“It’s been great performing here for you, New York!”
The crowd is going crazy, screaming for more as Nik winds down the concert. It’s a daytime concert, which is what most of Demon’s Wings concerts are these days. Rarely on these short tours do they do a night show. But the fans are still growing strong. Just because the guys have changed their lifestyles does not mean Demon’s Wings has lost their fan following.
“You know that we love you all and could not do this without you.” It’s the way that Nik always ends a concert, showing appreciation and making sure that the entire band gets their share of the limelight. “Jesse Thornton on drums loves you… Shane Stevenson on bass adores you… My man Drake over here is crazy about you.” Nik touches a hand to his heart. “And you know that with the exception of my two favorite girls in the world, you are my life.”
I grin when he turns and blows me a kiss, the silver ring on his left hand reflecting the sunlight. Gods, I fall a little deeper for that man every fucking day. “And so, with one last song, we are going to leave you. But know that you will forever be in our hearts!
“You know this song. Have requested it worldwide, making it number one for four months in a row. Help me out, sing along.”
My heart melts as I listen to the words that have been part of our nightly routine for the last two years. “Sleeping Angel” is our angel’s lullaby, and Mia can’t sleep without her daddy singing it to her. But don’t think that just because Nik is a father now that he’s completely soft. Some people have wondered if he’s lost his rocker edge since “Sleeping Angel” has gotten so popular. Everyone’s been torn up because they fear Demon’s Wings will just be about oversentimental love for the women in their lives.
They don’t have to worry. Nik still has a lot of the past to write about. Just because “Sleeping Angel” is number one on the rock charts doesn’t mean it’s the only hit they have off their latest album. The music can be just as dark at times as it is sentimental.
Hearing Nik singing her favorite song, the toddler wiggles in my arms, and I set her on her feet.
Before you freak out and think I subject my toddler to a rock show, relax. We only just left our own private bus—one that had been designed for a family traveling with a child—a little while ago after Mia woke from her afternoon nap. Mia always wants to see the end of her father’s shows. To say she’s a daddy’s girl is a huge understatement.
It breaks my heart a little that she would rather have her daddy than me, but I’m learning to live with that. Nik and I have even talked about having another baby, but that’s something I want to wait a little longer on. Even if I’m only second best to Mia, I never tire of spoiling that little girl. Having another baby right now could take away from that.
She clings to my leg, still a little frightened of the crowds that are always at a Demon’s Wings concert. But as her father sits there, surrounded onstage by all the men in her life who Mia knows will never let anything hurt her, she lets go of me. Before I can move, she starts running, her chubby little legs moving faster than I have ever seen her move before.
“Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!” Mia throws herself into her father’s open arms and hugs him tightly as he continues to sing just for her.
“Sleep, my angel.” Nik’s voice takes on the softer tone he reserves for Mia alone when he sings her to sleep in his arms every night.
I shake my head, knowing that the sight of the big, bad rocker with the tiny little replica of me in his arms is making the females in the crowd fall deeper in love with him by the second. But I’m okay with that.
Because, with the exception of our angel, I’m the only woman to ever hold on to Nik’s heart.