Chapter Thirteen

The sight of the small flotilla limping into English Harbour created a different type of stir than previous times when Anthony’s squadron proudly sailed its prizes in. Much of Rascal’s damage had been temporarily repaired, but huge scars still remained, attesting to the battering that she’d taken. Commodore Gardner had met them in a guard boat.

Upon hearing how the Reaper had viciously attacked Rascal, the commodore waxed livid. “He’s trying to goad you, make you make a mistake Gil, so be careful. You’re hurting him with all the prizes you’ve taken and men you’ve either killed or captured. He’s got to do something.”

Anthony understood the wisdom in Gardner’s words. Before going ashore, the commodore vowed, “We’ll fix up Rascal. The dockyard will work night and day if they have to, but we’ll have repairs completed so Rascal can return to her duties before you know it.”

The entire attitude seemed to change on the island of Antigua. The islanders had come to look at the men under Anthony’s command as their own. Now, everyone felt the loss of Lieutenant Pitts and many of his crew. The increasing reports of hostilities between England and the colonies only added to the people’s anger. The hostilities were now rumored to have gone beyond verbal. The master of a mail packet had just returned from Halifax. Word had gotten to the commander in chief of that station that colonial men in whale boats would dash out of hidden creeks and coves to harass British ships tiding at anchor in Boston Harbour. The master went on to say they had removed channel buoys and had gone so far as to burn lighthouses. Needless to say, the concern was great, and British forces in the colonies were having a time deciding who was loyal and who was not. It was not uncommon for a father to profess loyalty to the crown while his son openly chose rebellion. Some of the would-be loyalists kept quiet for fear of reprisals from rebellious colonists. The British soldiers stationed in the colonies were vastly out-numbered, and could do little by way of affording protection. Many felt Lord North could have done more to halt the escalating difficulties.

Standing behind the desk in his office, Commodore Gardner peered down at the ships anchored in the harbor. He had to squint to keep the sun from hurting his eyes. Angrily, he snatched the curtains together to block out the blinding rays.

“Lord North underestimates the colonies, Gil, I tell you. He takes them too lightly. They’ll fight and fight like no enemy we’ve dealt with in the past. I doubt they’d stand at ranks and fire as if on parade. Nay, it’ll be hit and run. They’ve fought the native Indians, and they’ve learned their tactics well.”

Peering once more out of his office window, Commodore Gardner made one more comment. It was more a prediction. “Lord North and Parliament has bitten off more than they can chew. If he doesn’t learn to respect the abilities of the colonials we’ll lose this war. Mark my word sir, we’ll lose.”


After leaving Government House, Anthony went to “the cottage.” Lady Deborah was waiting and offered a warm greeting. However, she could see Anthony was despondent and angry over the news from the colonies, on top of Rascal’s near destruction by the Reaper. But beyond Anthony’s anger was a feeling of despair and hurt from losing Merle Pitts and so many of Rascal’s crew. Deborah had never seen this side of her man, and was moved by his sincerity. He cares for those he commands. No wonder his officers and men respond to him as they do, she thought.

“He tried so hard to please me,” Anthony was saying, speaking of Pitts. “He was always eager and carefree unless the need arose. Then he could be very serious. He would have made a fine captain.” Anthony had written to Pitts’s father. The letter included not only comments about the young man’s bravery and ultimate sacrifice, but also some of the pleasurable times they’d had. When Anthony had finished the letter he laid it down and said, “Words seem so hollow. How do you tell a father his son is gone, and at the same time try to ease his pain by telling him Merle died heroically while doing his duty in some far corner of the world that he’s probably never even heard of? That his body was buried at sea and therefore there will be no grave to visit? How do you say all these things? It sounds so cheap saying he gave his life for England.”

Anthony took his pipe and walked to the porch to light up. Seeing the letter lying open on the table, Deborah picked it up and read it. Reading the letter she couldn’t help but cry. Laying the letter on the table and using her handkerchief to wipe the tears from her eyes, she rushed out onto the porch and took Anthony in her arms.

“Oh, Gil, you wonderful man. Your letter was so perfect. I wanted to stand up and shout. No one could have said better about Merle and made him sound so heroic. His father will be hurt, but he’ll be proud.”

Later that night as Anthony was holding Deborah, she snuggled even closer and whispered to him, “Ever consider marrying an old widow woman who has proved she’s utterly shameless?”

Anthony sat up, wide awake. He looked her in the eyes and said, “Do you really mean it?”

“Yes, my brave captain.”

Anthony pulled her closer and kissed her. Their lovemaking seemed to make him feel whole again. Later in the wee hours of the morning he spoke, “Deborah!”

“Yes, Gil.”

“You’ve made me the happiest man in the world.”

“And I’m the happiest woman in the world,” she replied.

“You hungry?” Anthony asked.


“I’m not talking about food, Deborah.”

“Oh, you dirty man. I’m starved.”


The wedding was planned for May.

“I’d like to be a June bride, but that is too long. So May it’ll be,” Deborah had commented. It would take that long to get announcements and letters to the respective families. Anthony was torn about what to do in regards to his invitations. He didn’t want to offend Gabe or his mother by not extending an invitation. However, Maria would not want to be embarrassed by being present if Anthony’s mother were there. Knowing his mother, Anthony was sure she’d say something to insult Maria for being his father’s mistress. Another thought came to mind. Did Mother even know about Gabe? Anthony didn’t think so but wasn’t sure. How would he handle that situation? He intended to ask Gabe to be his best man and if mother came how did he introduce the two? “Mother, this is one of my lieutenants.” No, he’d not dishonor Gabe or his father in such a manner. One look and mother would know the truth. Father could never deny Gabe, Anthony thought. Well, I’ll warn Gabe and we’ll cross that bridge when we have to. However, in regards to Maria, what should I do?

I’ll leave it up to Becky, Anthony decided finally. Mother has been “ill” lately and it was possible she wouldn’t be able to make the voyage. If mother weren’t able to come, Becky would extend an invitation to Maria, encouraging her to make the voyage with Becky’s family.


Deborah and Anthony invited Gabe, Bart, and Dagan to dine with them the following evening. They wanted them to be the first to know of their plans. Deborah was apprehensive, but Anthony hushed her fears by kissing her lips.

“They all love you and will be happy for us,” Anthony said. “Just wait and see.”

Dinner had been served, and the men poked fun over Anthony’s getting fat on such fare. After a full meal and a succulent pudding for dessert, the men gathered on the porch to enjoy their pipes. One of the servants brought out a decanter of claret and fresh glasses. As the glasses were filled, Deborah walked out on the porch as if on cue. When the men stood up, Anthony looked at them…his friends…his family.

He cleared his throat and said, “Men, this is a special occasion for which you all were invited. I look on each of you as a very special part of my life. Some would say family. We in the Navy know it goes beyond family. Ties that bind us by both blood and battle have formed a union no landsman could fully understand. I have asked for another union, and Lady Deborah has graciously accepted my humble proposal. I…we…have invited you three here tonight to share in our joy before it is publicly announced.” Anthony looked at the men who stood before him, their mouths agape. Concerned about their acceptance he continued, “It’s been no secret how I feel about Lady Deborah.”

Before Anthony could finish, the men’s shouts and cries of congratulations interrupted him. “We have been wondering when you’d get enough wind in ya sails to ask,” Bart stated in his strong accent. All it took were those few seconds for Anthony’s words to sink in before they reacted, as he knew they would.

Anthony pulled Lady Deborah near, enjoying the good-natured bantering to which the three men were subjecting their commanding officer.

“I knew you was smitten, Cap’n. Told Mr Buck I did. I jes’ know’d it,” Bart continued.

Gabe turned to Lady Deborah and japed, “Are you sure, Madam? You don’t know him same as we do.”

Dagan surprised everyone. He used the end of his pipe to tap on his wine glass and get everyone’s attention. “Gentlemen,” he said, “A toast! To the commodore and his beautiful lady. May you always have fair winds and following seas.”

“Hear, hear,” they all said in unison as they drained their glasses.

Anthony was taken aback by Dagan’s manner, and his elegance. This was another side of this mysterious man he’d neither seen nor imagined.

Anthony then placed his hand on Gabe’s shoulders, surprising him. “Gabe, would you do me the honor of being my best man?”

That Gabe was moved was obvious to all. “Of course,” he muttered. “But what about Mr Buck?”

Anthony looked directly into Gabe’s eyes as he responded. “Rupert is my first lieutenant and a dear friend. But you, Gabe, are my brother.” Then they all hugged, and Anthony suffered through Bart’s telling and re-telling of the incident where he’d had the cocked pistol in his pants pointed at his “wedding tackle.”

Later, after retiring for the evening, Anthony asked Deborah, “If the gun had gone off and I was ah…ere…crippled, would you still have agreed to marry me?”

“Huh,” was all she said.

A few days later, after the engagement had been made public, the bosun questioned, “Where you headed this time, Bart?”

“To help Lady Deborah pick out a wedding gift for the cap’n, iffen it’s anything to ya.”

The bosun snorted, “The commodore, you idget. Yew’s the cox’n and still calls him cap’n.’’

“That’s cause he’s still me cap’n—me and the lady’s cap’n, that is.”

“You and the lady’s? Yewed think ya was blood, family.”

“Oh, I is,” quipped Bart. “Jus’ ask the cap’n iffen ya don’t believes me. He’ll tell ya!”