Crawling and scraping with Metasploit

Metasploit also allows us to crawl and scrape the web using auxiliaries. Scraping is useful when we want to grab something from the source code of a website via a defined pattern. It could give us information such as directories mentioned in comments, developer emails, and API calls being made in the background:

  1. For crawling, we can use the crawl keyword to find the module:

  1. We will use msfcrawler. Clicking on the module will redirect us to the options page where we define our target, port, and depth. Then, click Run Module:

  1. A new task will be created and we will see the list of pages found in the task window:

  1. Similarly, we can use the HTTP Scrape module, auxiliary/scanner/http/scraper, to scrape a web page:

The pattern field is a regex that we define to find whatever element we want. In our case, we want to grab everything inside the script tags on the website, so our pattern is <script \ type=\"text\/javascript\" \ src=\"(.*)\"><\/script>).

Running the module will create a new task and the auxiliary will extract all of the data listed in the script tags, as shown in the following screenshot:

Next, let's scan for virtual hosts.