When you are a competitor, wanting to win is natural. You prepare for your opponent. You train extra hard. You listen to your coach. When you are good, you want your teammates to be just as stellar. You push them. You encourage them. And you do not let them settle for less. However, as focused as you are, sometimes life happens and throws off your focus. It may be grades, an illness, money problems, girl drama, or anything that gets you down. We know it is hard to have swag when you feel sad.
Nevertheless, we want you to stay focused on your goals while you are going through it. Be a leader in the midst of the strife. Your demeanor can uplift those around you and can change the outcome for the better. The message we want you to grasp … being a true baller does not just mean strutting your stuff when life is good. It means being the man and holding your head up high when you go through tough times.
Here is huge thanks to all those who help us stay driven and prolific.
To Derrick’s mother, Ann Redding, your love is all that.
To our publisher, especially Tim McHugh, your idea for this series was all that.
To our extended family: brothers, Dennis Perry and Victor Moore, sister, Sherry Moore, godparents, Walter and Marjorie Kimbrough, nephews, Franklin Perry III and Kadarius Moore, and godsons, Danton Lynn, Dakari Jones, and Dorian Lee, your place in our life is all that to us.
To our assistants: Alyxandra Pinkston and Joy Spencer, your work ethic is all that.
To our friends who mean so much: Jim and Deen Sanders, Antonio and Gloria London, Chett and Lakeba Williams, Bobby and Sarah Lundy, Harry and Torian Colon, Byron and Kim Forest, Donald and Deborah Bradley, your friendship is all that.
To our teens: Dustyn, Sydni, and Sheldyn, the meaning and purpose you give to our lives is all that.
To the media specialists and educational companies across the country who support us: especially, Rhonda Sapp from Delaney Educational, your unending support is all that.
To our new readers, whom we know can apply themselves and be vigorous readers, your efforts to become better is all that.
And to our Lord, who has given us each other and our dreams. Your love for us is all that.