So that’s it.
The end.
Elvis has left the building.
You can go home now…
What’s that?
You’re already home. You’ve finished the book but you’re still thinking about dodos and dinosaurs and de-extinction, and what a mess the planet is in and how you wish that Sudan and Najin and Fatu weren’t going to die and how you hope that scientists will somehow save the northern white rhino and all the other animals that need our help…
Me too.
Big hugs.
If you’re interested and feel that you would like to, you can donate to the work of the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research at: The money will go directly towards their work developing assisted reproductive techniques for endangered species, including the northern white rhino. But if passenger pigeons and black-footed ferrets are more your bag, and you feel that you would like to, you can donate to the work of Revive and Restore at No pressure. You don’t have to. Just thought I’d mention it.