Chapter Twenty Four


The girl was a trembling, sobbing mess, but when I sat on the stairs and reached for her, she rushed into my arms and hugged me as though she knew me.

It was impossible to get anything out of her for the first minute or so. I carried her down the stairs and back into the street, following Bakari after his short, “This way,” which sounded suspiciously like an order but offered a course of action.

I only followed him because I had the girl to worry about. The next time he tried to boss me around, he'd be heading curbside.

A narrow park with a small garden overlooking a waterfall into the lower levels of the city offered a perfect place to regroup. Sassy's sister sat next to me, patting the girl's back as she clung to me for dear life. Ram and Bakari kept a look out as frustration at Ameline's escape made it hard to sit still.

I finally freed the girl's tight grip around my neck and made myself relax, knowing the poor thing was so shaken if I started demanding answers like Ahbi's magic pushed me to do, we wouldn't get anything out of her.

Y-y-you're Syd,” the girl whispered around the hitching of her breath as she fought more sobs. “She h-h-hates you.”

No need to ask who “she” was. “The feeling is mutual,” I said with a little smile. “Is that why you trusted me?”

She nodded.

Answer number one. So far, so good. “You know me, but I don't know you.”

I'm Tara.” Her name came out in a thin little wail. “I'm so scared. I want my Momma.”

I bet.” I hugged her again, rocking her a little like I used to do for Meira when she had nightmares. This girl couldn't have been more than eight years old. Okay, demon years? Wasn't sure the translation. But her next words told me she wasn't from around here.

Can you take me home? Momma and Daddy will be so worried. And Todd's hurt.”

She sounded like a human kid. But how was that possible? I examined her carefully as I pushed her back again. Tiny horns in her black hair? Check. Red tinted skin? Check. Black fingernails? Check again. She looked like a demon.

She looked... hang on a second.

Tara,” I said. “Where do you live?”

1675 Oleander Street,” she said as though repeating something she'd been taught to say. “St. Martin, Pennsylvania.”

She was like me. Born to a demon parent. It was the only explanation. But how?

Sweets,” I said, “do you look like this at home?”

She shook her head, long hair flying in her face, her ponytail half-undone. “It's scary,” she said. “I look awful.”

This is really important, Tara,” I said. “Does either your Momma or your Daddy look like this?”

Tara burst into tears. “No,” she said. “I'm scared!”

I hugged her to me, tucking her head under my chin. “This is bad,” I said. “It has to be how Ameline crossed over.”

Sassy's sister touched the girl's hand. “Tara, my name is Avenesequoia. I'm Syd's friend.” Stretch. But she hadn't proved otherwise yet. “You said Todd was hurt? Who is Todd?”

Nice of her to catch what I'd let slip.

My brother,” Tara whimpered. “Ameline showed up at our house and had a big fight with Momma then she did something to Todd and he fell over like she hit him only she never touched him.” She trembled so violently I had to cling to her to keep her from sliding around on my lap. “I want to go home!”

Sequoia. I shortened her name as I reached for her. I have to talk to Sass.

I'll take her. She slid the girl into her own lap, Tara filling the diminutive demon's arms while I paced a few steps away and turned to Ram.

I have to break this hold on the veil, I sent. I need your help.

His power reached out to me. Take what you must.

Well, that was new. But I wasn't looking this particular gift-demon in the mouth. Instead, I linked my power to his and used him to boost me as I gathered what magic I had and flung it like a stone from a slingshot, my focus on my demon Persian.

Syd! His power caught mine almost immediately, but I felt him slipping even as it did.

Sass. I filled him in as fast as I could, not sure how much reached him as he wavered in and out. I finished with, Check on the family, and We need to talk about Meira, before shutting down the faint connection and releasing Ram. I hoped the quick shot would alert Sass there was something wrong with my sister, but there was no way of knowing for sure if he understood, or if he even received half of what I sent him. Cursing softly to myself, I turned to find Ram sagged beside me, hands on his knees, face covered in a sheen of sweat. Guilt winning over my normal irritation with him, I patted his back gently.

Thanks,” I said. “Well done.”

Might I ask our next course of action?” Bakari had settled himself against a statue base, ankles crossed, arms too, the mostly silent observer now prodding my nerves.

I can only guess Ameline somehow stole Tara's brother's power,” I said, “and used it to disguise herself. That's how she crossed over.” Ahbi wouldn't have been looking for differences in the magic. How many demon/witch combos were there on our plane who knew her personally?

But why bring Tara?” Avenesequoia still rocked the girl who stared at me with huge eyes, her thumb in her mouth.

I don't know,” I said. “But if Ameline wanted her, I'm more than happy she's with us now.” Though it wouldn't be like the evil witch to let the girl go if she hadn't taken what she wanted from her. I crossed to her and crouched, stroking her hair. “Tara, did she tell you why you were here?”

Tara bobbed her head, sliding her thumb free to whisper. “She wanted me to find the power thingie.”

The Node.” Ram sighed. “So it's true.”

Thanks for believing me,” I shot with sarcasm before turning my attention to Tara again. “Did you help her?”

The girl's face collapsed into more tears. “I didn't know how.”

Awesome. “That's great, sweets,” I said, patting her hand before rising. No luck for Ameline. But if she didn't have Tara, was there a plan B?

Only one way to find out.

