Another way of exploiting a JBoss AS instance is via the web console's Invoker method. Executing a curl command while requesting the /web-console/Invoker URI path will get us a response from the server with the 0xAC and 0xED hex code characters (aced) in the first 4 bytes of the file. We can see this at the beginning of any Java serialized object, as follows:
The Invoker servlet can be found in the web console or Invoker at This can mostly be accessed without authentication. We can send a serialized post request to this Invoker to execute commands on the server.
Here's the breakdown of the bytes in the preceding screenshot:
- ac ed: STREAM_MAGIC specifies that this is a serialization protocol.
- 00 o5: STREAM_VERSION specifies the serialization version in use.
- 0x73: TC_OBJECT specifies that this is a new object.
- 0x72: TC_CLASSDESC specifies that this is a new class.
- 00 24: This specifies the length of the class name.
- {6F 72 67 2E 6A 62 6F 73 73 2E 69 6E 76 6F 63 61 74 69 6F 6E 2E 4D 61 72 73 68 61 6C 6C 65 64 56 61 6C 75 65} org.jboss. invocation.MarshalledValue: This specifies the class name.
- EA CC E0 D1 F4 4A D0 99: SerialVersionUID specifies the serial version identifier of this class.
- 0x0C: This specifies the tag number.
- 00 00: This specifies the number of fields in this class.
- 0x78: TC_ENDBLOCKDATA marks the end of block objects.
- 0x70: TC_NULL represents the fact that there are no more superclasses because we have reached the top of the class hierarchy.
- Exploitation via the web console using a third-party tool.
Before jumping into Metasploit's module, let's look at another set of scripts developed by RedTeam Pentesting. The archive can be downloaded from their website at
The archive contains the following files:
- BeanShellDeployer/mkbeanshell.rb
- WAR/shell.jsp
- WAR/WEB-INF/web.xml
- Webconsole-Invoker/webconsole_invoker.rb
- JMXInvokerServlet/http_invoker.rb
- JMXInvokerServlet/jmxinvokerservlet.rb
- jboss_jars/console-mgr-classes.jar
- jboss_jars/jbossall-client.jar
- Rakefile
The following screenshot shows the different scripts released by the team:
We can use this tool to create custom BSH scripts, deploy the BSH scripts via the web console Invoker, create a JMXInvokerServlet payload, and so on. Let's see how we can use this tool to create a BSH script.