The Wrath of Gramma

A strange silence fell over us. Gramma was angry. In fact, Gramma’s anger meter had moved from red to a new color never before seen by human eyes!

“What kind of grampa,” she started, “drags his grandson through the woods in the middle of a tornado to see a truck show run by bloodsucking vampires?”


“But Gramma,” I argued, “what kind of grampa would be COOL enough to drag his grandson through the woods in the middle of a tornado to see a truck show run by bloodsucking vampires?”

“The boy’s gotta good point,” said Grampa.


So that’s my story, folks! As you can see, despite our night of unrelenting terror, everything turned out okay!


Grampa and I got home in time to see the explosive finale of Mayonnaise: The Motion Picture.


Gramma needed a new car, so Drac gave us a good price on the Invisible Van.


And Drac even joined Grampa and his buddies for Friday night poker. (Grampa’s poker tip #235: Always let the vampire win!)


And as for the Mudsucker…

Let’s just say, thanks to a deal I worked out with Drac, I had the coolest show-and-tell ever!