me,” one of the kids said.
“What do you want to pray for?”
“That our neighborhood won’t burn down.”
“Great,” I said, and she prayed, and it was a fine prayer, and I prayed in my heart, too, that we might be like the seed that falls on good ground, that we might grow tall like trees from a book.
“Amen,” my daughter said.
“Amen,” I said.
In the distance, we could already hear the fire engines.