Customizing global settings

Before customizing the console, we need to know the current (default) global settings that are being applied to the console:

  1. This can be done using the show options command when Metasploit Framework starts:

  1. We can change the prompt (the msf text) from these settings. To change the prompt and prompt character, we can execute the set Prompt and set PromptChar commands:

  1. We can even use some extended formats to configure more advanced prompts, as follows:

The following are the extended formats that can be used:

Literal Description
%D Current directory
%U Current user
%W Current workspace
%T Current timestamp
%J Current number of jobs running
%S Current number of opened sessions
%L Local IP
%H Hostname
%red Set the color to RED
%grn Set the color to GREEN
%yel Set the color to YELLOW
%blu Set the color to BLUE
%mag Set the color to MAGENTA
%cya Set the color to CYAN
%whi Set the color to WHITE
%blk Set the color to BLACK
%und Underline
%bld Bold


The same formats can be used to set up prompt characters as well.