The Quest for Snacks

We waited in line at the snack bar while a rather shaggy gentleman purchased a big, hairy tarantula burger.

“I don’t know much about truck show cuisine,” I confessed, “but I’ve never seen tarantula burgers on a menu.”

“It’s not so strange, Wiley,” said Grampa. “I ate a caterpillar cheese dog at the boat show just last April!”


Suddenly, I got the feeling that someone or something was looming over us.


Sure enough, Colonel Dracula was right behind us…


and he was staring at Grampa’s wallet, mesmerized by the photo of Gramma standing in front of Grampa’s 1956 Buick!


“Are you enjoying the show, my courageous lobster tamers?” Dracula asked.

“We sure are, Drac!” replied Grampa. “We braved rain, hail, and an angry Gramma just to see your tour de force of vehicular carnage!”

“Then perhaps you and the boy vould like a backstage tour vere you can meet the Mudsucker up close and personal?” Dracula offered.

“YOU BET VE VOULD!” exclaimed Grampa.

I wasn’t so enthusiastic.
