Every poet dreams of publishing a collection of his or her work. However, it’s surprising how many poets still envision putting out a thick, hardbound volume containing hundreds of poems. In reality, poetry books are usually slim, often paperback, with varying levels of production quality, depending on the publisher.

More common than full-length poetry books (i.e., 50-150 pages by modern standards) are poetry chapbooks, small editions of approximately 24-32 pages. They may be printed on quality paper with beautiful cover art on heavy stock; or they may be photocopied sheets of plain printer paper, folded and stapled or hand-sewn along the spine.

In this section you’ll find a variety of presses and publishers of poetry books and chapbooks. However, it’s a reflection of how poetry publishing works in the early 21st century that many book/chapbook publishing opportunities appear in the Contest & Awards section instead.


If you don’t have a publisher in mind, read randomly through the listings, making notes as you go. (Don’t hesitate to write in the margins, underline, use highlighters; it also helps to flag markets that interest you with Post-It Notes). Browsing the listings is an effective way to familiarize yourself with the kind of information presented and the publishing opportunities that are available at various skill levels. If you’re thinking of a specific publisher by name, however, begin with the General Index. Here all Poet’s Market listings are alphabetized.


MFA Program in Creative Writing, Boise State University, 1910 University Dr., MS 1525, Boise ID 83725. (208)426-3414. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Janet Holmes, director. Publishes trade paperback originals. Pays 8% royalty on retail price for first 1,000 sold; 10% thereafter. Publishes ms 2 years after acceptance. Responds in 3 months to mss. Book catalog online. Guidelines online; submit through submissions manager.

NEEDS “We hold an open submissions period in May as well as the Sawtooth Poetry Prize competition, from which we publish 2-3 mss per year.”

HOW TO CONTACT Submit complete ms. The press publishes runners-up as well as winners of the Sawtooth Poetry Prize. Forthcoming, new, and backlist titles available on website. Most backlist titles: $9.95; most current titles: $18.

TIPS “Ahsahta’s motto is that poetry is art, so our readers tend to come to us for the unexpected—poetry that makes them think, reflect, and even do something they haven’t done before.”


P.O. Box 3665, Tallahassee FL 32315. Phone/Fax: (850)577-0745. E-mail: Website: Contact: Kristine Snodgrass, editor. Publishes only full-length collections of poetry (60-80 pages). No individual poems or chapbooks. Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals. Pays 10% royalty on retail price. Responds in 3 months. Guidelines online.

NEEDS Not accepting any unsolicited submissions at this time. Enter Robert Dana-Anhinga Prize for Poetry.


P.O. Box 3008 MPO, Vancouver BC V6B 3X5, Canada. (604)876-8710. Fax: (604)879-2667. E-mail: Website: “Anvil Press publishes contemporary adult fiction, poetry, and drama, giving voice to up-and-coming Canadian writers, exploring all literary genres, discovering, nurturing, and promoting new Canadian literary talent. Currently emphasizing urban/suburban themed fiction and poetry; de-emphasizing historical novels.” Canadian authors only. No e-mail submissions. Publishes trade paperback originals. Pays advance. Average advance is $500-2,000, depending on the genre. Publishes book 8 months after acceptance of ms. Responds in 2 months to queries; 6 months to mss. Book catalog for 9×12 SAE with 2 first-class stamps. Guidelines online.

NEEDS “Get our catalog, look at our poetry. We do very little poetry-maybe 1-2 titles per year.”

HOW TO CONTACT Query with 8-12 poems and SASE.

TIPS “Audience is informed, educated, aware, with an opinion, culturally active (films, books, the performing arts). No U.S. authors. Research the appropriate publisher for your work.”


Nanholme Mill, Shaw Wood Rd., Todmorden, Lancashire OL14 6DA, England. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: John W. Clarke, domestic editor; James Byrne, international editor (outside Ireland/England). Responds in 6 weeks.

NEEDS Publishes “contemporary poetry from new and established writers from the UK and abroad, specializing in the work of world poets writing in English, and the work of overseas poets in translation.”

HOW TO CONTACT Send 16-24 pages of poetry and short cover letter.


University of Houston, 4902 Gulf Fwy, Bldg 19, Rm 100, Houston TX 77204-2004. Fax: (713)743-2847. E-mail: Website: Contact: Nicolas Kanellos, editor. Arte Publico Press is the oldest and largest publisher of Hispanic literature for children and adults in the United States. “We are a showcase for Hispanic literary creativity, arts and culture. Our endeavor is to provide a national forum for U.S.-Hispanic literature.” Publishes hardcover originals, trade paperback originals and reprints. Pays 10% royalty on wholesale price. Provides 20 author’s copies; 40% discount on subsequent copies. Pays $1,000-3,000 advance. Publishes book 2 years after acceptance of ms. Responds in 1 month to queries and proposals; 4 months to mss. Book catalog available free. Guidelines online.

HOW TO CONTACT Submissions made through online submission form.

TIPS “Include cover letter in which you ‘sell’ your book—why should we publish the book, who will want to read it, why does it matter, etc. Use our ms submission online form. Format files accepted are: Word, plain/text, rich/text files. Other formats will not be accepted. Manuscript files cannot be larger than 5MB. Once editors review your ms, you will receive an e-mail with the decision. Revision process could take up to 4 months.”


401 College Ave., Ashland OH 44805. (419)289-5098. Fax: (419)289-5255. E-mail: Website: Contact: Wendy Hall, managing editor. Publishes trade paperback originals. Makes outright purchase of $500-1,000. Publishes book 10 months after acceptance. Responds in 1 month to queries; 6 months to mss. Book catalog online. Guidelines online.

NEEDS “We accept unsolicited manuscripts through the Snyder Prize competition each spring-the deadline is April 30. Judges are mindful of dedication to craftsmanship and thematic integrity.”

TIPS “We rarely publish a title submitted off the transom outside of our Snyder Prize competition.”


8712 Westwood St., Pittsburgh PA 15211. (412)381-4261. E-mail: Website: Fiction Editor: Sharon Dilworth. Contact: Michael Simms, editor-in-chief (fiction). “We are a non-profit literary press specializing in high-quality poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. Our editions are beautifully designed and printed, and they are distributed nationally. Approximately one-third of our sales are to college literature and creative writing classes.” Member CLMP and Academy of American Poets. “We distribute our own titles. We do extensive national promotion through ads, web-marketing, reading tours, bookfairs and conferences. We are open to all genres. The quality of writing concerns us, not the genre.” You can also learn about our annual Fiction Prize, Poetry Prize, Nonfiction Prize, and Chapbook Award competitions, as well as our online journal, Coal Hill Review. (Please note that Autumn House accepts unsolicited mss only through these competitions.) Publishes hardcover, trade paperback, and electronic originals. Format: acid-free paper; offset printing; perfect and casebound (cloth) bound; sometimes contains illustrations. Average print order: 1,000. Debut novel print order: 1,000. Pays 7% royalty on wholesale price. Pays $0-2,500 advance. Publishes 9 months after acceptance. Responds in 1-3 days on queries and proposals; 3 months on mss Catalog free on request. Guidelines online.

NEEDSWe ask that all submissions from authors new to Autumn House come through one of our annual contests.” All finalists will be considered for publication.

HOW TO CONTACT Submit only through our annual contest. See guidelines online.

TIPS “The competition to publish with Autumn House is very tough. Submit only your best work.”


3502 N. 52nd St., Omaha NE 68104. Website: Contact: James Cihlar, editor.

NEEDS Only considers submissions to Backwaters Prize. More details on website.


185 Hollow Oak Dr., Cohasset CA 95973. (530)891-0360. Website: Contact: Beth Spencer, publisher/editor. “Bear Star is committed to publishing the best poetry it can attract. Each year it sponsors the Dorothy Brunsman contest, open to poets from Western and Pacific states. From time to time we add to our list other poets from our target area whose work we admire.” Publishes trade paperback originals. Pays $1,000, and 25 copies to winner of annual Dorothy Brunsman contest. Publishes book 9 months after acceptance. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Guidelines online.

NEEDS Wants well-crafted poems. No restrictions as to form, subject matter, style, or purpose. “Poets should enter our annual book competition. Other books are occasionally solicited by publisher, sometimes from among contestants who didn’t win.”

HOW TO CONTACT Online submissions strongly preferred.

TIPS “Send your best work, consider its arrangement. A ‘wow’ poem early keeps me reading.”


P.O. Box 81, Delhi NY 13753. Fax: (607)746-7453. E-mail: Website: Contact: Tom Tolnay, editor/publisher; Leigh Eckmair, art & research editor. Birch Brook Press “is a letterpress book printer/typesetter/designer that uses monies from these activities to publish several titles of its own each year with cultural and literary interest.” Specializes in literary work, flyfishing, baseball, outdoors, theme anthologies, and books about books. Occasionally publishes trade paperback originals. Pays modest royalty on acceptance. Publishes ms 10-18 months after acceptance. Responds in 3 to 6 months. Book catalog online.

HOW TO CONTACT Query first with a few sample poems or chapters, or send entire ms. No e-mail submissions; submissions by postal mail only. Must include SASE with submissions. Occasionally comments on rejected poems. Royalty on co-op contracts.

TIPS “Write well on subjects of interest to BBP, such as outdoors, flyfishing, baseball, music, literary stories, fine poetry, and occasional novellas, books about books.”


University of Missouri - Kansas City, 5101 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City MO 64110-2499. (816)235-2558. Fax: (816)235-2611. E-mail: Website: “BkMk Press publishes fine literature. Reading period January-June.” Publishes trade paperback originals. Responds in 4-6 months to queries. Guidelines online.

HOW TO CONTACT Submit 10 sample poems and SASE.

TIPS “We skew toward readers of literature, particularly contemporary writing. Because of our limited number of titles published per year, we discourage apprentice writers or ‘scattershot’ submissions.”


326 Bigham St., Pittsburgh PA 15211. E-mail: Website: Contact: Diane Goettel, executive editor. Black Lawrence press seeks to publish intriguing books of literature—novels, short story collections, poetry collections, chapbooks, anthologies, and creative nonfiction. Will also publish the occasional translation from German. Publishes 15-20 books/year, mostly poetry and fiction. Mss are selected through open submission and competition. Books are 20-400 pages, offset-printed or high-quality POD, perfect-bound, with 4-color cover. Pays royalties. Responds in 6 months to mss.

HOW TO CONTACT Submit complete ms.


P.O. Box 52030, Boston MA 02205. Fax: (617)849-5678. E-mail: Website: Contact: Carrie Olivia Adams, poetry editor. Responds in 6 months to mss.

NEEDS Wants poetry that is well-considered, risks itself, and by its beauty and/or bravery disturbs a tiny corner of the universe. Mss are selected through open submission. Books are 60+ pages.

HOW TO CONTACT Book/chapbook mss may include previously published poems. “We have an open submission period in June of each year; specific guidelines are updated and posted on our website in the months preceding.”


131 Euclid Ave., Kenmore NY 14217. E-mail: Website: Contact: Geoffrey Gatza, editor/publisher. “We are a major publishing presence specializing in innovative fictions and wide-ranging fields of innovative forms of poetry and prose. Our goal is to publish works that are challenging, creative, attractive, and yet affordable to individual readers. Articles of submission depend on many criteria, but overall items submitted must conform to one ethereal trait, your work must not suck. This put plainly, bad art should be punished; we will not promote it. However, all submissions will be reviewed and the author will receive feedback. We are human too.” Pays 10% royalties on fiction and poetry books, based on net receipts. This amount may be split across multiple contributors. “We do not pay advances.” Guidelines online.

HOW TO CONTACT Submit complete ms via e-mail.

TIPS “We actively contract and support authors who tour, read and perform their work, play an active part of the contemporary literary scene, and seek a readership.”


1563 45th Ave., San Francisco CA 94122. E-mail: Website: Contact: Diane Frank, chief editor. “We like poems that are imagistic, emotionally honest, and push the edge—where the writer pushes through the imagery to a deeper level of insight and understanding. No rhymed poetry.” Has published poetry by Rustin Larson, Mary Kay Rummel, Philip Kobylarz, Daniel J. Langton, and K.B. Ballentine. “Books are elegantly designed and artistic. Our books are professionally printed, with original cover art, and we publish full-length books of poetry and chapbooks.”

NEEDS “We have an online poetry workshop with a wonderful group of American and international poets—open to new members 3 times/year. Send an e-mail for info.”

HOW TO CONTACT Does not accept e-mail submissions. Deadlines: January 30 full-sized ms. and June 15 for chapbooks. “Read our guidelines before sending your ms.”


Blue Mountain Arts, Inc., P.O. Box 4549, Boulder CO 80306. (800)525-0642. E-mail: Website: Contact: Patti Wayant, editorial director. “Please note: We are not accepting works of fiction, rhyming poetry, children’s books, chapbooks, or memoirs.” Publishes hardcover originals, trade paperback originals, electronic originals. Pays royalty on wholesale price. Publishes ms 6-8 months after acceptance. Responds in 2-4 months. Guidelines by e-mail.

NEEDS “We publish poetry appropriate for gift books, self-help books, and personal growth books. We do not publish chapbooks or literary poetry.”

HOW TO CONTACT Query. Submit 10+ sample poems.


P.O. Box 30971, Rochester NY 14603. (585)546-3410. Fax: (585)546-3913. E-mail: Website: Contact: Peter Conners, publisher; Melissa Hall, development director/office manager. “BOA Editions publishes distinguished collections of poetry, fiction and poetry in translation. Our goal is to publish the finest American contemporary poetry, fiction and poetry in translation.” Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals. Negotiates royalties. Pays variable advance. Publishes ms 18 months after acceptance. Responds in 1 week to queries; 5 months to mss. Book catalog online. Guidelines online.

NEEDS “Readers who, like Whitman, expect of the poet to ‘indicate more than the beauty and dignity which always attach to dumb real objects... They expect him to indicate the path between reality and their souls,’ are the audience of BOA’s books.” BOA Editions, a Pulitzer Prize-winning, not-for-profit publishing house acclaimed for its work, reads poetry mss for the American Poets Continuum Series (new poetry by distinguished poets in mid- and late career), the Lannan Translations Selection Series (publication of 2 new collections of contemporary international poetry annually, supported by The Lannan Foundation of Santa Fe, NM), The A. Poulin, Jr. Poetry Prize (to honor a poet’s first book; mss considered through competition), and The America Reader Series (short fiction and prose on poetics).

HOW TO CONTACT Check website for reading periods for the American Poets Continuum Series and The Lannan Translation Selection Series. “Please adhere to the general submission guidelines for each series.” Guidelines online.


P.O. Box 425, Huron OH 44839. E-mail: Website: Contact: Larry Smith, director; Allen Frost, Laura Smith, Susanna Sharp-Schwacke, associate editors. Bottom Dog Press, Inc., “is a nonprofit literary and educational organization dedicated to publishing the best writing and art from the Midwest and Appalachia.”

"Query via e-mail first."


Highlights for Children, Inc., 815 Church St., Honesdale PA 18431. (570)253-1164. Website: Boyds Mills Press publishes picture books, nonfiction, activity books, and paperback reprints. Their titles have been named notable books by the International Reading Association, the American Library Association, and the National Council of Teachers of English. They’ve earned numerous awards, including the National Jewish Book Award, the Christopher Medal, the NCTE Orbis Pictus Honor, and the Golden Kite Honor. Boyds Mills Press welcomes unsolicited submissions from published and unpublished writers and artists. Submit a ms with a cover letter of relevant information, including experience with writing and publishing. Label the package “Manuscript Submission” and include an SASE. For art samples, label the package “Art Sample Submission.” Responds to mss within 3 months. Catalog online. Guidelines online.

HOW TO CONTACT Send a book-length collection of poems. Do not send an initial query. Keep in mind that the strongest collections demonstrate a facility with multiple poetic forms.


Box 20081, 431 Boler Rd., London ON N6K 4G6, Canada. (519)657-8579. E-mail: Website: Contact: Don McKay, Stan Dragland, Barry Dempster, editors. Brick Books has a reading period of January 1-April 30. Mss received outside that period will be returned. No multiple submissions. Pays 10% royalty in book copies only. Publishes trade paperback originals. Publishes ms 2 years after acceptance. Responds in 3-4 months to queries. Book catalog free or online. Guidelines online.

"We publish only poetry."

HOW TO CONTACT Submit only poetry.

TIPS “Writers without previous publications in literary journals or magazines are rarely considered by Brick Books for publication.”


P.O. Box 751, Columbus GA 31902. (706)649-3080. Fax: (706)649-3094. E-mail: Website: Contact: Ron Self and Keith Badowski, co-editors/founders.

NEEDS Publishes poetry only: books (single author collections), e-zine, and annual anthology. “We prefer poetry that offers a coherent human voice, a sense of humor, attentiveness to words and language, narratives with surprise twists, persona poems, and/or philosophical or spiritual themes explored through the concrete scenes and images.” Does not want overemphasis on rhyme, intentional obscurity or riddling, highfalutin vocabulary, greeting card verse, overt religious statements of faith and/or praise, and/or abstractions. Publishes 10-12 poetry books/year and 1 anthology/year. Accepted poems meeting our theme requirements are published on our website. Mss accepted through open submission and competition.

HOW TO CONTACT “We accept .doc, .rtf, or .pdf file formats. We prefer electronic submissions but will reluctantly consider hard copy submissions by mail if USPS Flat Rate Mailing Envelope is used and with the stipulation that, should the author’s work be chosen for publication, an electronic version (.doc or .rtf) must be prepared in a timely manner and at the poet’s expense.” Please include cover letter with poetry publication/recognition highlights and something intriguing about your life story or ongoing pursuits. “We would like to develop a connection with the poet as well as the poetry.” Please include the collection title in the cover letter. “We want to publish poets who are engaged in the literary community, including regular submission of work to various publications and participation in poetry readings, workshops, and writers’ groups. That said, we would never rule out an emerging poet who demonstrates ability and motivation to move in that direction.” Pays royalties and 15 author copies. Initial print run of 150, print-on-demand thereafter.

TIPS “The best way to discover all that poetry can be and to expand the limits of your own poetry is to read expansively. We recommend the following poets: Kim Addonizio, Ken Babstock, Coleman Barks, Billy Collins, Morri Creech, Alice Friman, Beth A. Gylys, Jane Hirshfield, Jane Kenyon, Ted Kooser, Stanley Kunitz, Thomas Lux, Barry Marks, Michael Meyerhofer, Linda Pastan, Mark Strand, and Natasha D. Trethewey.”


Millikin University, 1184 W. Main, Decatur IL 62522. (217)424-6264. E-mail: Website: Contact: Dr. Randy Brooks, editorial board; Edwin Walker, editorial board. Publishes hardcover, trade paperback, and mass market paperback originals. Outright purchase based on wholesale value of 10% of a press run. Publishes book 6 months after acceptance. Responds in 1-3 months.

HOW TO CONTACT Submit completed ms.

TIPS “The art books are intended for serious collectors and scholars of contemporary art, especially of artists from the Midwestern US. These books are published in conjunction with art exhibitions at Millikin University or the Decatur Area Arts Council. The children’s books have our broadest audience, and the literary chapbooks are intended for readers of contemporary fiction, drama, and poetry.”


Via Titta Scarpetta #28, Rome 00153, Italy. E-mail: Website: Calamari Press publishes books of literary text and art. Mss are selected by invitation. Occasionally has open submission period—check website. Helps to be published in SleepingFish first. Publishes paperback originals. Pays in author’s copies. Ms published 2-6 months after acceptance. Responds to mss in 2 weeks. Guidelines online.


Alliance House, 4th Floor, 30 Cross St., Manchester England M2 7AQ, United Kingdom. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Michael Schmidt, editorial and managing director. “Carcanet Press is one of Britain’s leading poetry publishers. It provides a comprehensive and diverse list of modern and classic poetry in English and in translation.” Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals.

NEEDS Familiarize yourself with our books, and then submit between 6 and 10 pages or work (poetry or translations) and SASE. Replies are usually sent within 6 weeks. Writers wishing to propose other projects should send a full synopsis and cover letter, with sample pages, having first ascertained that the kind of book proposed is suitable for our programme. Do not call in person.


5032 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh PA 15289-1021. (412)268-2861. Fax: (412)268-8706. E-mail: Website: Contact: Cynthia Lamb, senior editor. Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals. Book catalog and guidelines online.

NEEDS Holds annual reading period. “This reading period is only for poets who have not previously been published by CMP.”

HOW TO CONTACT Submit complete ms. Requires reading fee of $15.


120 Morris St., Durham NC 27701. (919)560-2738. E-mail: Website: Contact: Andrea Selch, president. “We publish poetry, fiction, and memoirs by, and/or about people of color, women, gay/lesbian issues, and work by writers from, living in, or writing about the U.S. South.” Publishes ms 2 year after acceptance. Responds in 3 months to queries; 6 months to mss. Guidelines online.

Accepts simultaneous submissions, but "let us know if work has been accepted elsewhere."

NEEDS Publishes 2 poetry books/year, “usually through the Carolina Wren Press Poetry Series Contest. Otherwise we primarily publish women, minorities, and authors from, living in, or writing about the U.S. South.” Not accepting unsolicited submissions except through Poetry Series Contest.

HOW TO CONTACT Accepts e-mail queries, but send only letter and description of work, no large files. Carolina Wren Press Poetry Contest for a First or Second Book takes submissions, electronically, from January to March of odd-numbered years.

TIPS “Best way to get read is to submit to a contest.”


2121 Euclid Ave., RT 1841, Cleveland OH 44115. (216)687-3986. Fax: (216)687-6943. E-mail: Website: Contact: Amber Allen, managing editor.

NEEDS The Cleveland State University Poetry Center publishes “full-length collections by established and emerging poets, through competition and solicitation, as well as occasional poetry anthologies, texts on poetics, and novellas. Eclectic in its taste and inclusive in its aesthetic, with particular interest in lyric poetry and innovative approaches to craft. Not interested in light verse, devotional verse, doggerel, or poems by poets who have not read much contemporary poetry.”

HOW TO CONTACT Most mss are accepted through the competitions. All mss sent for competitions are considered for publication. Outside of competitions, mss are accepted by solicitation only.


80 bpNichol Lane, Toronto ON M5S 3J4, Canada. (416)979-2217. Fax: (416)977-1158. E-mail: Website: Contact: Alana Wilcox, editorial director. Publishes trade paperback originals by Canadian authors. Pays 10% royalty on retail price. Publishes ms 1 year after acceptance. Responds in 6 months to queries. Guidelines online.

TIPS “We are not a general publisher, and publish only Canadian poetry, fiction, artist books and drama. We are interested primarily in innovative or experimental writing.”


79 13th NE, Suite 110, Minneapolis MN 55413. (612)338-0125. Fax: (612)338-4004. E-mail: Website: Contact: Molly Fuller, production editor. This successful nonprofit small press has received numerous grants from various organizations including the NEA, the McKnight Foundation and Target. Books published by Coffee House Press have won numerous honors and awards. Example: The Book of Medicines by Linda Hogan won the Colorado Book Award for Poetry and the Lannan Foundation Literary Fellowship. Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals. Responds in 4-6 weeks to queries; up to 6 months to mss. Book catalog and ms guidelines online.

HOW TO CONTACT Coffee House Press will not accept unsolicited poetry submissions. Please check our web page periodically for future updates to this policy.

TIPS “Look for our books at stores and libraries to get a feel for what we like to publish. No phone calls, e-mails, or faxes.”


Thunder Creek Publishing Co-operative Ltd., 2517 Victoria Ave., Regina SK S4P 0T2, Canada. (306)777-0170. Fax: (306)522-5152. E-mail: Website: Contact: Geoffrey Ursell, publisher. “Our mission is to publish the finest in Canadian fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, and children’s literature, with an emphasis on Saskatchewan and prairie writers. De-emphasizing science fiction, picture books.” Publishes trade paperback originals and reprints. Pays 10% royalty on retail price. Publishes book 1 year after acceptance. Responds in 3 months. Book catalog available free. Guidelines online.

HOW TO CONTACT Submit 20-25 sample poems.

TIPS “Look at past publications to get an idea of our editorial program. We do not publish romance, horror, or picture books but are interested in juvenile and teen fiction from Canadian authors. Submissions, even queries, must be made in hard copy only. We do not accept simultaneous/multiple submissions. Check our website for new submission timing guidelines.”


P.O. Box 393, Maidstone Kent ME14 5XU, United Kingdom. (44)(162)272-9593. E-mail: Website: Contact: Jeremy Robinson, director (arts, media, cinema, literature); Cassidy Hushes (visual arts). “Our mission is to publish the best in contemporary work, in poetry, fiction, and critical studies, and selections from the great writers. Currently emphasizing nonfiction (media, film, music, painting). De-emphasizing children’s books.” Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals. Pays royalty. Pays negotiable advance. Publishes ms 18 months after acceptance. Responds in 2 months to queries; 4 months to proposals and mss. Book catalog and ms guidelines free.

NEEDS “We prefer a small selection of the poet’s very best work at first. We prefer free verse or non-rhyming poetry. Do not send too much material.”

HOW TO CONTACT Query and submit 6 sample poems.

TIPS “Our audience is interested in new contemporary writing.”


239 Wynsum Ave., Merrick NY 11566. (516)869-5635. Fax: (516)379-1901. E-mail: Website: Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals. Publishes book 1 year after acceptance. Responds in 1 month to proposals; 2 months to mss. Book catalog (sample flyers) for #10 SASE.

HOW TO CONTACT For bilingual poetry submit 3-6 short poems in original language with English translation, a brief (3-5 lines) bio of the author and translator(s).

TIPS “Best chance: poetry from a translation.”


Imprint of Penguin Group (USA), 345 Hudson St., New York NY 10014. (212)366-2000. Website: Contact: Lauri Hornik, president/publisher. “Dial Books for Young Readers publishes quality picture books for ages 18 months-6 years; lively, believable novels for middle readers and young adults; and occasional nonfiction for middle readers and young adults.” Publishes hardcover originals. Pays royalty. Pays varies advance. Responds in 4-6 months to queries. Book catalog and guidelines online.

TIPS “Our readers are anywhere from preschool age to teenage. Picture books must have strong plots, lots of action, unusual premises, or universal themes treated with freshness and originality. Humor works well in these books. A very well-thought-out and intelligently presented book has the best chance of being taken on. Genre isn’t as much of a factor as presentation.”


P.O. Box 7, 124 Byers Rd., Chester Springs PA 19425. (610)458-5005 or (800)869-5677. Fax: (610)458-7103. Website: “We publish literary fiction by good writers which is well received and achieves modest sales. De-emphsazing poetry and nonfiction.” Publishes hardcover originals, trade paperback originals and reprints. Pays $100-500 advance. Publishes ms 18 months after acceptance. Responds in 3-6 months. Book catalog available free.



992-A, rue Royale, Trois-Rivières QC G9A 4H9, Canada. (819)840-8492. Website: Contact: Bernard Pozier, director. Pays royalties of 10-20%. Responds to queries in 6 months.

NEEDS Écrits des Forges publishes poetry only that is “authentic and original as a signature. We have published poetry from more than 1,000 poets coming from most of the francophone countries.” Publishes 45-50 paperback books of poetry/year. Books are usually 80-88 pages, digest-sized, perfect-bound, with 2-color covers with art.

HOW TO CONTACT Query first with a few sample poems and a cover letter with brief bio and publication credits. Order sample books by writing or faxing.


4609 D’Iberville, Bureau 202, Montreal QC H2H 2L9, Canada. (514)727-0005. Fax: (514)723-6660. E-mail: Website: Contact: Paul Belanger, director. “Editions du Noiroît publishes poetry and essays on poetry.” Publishes trade paperback originals and reprints. Pays 10% royalty on retail price. Publishes ms 1 year after acceptance. Responds in 4 months to mss.

HOW TO CONTACT Submit 40 sample poems.


18 W. 18th St., New York NY 10011. (646)307-5151. Website: Contact: Editorial Department. “We publish original and well-written material for all ages.” Publishes hardcover originals and trade paperback reprints. Pays 2-6% royalty on retail price for paperbacks, 3-10% for hardcovers. Pays $3,000-25,000 advance. Publishes ms 18 months after acceptance. Responds in 2-3 months. Catalog available by request. Guidelines online.

HOW TO CONTACT Send cover letter describing submission with 3-4 poems. By mail only.


Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group, 175 Fifth Ave., New York NY 10010. (212)741-6900. Fax: (212)633-2427. E-mail: Website: Book catalog available by request. Ms guidelines online.

HOW TO CONTACT Submit cover letter, 3-4 poems by mail only.

TIPS “Study our catalog before submitting. We will see illustrators’ portfolios by appointment. Don’t ask for criticism and/or advice—due to the volume of submissions we receive, it’s just not possible. Never send originals. Always enclose SASE.”


Science Library 320, Univ. of Albany, 1400 Washington Ave., Albany NY 12222. (518)591-8162. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Submissions Manager. Closed to submissions until June 15. Check website for details. Publishes hardcover originals. Guidelines online.

HOW TO CONTACT Submit via contests and occasional open reading periods.


69 Beaks Hill Rd., Birmingham B38 8BL, United Kingdom. E-mail: Website: Contact: Meredith Andrea and Jacqui Rowe. Pays 25% royalty and 6 contributor’s copies. Responds in 6 weeks.

NEEDS Flarestack Poets wants “poems that dare outside current trends, even against the grain.” Publishes 6 chapbooks/year. Chapbooks are 20-30 pages, professional photocopy, saddle-stitched, card cover.

HOW TO CONTACT See website for current submission arrangements.


909 NE 43rd St., #205, Seattle WA 98105. E-mail: Website:

NEEDS Floating Bridge Press publishes chapbooks and anthologies by Washington State poets, selected through an annual competition.


79 Tracy Way, Meredith NH 03253. E-mail: Website: Editor-in-Chief: J.S. Graustein. Poetry Editor: Rose Auslander. Fiction Editor: Casey Murphy. “Folded Word is an independent literary press. Our focus? Connecting new voices to readers. Our goal? To make poetry and fiction accessible for the widest audience possible both on and off the page.”

TIPS “We are seeking non-formulaic narratives that have a strong sense of place and/or time, especially the exploration of unfamiliar place/time.”


Box 535, Village Station, New York NY 10014. E-mail: Website: Contact: Martha Rhodes, director. “Four Way Books is a not-for-profit literary press dedicated to publishing poetry and short fiction by emerging and established writers. Each year, Four Way Books publishes the winners of its national poetry competitions, as well as collections accepted through general submission, panel selection, and solicitation by the editors.”

NEEDS Four Way Books publishes poetry and short fiction. Considers full-length poetry mss only. Books are about 70 pages, offset-printed digitally, perfect-bound, with paperback binding, art/graphics on covers. Does not want individual poems or poetry intended for children/young readers.

HOW TO CONTACT See website for complete submission guidelines and open reading period in June. Book mss may include previously published poems. Responds to submissions in 4 months. Payment varies. Order sample books from Four Way Books online or through bookstores.


Website: Contact: Diane Kistner, director/editor-in-chief. Publishes English-language poetry books, chapbooks, and anthologies in print-on-demand and digital editions. Awards the FutureCycle Poetry Book Prize and honorarium for the best full-length book the press publishes each year. Pays in deeply discounted author copies (no purchase required). Responds in 3 months. Guidelines, sample contract, and detailed Guide for Authors online.

NEEDS Wants “poetry from imaginative, highly skilled poets, whether well known or emerging. We abhor the myopic, self-absorbed, and sloppy, but otherwise are eclectic in our tastes.” Does not want concrete or visual poetry. Publishes 15+ poetry books/year and 5+ chapbooks/year. Ms. selected through open submission. Books average 62-110 pages; chapbooks 30-42 pages; anthologies 100+ pages.

HOW TO CONTACT Submit complete ms. No need to query.


P.O. Box 83948, Portland OR 97283. (503)515-8252. E-mail: Website: Contact: Justus Ballard (all fiction). “Gertrude Press is a nonprofit organization developing and showcasing the creative talents of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer-identified and allied individuals. We publish limited-edition fiction and poetry chapbooks plus the biannual literary journal, Gertrude.” Reads chapbook mss only through contests.

TIPS Sponsors poetry and fiction chapbook contest. Prize is $50 and 50 contributor’s copies. Submission guidelines and fee information on website. “Read the journal and sample published work. We are not impressed by pages of publications; your work should speak for itself.”


P.O. Box 3461, Port Adelaide 5015, Australia. E-mail: Website: Contact: Stephen Matthews, publisher. Ginninderra Press works “to give publishing opportunities to new writers.” Has published poetry by Alan Gould and Geoff Page. Books are usually up to 72 pages, A5, laser-printed, saddle-stapled or thermal-bound, with board covers. Publishes books by Australian authors only. Responds to queries within 1 week; mss in 2 months.

HOW TO CONTACT Query first, with a few sample poems and a cover letter with brief bio and publication credits. Considers previously published poems.


Gival Press, LLC, P.O. Box 3812, Arlington VA 22203. (703)351-0079. E-mail: Website: Contact: Robert L. Giron, editor-in-chief (area of interest: literary). Publishes trade paperback, electronic originals, and reprints. Pays royalty. Publishes ms 12 months after acceptance. Responds in 3-5 months. Book online. Guidelines online.

HOW TO CONTACT Query via e-mail; provide description, bio, etc.; submit 5-6 sample poems via e-mail.

TIPS “Our audience is those who read literary works with depth to the work. Visit our website—there is much to be read/learned from the numerous pages.”


15 Court Square, Suite 320, Boston MA 02108. (617)451-9600. Fax: (617)350-0250. E-mail: Website: “We publish books that matter for people who care.” This publisher is no longer considering unsolicited mss of any type. Only interested in agented material.


E-mail: Website: “Our primary interest at this time is mental health, personal growth, aging well, positive psychology, accessible spirituality, and self-help. Our audience is adults trying to cope with this ‘upside down world.’ With our self-help books, we are trying to improve the world one book at a time.” Publishes trade paperback originals. Pays 10% royalty on retail price. Publishes book 6-9 months after acceptance. “Due to high query volume, response not guaranteed.”

NEEDS “We are interested in zen-inspired haiku and non-embellished, non-rhyming, egoless poems. Read Mary Oliver.”

HOW TO CONTACT Query, submit 3 sample poems. E-mail submissions only.

TIPS “Your book should be enlightening and marketable. Be prepared to have a comprehensive marketing plan. You will be very involved.”


500 Beaverbrook Ct., Suite 330, Fredericton NB E3B 5X4, Canada. (506)450-4251. Fax: (506)459-4991. E-mail: Website: Contact: Angela Williams, publishing assistant. “Goose Lane publishes literary fiction and nonfiction from well-read and highly skilled Canadian authors.” Publishes hardcover and paperback originals and occasional reprints. Pays 8-10% royalty on retail price. Pays $500-3,000, negotiable advance. Responds in 6 months to queries.

NEEDS Considers mss by Canadian poets only.

HOW TO CONTACT Submit cover letter, list of publications, synopsis, entire ms, SASE.

TIPS “Writers should send us outlines and samples of books that show a very well-read author with highly developed literary skills. Our books are almost all by Canadians living in Canada; we seldom consider submissions from outside Canada. We consider submissions from outside Canada only when the author is Canadian and the book is of extraordinary interest to Canadian readers. We do not publish books for children or for the young adult market.”


250 Third Ave. N., Suite 600, Minneapolis MN 55401. E-mail: Website: Contact: Lucia Cowles, editorial and administrative assistant. “Graywolf Press is an independent, nonprofit publisher dedicated to the creation and promotion of thoughtful and imaginative contemporary literature essential to a vital and diverse culture.” Publishes trade cloth and paperback originals. Pays royalty on retail price. Pays $1,000-25,000 advance. Publishes 18 months after acceptance. Responds in 3 months to queries. Book catalog free. Guidelines online.

NEEDS “We are interested in linguistically challenging work.”

HOW TO CONTACT Agented submissions only.


841 Broadway, 4th Floor, New York NY 10003. (212)614-7850. Fax: (212)614-7886. E-mail: Website: “Due to limited resources of time and staffing, Grove/Atlantic cannot accept manuscripts that do not come through a literary agent. In today’s publishing world, agents are more important than ever, helping writers shape their work and navigate the main publishing houses to find the most appropriate outlet for a project.” Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals, and reprints. Pays 7 12-12 12% royalty. Makes outright purchase of $5-500,000. Book published 9 months after acceptance of ms. Responds in 1 month to queries; 2 months to proposals; 4 months to mss. Book catalog available online.

HOW TO CONTACT Agented submissions only.


1569 Heritage Way, Oakville Ontario L6M 2Z7, Canada. (905)599-5304. Fax: (416)981-7606. E-mail: Website: Contact: Michael Mirolla, editor/publisher (poetry, nonfiction, short stories, novels). Guernica Editions is a literary press that produces works of poetry, fiction and nonfiction often by writers who are ignored by the mainstream. Publishes trade paperback originals and reprints. Pays 8-10% royalty on retail price, or makes outright purchase of $200-5,000. Pays $450-750 advance. Publishes 24-36 months after acceptance. Responds in 1 month to queries. Responds in 6 months to proposals. Responds in 1 year to manuscripts Book catalog available online.

NEEDS Feminist, gay/lesbian, literary, multicultural, poetry in translation. We wish to have writers in translation. Any writer who has translated Italian poetry is welcomed. Full books only. No single poems by different authors, unless modern, and used as an anthology. First books will have no place in the next couple of years.



195 Broadway, New York NY 10007. (212)207-7000. Website: HarperCollins, one of the largest English language publishers in the world, is a broad-based publisher with strengths in academic, business and professional, children’s, educational, general interest, and religious and spiritual books, as well as multimedia titles. Publishes hardcover and paperback originals and paperback reprints. Pays royalty. Pays negotiable advance.

TIPS “We do not accept any unsolicited material.”


P.O. Box 123, 403 Cassa Rd., Glendo WY 82213. (307)735-4370. Fax: (307)735-4590. E-mail: Website: Contact: Nancy Curtis, publisher. High Plains Press is a regional book publishing company specializing in books about the American West, with special interest in things relating to Wyoming. Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals. Pays 10% royalty on wholesale price. Pays $200-1,200 advance. Publishes book 2 years after acceptance of ms. Responds in 1 month to queries and proposals; 12 months on mss. Book catalog and guidelines online.

NEEDS “We publish 1 poetry volume a year. Require connection to West. Consider poetry in August.”

HOW TO CONTACT Submit 5 sample poems.

TIPS “Our audience comprises general readers interested in history and culture of the Rockies.”


22 Whitewell Rd., Frome Somerset BA11 4EL, United Kingdom. (44)(173)466-6653. E-mail: Contact: R. John, editor; M. Pargitter (poetry); Anna Martin (translation). “Hippopotamus Press publishes first, full collections of verse by those well represented in the mainstream poetry magazines of the English-speaking world.” Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals. Pays 712-10% royalty on retail price. Pays advance. Publishes book 10 months after acceptance. Responds in 1 month to queries. Book catalog available free.

NEEDS “Read one of our authors—poets often make the mistake of submitting poetry without knowing the type of verse we publish.”

HOW TO CONTACT Query and submit complete ms.

TIPS “We publish books for a literate audience. We have a strong link to the Modernist tradition. Read what we publish.”


110 Spadina Ave., Suite 801, Toronto ON M5V 2K4, Canada. (416)363-4343. Fax: (416)363-1017. Website: House of Anansi publishes literary fiction and poetry by Canadian and international writers. Pays 8-10% royalties. Pays $750 advance and 10 author’s copies. Responds to queries within 1 year; to mss (if invited) within 4 months.

NEEDS “We seek to balance the list between well-known and emerging writers, with an interest in writing by Canadians of all backgrounds. We publish Canadian poetry only, and poets must have a substantial publication record—if not in books, then definitely in journals and magazines of repute.” Does not want “children’s poetry or poetry by previously unpublished poets.”

HOW TO CONTACT Canadian poets should query first with 10 sample poems (typed double-spaced) and a cover letter with brief bio and publication credits. Considers simultaneous submissions. Poems are circulated to an editorial board. Often comments on rejected poems.


P.O. Box 30087, Bethesda MD 20824. (301)718-8188. Fax: (301)907-8707. E-mail: Website: “IBEX publishes books about Iran and the Middle East and about Persian culture and literature.” Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals and reprints. Payment varies. Book catalog available free.

NEEDS “Translations of Persian poets will be considered.”


2407 S. Sonora Dr., Spokane WA 99037. (509)701-8866. E-mail:; Website: Contact: John Lemon, owner/editor (literature, epic poetry). Publishes trade paperback originals and reprints, electronic originals and reprints. Pays 20-50% royalties on receipts. Publishes ms up to 1 year after acceptance. Responds in 6 months. Guidelines online.

NEEDS “Submit only narrative epic poems in metered or sprung blank non-rhyming verse. All others will be rejected. See submission guidelines on website.”

HOW TO CONTACT Query with first 20 pages and SASE.


133 Clarendon St., Box 170021, Boston MA 02117. (617)963-0886. Fax: (617)861-8533. E-mail: Website: Publishes hardcover, trade paperback, mass market, and electronic originals; trade paperback and mass market reprints. Pays 5-17% royalty on retail price. Offers $1,500-125,000 advance. Publishes ms 2 years after acceptance. Responds in 3 months to queries; 4-6 months to mss and proposals. Book catalog for 9x12 SASE with 7 first-class stamps. Guidelines for #10 SASE.

NEEDS “Some works may be slated for anthologies. Readers are from diverse demographic. Seeking innovative styles. Especially seeking emerging ethnic poets from Asia, Europe, and Spanish-speaking countries.”


520 Princess Ave., London ON N6B 2B8, Canada. (416)504-6270. E-mail: Website: Contact: Mike O’Connor, publisher. Publishes trade paperback originals and reprints, mass market paperback originals, and electronic originals and reprints. Pays 10-15% royalty on retail price. Pays $500-1,000 advance. Publishes ms 6 months after acceptance. Guidelines online.

NEEDS “Our poetry publishing is limited to 2-4 books per year and we are often booked up a year or two in advance.”

HOW TO CONTACT Submit complete ms.

TIPS “We envision a mixed readership that appreciates up-and-coming literary fiction and poetry as well as solidly researched and provocative nonfiction. Peruse our website and familiarize yourself with what we’ve published in the past.”


595 Main St., Suite 605, New York NY 10044-0047. (917)371-0563. E-mail: Website: Contact: Ronald G. Musto and Eileen Gardiner, publishers. “Italica Press publishes English translations of modern Italian fiction and medieval and Renaissance nonfiction.” Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals. Pays 7-15% royalty on wholesale price; author’s copies. Publishes ms 1 year after acceptance. Responds in 1 month to queries; 4 months to mss. Book catalog and guidelines online.

NEEDS Poetry titles are always translations and generally dual language.

HOW TO CONTACT Query with 10 sample translations of medieval and Renaissance Italian poets. Include cover letter, bio, and list of publications.

TIPS “We are interested in considering a wide variety of medieval and Renaissance topics (not historical fiction), and for modern works we are only interested in translations from Italian fiction by well-known Italian authors. Only fiction that has been previously published in Italian. A brief e-mail saves a lot of time. 90% of proposals we receive are completely off base—but we are very interested in things that are right on target.”


114 Prescott St., Farmington ME 04938. (207)778-7071. Fax: (207)778-7766. E-mail: Website: Contact: Alyssa Neptune, managing editor; Carey Salerno, executive director; Nicole Wakefield, senior editorial assistant. “Alice James Books is a nonprofit cooperative poetry press. The founders’ objectives were to give women access to publishing and to involve authors in the publishing process. The cooperative selects mss for publication through both regional and national competitions.” Publishes trade paperback originals. Pays through competition awards. Publishes ms 1 year after acceptance. Responds promptly to queries; 4 months to mss. Book catalog online. Guidelines online.

NEEDS “Alice James Books is a nonprofit cooperative poetry press. The founders’ objectives were to give women access to publishing and to involve authors in the publishing process. The cooperative selects mss for publication through both regional and national competitions.” Does not want children’s poetry or light verse.

TIPS “Send SASE for contest guidelines or check website. Do not send work without consulting current guidelines.”


2715 N. Charles St., Baltimore MD 21218. (410)516-6900. Fax: (410)516-6968. E-mail: Website: Contact: Jacqueline C. Wehmueller, executive editor (consumer health, psychology and psychiatry, and history of medicine;; Matthew McAdam, editor (; Robert J. Brugger, senior acquisitions editor (American history;; Vincent J. Burke, exec. editor (biology; Publishes hardcover originals and reprints, and trade paperback reprints. Pays royalty. Publishes ms 1 year after acceptance.

NEEDS “One of the largest American university presses, Johns Hopkins publishes primarily scholarly books and journals. We do, however, publish short fiction and poetry in the series Johns Hopkins: Poetry and Fiction, edited by John Irwin.”


USC ASE, 3620 S. Vermont Ave. KAP 462, Los Angeles CA 90089. (213)740-2285. E-mail: Website: Contact: Sunyoung Lee, editor. Kaya is an independent literary press dedicated to the publication of innovative literature from the Asian diaspora. “We are looking for innovative writers with a commitment to quality literature.” Publishes hardcover originals and trade paperback originals and reprints. Responds in 6 months to mss. Book catalog available free. Guidelines online.

HOW TO CONTACT Submit complete ms.

TIPS “Audience is people interested in a high standard of literature and who are interested in breaking down easy approaches to multicultural literature.”


Poetry by Women, 2824 Kelsey St., Berkeley CA 94705. E-mail: Website: “A Berkeley, California press publishing collaborations between women poets and artists. Many of the press’s collaborations focus on a central theme or conceit, like the sprawl and spectacle of New York in Arcade by Erica Hunt and Alison Saar.” Hardcover and trade paperback originals and electronic originals.



Imprint of Random House, 1745 Broadway, New York NY 10019. Fax: (212)940-7390. Website: Contact: The editors. Publishes hardcover and paperback originals. Royalties vary. Offers advance. Publishes ms 1 year after acceptance. Responds in 2-6 months to queries.


1 Ballysillan Dr., Belfast BT14 8HQ, Northern Ireland. (44)2890-500-796. Fax: (44)2890-295-800. E-mail: Website: Contact: Dennis Greig, editor. Pays 20 author’s copies, no royalties. Responds to queries in 1 month; mss in 2 months.

Lapwing will produce work only if and when resources to do so are available.

NEEDS Lapwing publishes “emerging Irish poets and poets domiciled in Ireland, plus the new work of a suitable size by established Irish writers. Non-Irish poets are also published. Poets based in continental Europe have become a major feature. Emphasis on first collections preferrably not larger than 80 pages.

HOW TO CONTACT “Submit 6 poems in the first instance; depending on these, an invitation to submit more may follow.” Considers simultaneous submissions. Accepts e-mail submissions in body of message or in DOC format. Cover letter is required. “All submissions receive a first reading. If these poems have minor errors or faults, the writer is advised. Those which appeal at first reading are retained, and a conditional offer is sent.” Often comments on rejected poems. “After initial publication, irrespective of the quantity, the work will be permanently available using ‘print-on-demand’ production; such publications may not always be printed exactly as the original, although the content will remain the same.”

TIPS “We are unable to accept new work from beyond mainland Europe and the British Isles due to delivery costs.”


95 Madison Ave., #1205, New York NY 10016. (212)779-4400. E-mail: Website: Jessica Echeverria, associate editor; Samantha Wolf, editorial assistant. Contact: Louise May, vice president/editorial director (multicultural children’s fiction/nonfiction). “Our goals are to meet a growing need for books that address children of color, and to present literature that all children can identify with. We only consider multicultural children’s books. Sponsors a yearly New Voices Award for first-time picture book authors of color. Contest rules online at website or for SASE.” Publishes hardcover originals and trade paperback reprints. Pays net royalty. Pays authors advances against royalty. Pays illustrators advance against royalty. Photographers paid advance against royalty. Publishes book 2 years after acceptance. Responds in 6 months to mss if interested. Book catalog available online. Guidelines available online or by written request with SASE.

HOW TO CONTACT Submit complete ms.

TIPS “Check our website to see the kinds of books we publish. Do not send mss that don’t fit our mission.”


P.O. Box 7736, Los Angeles CA 90007. E-mail: Website: Contact: Teresa Carmody and Vanessa Place, co-directors. Les Figues Press is an independent, nonprofit publisher of poetry, prose, visual art, conceptual writing, and translation. With amission is to create aesthetic conversations between readers, writers, and artists, Les Figues Press favors projects which push the boundaries of genre, form, and general acceptability. Submissions are only reviewed through its annual NOS Book Contest.


118 Heritage Ave., Maple Shade NJ 08052. (609)410-7391. E-mail: Website: Contact: Steve Berman, publisher. “Welcomes submissions from authors of any sexual or gender identity.” Guidelines online.

NEEDS “Lethe Press is a small press seeking gay and lesbian themed poetry collections.” Lethe Books are distributed by Ingram Publications and Bookazine, and are available at all major bookstores, as well as the major online retailers.

HOW TO CONTACT Query with 7-10 poems, list of publications.


105 Lost Horse Lane, Sandpoint ID 83864. (208)255-4410. E-mail: Website: Contact: Christine Holbert, publisher. Distributed by University of Washington Press. Publishes hardcover and paperback originals. Publishes ms 3-9 months after acceptance.

"Does not accept unsolicited mss. However, we welcome submissions for the Idaho Prize for Poetry, a national competition offering $1,000 prize money plus publication for a book-length ms. Please check the submission guidelines for the Idaho Prize for Poetry online.”


137 Leland Ave., Columbus OH 43214-7505. E-mail: Website: Contact: John M. Bennett, editor/publisher.

NEEDS “Interested in avant-garde and highly experimental work only.” Has published poetry by Jim Leftwich, Sheila E. Murphy, Al Ackerman, Richard Kostelanetz, Carla Bertola, Olchar Lindsann, and many others.

HOW TO CONTACT Query first, with a few sample poems and cover letter with brief bio and publication credits. “Keep it brief. Chapbook publishing usually depends on grants or other subsidies, and is usually by solicitation. Will also consider subsidy arrangements on negotiable terms.” A sampling of various Luna Bisonte Prods products is available for $20.


(202)342-1642. Fax: (202)342-9269. E-mail: Website: Mage publishes books relating to Persian/Iranian culture. Publishes hardcover originals and reprints, trade paperback originals. Pays royalty. Responds in 1 month to queries. Book catalog available free. Guidelines online.

NEEDS Must relate to Persian/Iranian culture.


TIPS “Audience is the Iranian-American community in America and Americans interested in Persian culture.”


452 Cottingham Crescent, Ancaster ON L9G 3V6, Canada. E-mail: Website: Contact: Mike Davie, president (novels, poetry, and nonfiction). Publishes hardcover, trade paperback, and mass market paperback originals reprints. Pays 10% royalty on retail price. Publishes book 1 year after acceptance. Queries and mss to be sent by e-mail only. “We will respond in 30 days if interested-if not, there is no response. Do not follow up unless asked to do so.” Book catalog online. Guidelines available via e-mail.

NEEDS Poetry should engage, provoke, involve the reader.

TIPS “Our audience includes everyone-the general public/mass audience. Self-edit your work first, make sure it is well written with strong Canadian content.”


E-mail: Website: Assistant Editors: Kayla Marie Middlebrook and Brielle Kelton. Contact: Kendall A. Bell, editor. Maverick Duck Press is a “publisher of chapbooks from undiscovered talent. We are looking for fresh and powerful work that shows a sense of innovation or a new take on passion or emotion. Previous publication in print or online journals could increase your chances of us accepting your manuscript.” Does not want “unedited work.” Pays 20 author’s copies (out of a press run of 50).

HOW TO CONTACT Send ms in Microsoft Word format with a cover letter with brief bio and publication credits. Chapbook mss may include previously published poems. “Previous publication is always a plus, as we may be more familiar with your work. Chapbook mss should have 16-24 poems, but no more than 24 poems.”


The Canadian Publishers, One Toronto St., Unit 300, Toronto ON M5A 2P9, Canada. (416)364-4449. Fax: (416)598-7764. Website: Publishes hardcover, trade paperback, and mass market paperback originals and reprints. Pays 10-15% royalty on retail price (hardcover rates). Pays advance. Publishes ms 1 year after acceptance. Responds in 3 months to proposals.

NEEDS Only Canadian poets should apply. We publish only 4 titles each year. Query. No unsolicted mss.


133 Elm St., Suite 3R, Bennington VT 05201. (802)447-0313. E-mail: Website: “Merriam Press specializes in military history, particularly World War II history. We are also branching out into other genres.” Publishes hardcover and softcover trade paperback originals and reprints. Pays 10% royalty on actual selling price. Publishes ms 6 months or less after acceptance. Responds quickly (e-mail preferred) to queries. Book catalog and guidelines online.

NEEDS Especially but not limited to military topics.

HOW TO CONTACT Query with SASE or by e-mail first.

TIPS “Our military history books are geared for military historians, collectors, model kit builders, wargamers, veterans, general enthusiasts. We now publish some historical fiction and poetry and will consider well-written books on a variety of non-military topics.”


356 Bachelor Hall, Miami University, Oxford OH 45056. E-mail: Website: Contact: Keith Tuma, editor; Amy Toland, managing editor. Publishes 1-2 books of poetry/year and 1 novella, in paperback editions.

HOW TO CONTACT Miami University Press is unable to respond to unsolicited mss and queries.


1405 S. Harrison Rd., Suite 25, East Lansing MI 48823-5202. (517)355-9543. Fax: (517)432-2611. E-mail: Website: Contact: Alex Schwartz and Julie Loehr, acquisitions. Michigan State University Press has notably represented both scholarly publishing and the mission of Michigan State University with the publication of numerous award-winning books and scholarly journals. In addition, they publish nonfiction that addresses, in a more contemporary way, social concerns, such as diversity and civil rights. They also publish literary fiction and poetry. Publishes hardcover and softcover originals. Pays variable royalty. Book catalog and ms guidelines online.

NEEDS Publishes poetry collections.

HOW TO CONTACT Submit proposal with sample poems.


1011 Washington Ave. S., Suite 300, Minneapolis MN 55415. (612)332-3192. Fax: (612)215-2550. Website: Contact: Patrick Thomas, editor and program director. “Milkweed Editions publishes with the intention of making a humane impact on society, in the belief that literature is a transformative art uniquely able to convey the essential experiences of the human heart and spirit. To that end, Milkweed Editions publishes distinctive voices of literary merit in handsomely designed, visually dynamic books, exploring the ethical, cultural, and esthetic issues that free societies need continually to address.” Publishes hardcover, trade paperback, and electronic originals; trade paperback and electronic reprints. Pays authors variable royalty based on retail price. Offers advance against royalties. Pays varied advance from $500-10,000. Publishes book in 18 months. Responds in 6 months. Book catalog online. Guidelines online.

NEEDS Milkweed Editions is “looking for poetry manuscripts of high quality that embody humane values and contribute to cultural understanding.” Not limited in subject matter. Open to writers with previously published books of poetry or a minimum of 6 poems published in nationally distributed commercial or literary journals. Considers translations and bilingual mss.

HOW TO CONTACT Query with SASE; submit completed ms.

TIPS “We are looking for excellent writing with the intent of making a humane impact on society. Please read submission guidelines before submitting and acquaint yourself with our books in terms of style and quality before submitting. Many factors influence our selection process, so don’t get discouraged. Nonfiction is focused on literary writing about the natural world, including living well in urban environments.”


10699 Empire Grade, Santa Cruz CA 95060. (831)427-2271. E-mail: Website: Contact: Felicia Rice, poetry editor. Moving Part Press publishes handsome, innovative books, broadsides, and prints that “explore the relationship of word and image, typography and the visual arts, the fine arts and popular culture.”

HOW TO CONTACT Does not accept unsolicited mss.


80 Eighth Ave., New York NY 10011. Fax: (212)255-0231. E-mail: Website: Contact: Editorial Assistant. “Currently, New Directions focuses primarily on fiction in translation, avant garde American fiction, and experimental poetry by American and foreign authors. If your work does not fall into one of those categories, you would probably do best to submit your work elsewhere.” Hardcover and trade paperback originals. Responds in 3-4 months to queries. Book catalog and guidelines online.


TIPS “Our books serve the academic community.”


201, 8540-109 St., Edmonton AB T6G 1E6, Canada. (780)432-9427. Fax: (780)433-3179. E-mail: Website: NeWest publishes Western Canadian fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama. Publishes trade paperback originals. Pays 10% royalty. Publishes ms 2-3 years after acceptance. Responds in 6-8 months to queries. Book catalog for 9×12 SASE. Guidelines online.


Western Michigan University, 1903 W. Michigan Ave., Kalamazoo MI 49008-5463. (269)387-8185. Fax: (269)387-2562. E-mail: Website: Contact: Managing Editor. Publishes 18 months after acceptance. Guidelines online.

NEEDS New Issues Poetry & Prose offers two contests annually. The Green Rose Prize is awarded to an author who has previously published at least one full-length book of poems. The New Issues Poetry Prize, an award for a first book of poems, is chosen by a guest judge. Past judges have included Philip Levine, C.K. Williams, C.D. Wright, and Campbell McGrath. New Issues does not read mss outside our contests. Graduate students in the Ph.D. and M.F.A. programs of Western Michigan Univ. often volunteer their time reading mss. Finalists are chosen by the editors. New Issues often publishes up to 2 additional mss selected from the finalists.


MSU Moorhead, 1104 Seventh Ave. S., Moorhead MN 56563. E-mail: Website: Contact: Suzzanne Kelley, managing editor. New Rivers Press publishes collections of poetry, novels, nonfiction, translations of contemporary literature, and collections of short fiction and nonfiction. “We continue to publish books regularly by new and emerging writers, but we also welcome the opportunity to read work of every character and to publish the best literature available nationwide. Each fall through the Many Voices Project competition, we choose 2 books: 1 poetry and 1 prose.”

NEEDS The Many Voices Project awards $1,000, a standard book contract, publication of a book-length ms by New Rivers Press, and national distribution. All previously published poems must be acknowledged. “We will consider simultaneous submissions if noted as such. If your manuscript is accepted elsewhere during the judging, you must notify New Rivers Press immediately. If you do not give such notification and your manuscript is selected, your entry gives New Rivers Press permission to go ahead with publication.”

HOW TO CONTACT Guidelines online.


Furman University, 3300 Poinsett Hwy., Greenville SC 29613. (864)294-3152. Fax: (864)294-2224. E-mail: Website: Contact: Gilbert Allen, editor. For a sample, send $10.

TIPS “South Carolina poets only. Check our website for guidelines.”


5114 Cedar Lake Rd., Minneapolis MN 55416. (952)546-6300. Fax: (952)546-6303. E-mail: Contact: Norton Stillman, publisher. “Nodin Press publishes Minnesota regional titles: nonfiction, memoir, sports, poetry.” Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals Pays 5% royalty. Publishes book 6 months after acceptance. Responds in 6 months to queries. Book catalog and ms guidelines free.

NEEDS Regional (Minnesota poets).

HOW TO CONTACT Submit 10 sample poems.


2526 MLK Jr. Way, Berkeley CA 94704. Website: Contact: Acquisitions Board. Publishes hardcover, trade paperback, and electronic originals; trade paperback and electronic reprints. Pays royalty percentage on wholesale price. Publishes ms 14 months after acceptance. Responds in 3-6 months. Book catalog free on request (if available). Guidelines online.

HOW TO CONTACT Submit 15-20 sample poems.


500 Fifth Ave., New York NY 10110. (212)354-5500. Fax: (212)869-0856. Website: “W. W. Norton & Company, the oldest and largest publishing house owned wholly by its employees, strives to carry out the imperative of its founder to ‘publish books not for a single season, but for the years’ in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, college textbooks, cookbooks, art books and professional books. Due to the workload of our editorial staff and the large volume of materials we receive, Norton is no longer able to accept unsolicited submissions. If you are seeking publication, we suggest working with a literary agent who will represent you to the house.”


50 N. Professor St., Oberlin College, Oberlin OH 44074. (440)775-8408. Fax: (440)775-8124. E-mail: Website: Contact: Marco Wilkinson, managing editor. Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals. Pays 712-10% royalty. Responds promptly to queries; 2 months to mss.

NEEDS FIELD Magazine—submit 2-6 poems through website “submissions” tab; FIELD Translation Series—query with SASE and sample poems; FIELD Poetry Series—no unsolicited mss. Enter mss in FIELD Poetry Prize ($1,000 and a standard royalty contract) held annually in May.

HOW TO CONTACT Submit complete ms.

TIPS “Queries for the FIELD Translation Series: send sample poems and letter describing project. Winner of the annual FIELD poetry prize determines publication. Do not send unsolicited manuscripts.”


1070 Carmack Rd., 180 Pressey Hall, Columbus OH 43210-1002. (614)292-6930. Fax: (614)292-2065. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Eugene O’Connor, acquisitions editor (medieval studies and classics); Lindsay Martin, acquisitions editor (literary studies). The Ohio State University Press publishes scholarly nonfiction, and offers short fiction and short poetry prizes. Currently emphasizing history, literary studies, political science, women’s health, classics, Victoria studies. Pays royalty. Pays advance. Responds in 3 months to queries. Guidelines online.

NEEDS Offers poetry competition through The Journal.


P.O. Box 2278, Lantzville BC V0R 1M0, Canada. (250)390-4839. Fax: (866)299-0026. E-mail: Website: Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals and reprints. Pays royalty on retail price. Publishes ms 6-12 months after acceptance. Responds in 1-3 months. Book catalog online. Guidelines online.

Only publishes Canadian authors.

NEEDS “We are one of the few small literary presses in Canada that still publishes poetry. We try to include 2-3 poetry titles each year. We attempt to balance our list between emerging and established poets. Our poetry titles have won or been shortlisted for major national awards, including the Governor General’s Award, the BC Book Prizes, and the Alberta Awards.”

HOW TO CONTACT Submit 10 sample poems.

TIPS “Our audience is adult readers who love good books and good literature. Our audience is regional and national, as well as international. Follow our submission guidelines. Check out some of our titles at your local library or bookstore to get an idea of what we publish. Don’t send us the only copy of your manuscript. Let us know if your submission is simultaneous, and inform us if it is accepted elsewhere. Above all, keep writing!”


369 Neuberger Hall, 724 SW Harrison St., Portland OR 97201. (503)725-9410. E-mail: Website: Publishes trade paperback, and electronic originals and reprints. Pays negotiable royalty on retail price. Book catalog online. Guidelines online.

NEEDS Ooligan is a not-for-profit general trade press that publishes books honoring the cultural and natural diversity of the Pacific Northwest. “We are limited in the number of poetry titles that we publish as poetry represents only a small percentage of our overall acquisitions. We are open to all forms of style and verse; however, we give special preference to prose poetry and traditional verse. Although spoken word, slam, and rap poetry are of interest to the press, we will consider such work if it does not translate well to the written page.” Ooligan does not publish chapbooks.

HOW TO CONTACT Query, submit 20 sample poems, submit complete ms.

TIPS “For children’s books, our audience will be middle grades and young adult, with marketing to general trade, libraries, and schools. Good marketing ideas increase the chances of a manuscript succeeding.”


557 Broadway, New York NY 10012. E-mail: Website: Contact: Ken Geist, vice president/editorial director; David Saylor, vice president/creative director. Orchard is not accepting unsolicited mss. Most commonly offers an advance against list royalties.


P.O. Box 320533, Alexandria VA 22320. (703)683-1243. E-mail: Website: Contact: Roger Lathbury, editor-in-chief. Orchises Press is a general literary publisher specializing in poetry with selected reprints and textbooks. No new fiction or children’s books. Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals and reprints. Pays 36% of receipts after Orchises has recouped its costs. Publishes book 1 year after acceptance. Responds in 3 months to queries. Guidelines online.

NEEDS Poetry must have been published in respected literary journals. Orchises Press no longer reads unsolicited mss. Publishes free verse, but has strong formalist preferences.

HOW TO CONTACT Query and submit 5 sample poems.


1935 Penfield Road, Penfield NY 14526. (585)456-0217. E-mail: Website: Contact: Donna M. Marbach, publisher/owner.

NEEDS Palettes & Quills “is at this point, a poetry press only, and produces only a handful of publications each year, specializing in anthologies, individual chapbooks, and broadsides.” Wants “work that should appeal to a wide audience.” Does not want “poems that are sold blocks of text, long-lined and without stanza breaks. Wildly elaborate free-verse would be difficult and in all likelihood fight with art background, amateurish rhyming poem, overly sentimental poems, poems that use excessive profanity, or which denigrate other people, or political and religious diatribes.”

HOW TO CONTACT Query first with 3-5 poems and a cover letter with brief bio and publication credits for individual unsolicited chapbooks. May include previously published poems. Chapbook poets would get 20 copies of a run; broadside poets and artists get 5-10 copies and occasionally paid $10 for reproduction rights. Anthology poets get 1 copy of the anthology. All poets and artists get a discount on purchases that include their work.


3819 N. 13th St., Arlington VA 22201. (703)525-9296. E-mail: Website: Contact: Richard Peabody. “Too academic for the underground, too outlaw for the academic world. We tend to be edgy and look for ultra-literary work.” Publishes paperback originals. Books: POD printing. Average print order: 500. Averages 1 total title/year. Member CLMP. Distributes through Amazon and website. Publishes ms 1 year after acceptance. Responds to queries in 1 month; mss in 4 months.

NEEDS Considers experimental, edgy poetry collections.

HOW TO CONTACT Accepts unsolicited mss. Accepts queries by e-mail. Include brief bio. Send SASE for return of ms or send a disposable ms and SASE for reply only.

TIPS “Check out our website. Two of our favorite writers are Paul Bowles and Jeanette Winterson.”


1000 Burmaster St., Gretna LA 70053. (504)368-1175. Fax: (504)368-1195. E-mail: Website: “We believe ideas have consequences. One of the consequences is that they lead to a best-selling book. We publish books to improve and uplift the reader. Currently emphasizing business and history titles.” Publishes 20 young readers/year; 1 middle reader/year. “Our children’s books (illustrated and otherwise) include history, biography, holiday, and regional. Pelican’s mission is to publish books of quality and permanence that enrich the lives of those who read them.” Publishes hardcover, trade paperback and mass market paperback originals and reprints. Pays authors in royalties; buys ms outright “rarely.” Illustrators paid by “various arrangements.” Advance considered. Publishes a book 9-18 months after acceptance. Responds in 1 month to queries; 3 months to mss. Book catalog and ms guidelines online.

NEEDS Considers poetry for “hardcover children’s books only (1,100 words maximum), preferably with a regional focus. However, our needs for this are very limited; we publish 20 juvenile titles per year, and most of these are prose, not poetry.” Books are 32 pages, magazine-sized, include illustrations.

TIPS “We do extremely well with cookbooks, popular histories, and business. We will continue to build in these areas. The writer must have a clear sense of the market and knowledge of the competition. A query letter should describe the project briefly, give the author’s writing and professional credentials, and promotional ideas.”


277 Broadway, Suite 708, New York NY 10007. (212)260-9256. Fax: (212)267-3165. E-mail: Website: The aim of Persea is to publish works that endure by meeting high standards of literary merit and relevance. “We have often taken on important books other publishers have overlooked, or have made significant discoveries and rediscoveries, whether of a single work or writer’s entire oeuvre. Our books cover a wide range of themes, styles, and genres. We have published poetry, fiction, essays, memoir, biography, titles of Jewish and Middle Eastern interest, women’s studies, American Indian folklore, and revived classics, as well as a notable selection of works in translation.” Responds in 8 weeks to proposals; 10 weeks to mss. Guidelines online.

NEEDS “We have a longstanding commitment to publishing extraordinary contemporary poetry and maintain an active poetry program. At this time, due to our commitment to the poets we already publish, we are limited in our ability to add new collections.”

HOW TO CONTACT Send an e-mail to describing current project and publication history, attaching a pdf or Word document with up to 12 sample pages of poetry. “If the timing is right and we are interested in seeing more work, we will contact you.”


P.O. Box 60364, Florence MA 01062. Website: Contact: Susan Kan, director. Celebrating poetry by women since 1997. “Contact us through our website.”


Imprint of Arte Publico Press, University of Houston, 4902 Gulf Fwy., Bldg. 19, Room 100, Houston TX 77204-2004. (713)743-2845. Fax: (713)743-3080. E-mail: Website: “Piñata Books is dedicated to the publication of children’s and young adult literature focusing on U.S. Hispanic culture by U.S. Hispanic authors. Arte Publico’s mission is the publication, promotion and dissemination of Latino literature for a variety of national and regional audiences, from early childhood to adult, through the complete gamut of delivery systems, including personal performance as well as print and electronic media.” Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals. Pays 10% royalty on wholesale price. Pays $1,000-3,000 advance. Publishes book 2 years after acceptance. Responds in 2-3 months to queries; 4-6 months to mss. Book catalog and guidelines online.

NEEDS Appropriate to Hispanic theme.

HOW TO CONTACT Submissions made through online submission form.

TIPS “Include cover letter with submission explaining why your manuscript is unique and important, why we should publish it, who will buy it, etc.”


2714 Jefferson Dr., Alexandria VA 22303. (215)732-2663. E-mail: Website: Contact: Steven Allen May, president. Plan B Press is a “small publishing company with an international feel. Our intention is to have Plan B Press be part of the conversation about the direction and depth of literary movements and genres. Plan B Press’s new direction is to seek out authors rarely-to-never published, sharing new voices that might not otherwise be heard. Plan B Press is determined to merge text with image, writing with art.” Publishes poetry and short fiction. Wants “experimental poetry, concrete/visual work.” Pays author’s copies. Responds to queries in 1 month; mss in 3 months.

NEEDS Wants to see: experimental, concrete, visual poetry. Does not want “sonnets, political or religious poems, work in the style of Ogden Nash.”


P.O. Box 792, 8590 Belding Rd. NE, Rockford MI 49341. E-mail: Website: Contact: Roseanne Ritzema, editor. Presa Press publishes perfect-bound paperbacks and saddle-stitched chapbooks of poetry. Wants “imagistic poetry where form is an extension of content, surreal, experimental, and personal poetry.” Does not want “overtly political or didactic material.” Pays 10-25 author/quotes copies. Time between acceptance and publication is 8-12 weeks. Responds to queries in 2-4 weeks; to mss in 8-12 weeks

NEEDS Acquires first North American serial rights and the right to reprint in anthologies. Rights include e-book publishing rights. Rights revert to poets upon publication. Accepts postal submissions only. Cover letter is preferred. Reads submissions year round. Poems are circulated to an editorial board. Send materials for review consideration to Roseanne Ritzema.

HOW TO CONTACT Query first, with a few sample poems and a cover letter with brief bio and publication credits. Book/chapbook mss may include previously published poems.


560 N. Trade St., Suite 103, Winston-Salem NC 27101. E-mail: Website: Contact: Kevin Morgan Watson, publisher. “Press 53 was founded in October 2005 and quickly began earning a reputation as a quality publishing house of short story and poetry collections.” Responds in 6 months to mss. Guidelines online.

NEEDS “We love working with poets who have been widely published and are active in the poetry community. We publish roughly 4-6 full-length poetry collections of around 70 pages or more each year, plus the winner of our Press 53 Award for Poetry.” Prefers that at least 30-40% of the poems in the collection be previously published.

HOW TO CONTACT Finds mss through contest and referrals.

TIPS “We are looking for writers who are actively involved in the writing community, writers who are submitting their work to journals, magazines and contests, and who are getting published, building readership, and earning a reputation for their work.”


22230 NE 28th Place, Sammamish WA 98074-6408. Website: Press Here publishes award-winning books of haiku, tanka, and related poetry by the leading poets of these genres, as well as essays, criticism, and interviews about these genres. “We publish work only by those poets who are already frequently published in the leading haiku and tanka journals.” Publishes 1-2 poetry books/year, plus occasional books of essays or interviews. Mss are selected through open submission. Pays a negotiated percentage of author’s copies (out of a press run of 200-1,000). Responds to queries in up to 1 month; to mss in up to 2 months. Catalog available for #10 SASE.

Press Here publications have won the 1st-place Merit Book Award and other awards from the Haiku Society of America.

NEEDS Does not want any poetry other than haiku, tanka, and related genres. Has published poetry by Lee Gurga, paul m., Paul O. Williams, Pat Shelley, Cor van den Heuvel, and William J. Higginson.

HOW TO CONTACT Query first, with a few sample poems and a cover letter with brief bio and publication credits. Book mss may include previously published poems (“previous publication strongly preferred”). “All proposals must be by well-established haiku or tanka poets, and must be for haiku or tanka poetry, or criticism/discussion of these genres. If the editor does not already know your work well from leading haiku and tanka publications, then he is not likely to be interested in your manuscript.”


41 William St., Princeton NJ 08540. (609)258-4900. Fax: (609)258-6305. Website: Contact: Brigitta van Rheinberg, editor-in-chief. “The Lockert Library of Poetry in Translation embraces a wide geographic and temporal range, from Scandinavia to Latin America to the subcontinent of India, from the Tang Dynasty to Europe of the modern day. It especially emphasizes poets who are established in their native lands and who are being introduced to an English-speaking audience. Manuscripts are judged with several criteria in mind: the ability of the translation to stand on its own as poetry in English; fidelity to the tone and spirit of the original, rather than literal accuracy; and the importance of the translated poet to the literature of his or her time and country.” Responds in 3-4 months. Guidelines online.

NEEDS Submit hard copy of proposal with sample poems or full ms. Cover letter is required. Reads submissions year round. Mss will not be returned. Comments on finalists only.


P.O. Box 312, Annandale NJ 08801. E-mail: Website: Contact: Ellen Foos, publisher; Vasiliki Katsarou, managing editor; Arlene Weiner, editor. Produces poetry anthologies and single-author poetry collections along with occasional inspired prose. Ragged Sky is a small, highly selective cooperative press. “We work with our authors closely.” Individual poetry collections currently by invitation only. Learn more online.


P.O. Box 40820, Pasadena CA 91114. (818)831-0649. Fax: (818)831-6659. Website: Contact: Mark E. Cull, publisher/editor (fiction). “At this time, the best opportunity to be published by Red Hen is by entering one of our contests. Please find more information in our award submission guidelines.” Publishes trade paperback originals. Publishes ms 1 year after acceptance. Responds in 1-2 months. Book catalog available free. Guidelines online.

HOW TO CONTACT Submit to Benjamin Saltman Poetry Award.

TIPS “Audience reads poetry, literary fiction, intelligent nonfiction. If you have an agent, we may be too small since we don’t pay advances. Write well. Send queries first. Be willing to help promote your own book.”


P.O. Box 2461, Winchester VA 22604. (540)722-2156. E-mail: Website: Contact: Jim Kacian, editor/publisher. Red Moon Press “is the largest and most prestigious publisher of English-language haiku and related work in the world.” Publishes 6-8 volumes/year, usually 3-5 anthologies and individual collections of English-language haiku, as well as 1-3 books of essays, translations, or criticism of haiku. Under other imprints, the press also publishes chapbooks of various sizes and formats.

HOW TO CONTACT Query with book theme and information, and 30-40 poems or draft of first chapter. Responds to queries in 2 weeks, to mss (if invited) in 3 months. “Each contract separately negotiated.”


3350 W. 21st Ave., Vancouver BC V6S 1G7, Canada. (604)738-4688. Fax: (604)731-4548. E-mail: Website: Contact: Ronald B. Hatch (fiction, poetry, nonfiction, social commentary); Veronica Hatch (YA novels and short stories). “Ronsdale Press is a Canadian literary publishing house that publishes 12 books each year, four of which are young adult titles. Of particular interest are books involving children exploring and discovering new aspects of Canadian history.” Publishes trade paperback originals. Pays 10% royalty on retail price. Publishes book 1 year after acceptance. Responds to queries in 2 weeks; mss in 2 months. Book catalog for #10 SASE. Guidelines online.

NEEDS Poets should have published some poems in magazines/journals and should be well-read in contemporary masters.

HOW TO CONTACT Submit complete ms.

TIPS “Ronsdale Press is a literary publishing house, based in Vancouver, and dedicated to publishing books from across Canada, books that give Canadians new insights into themselves and their country. We aim to publish the best Canadian writers.”


4203 Brooklyn Ave. NE, #103A, Seattle WA 98105. (206)633-2725. E-mail: Website: Contact: David D. Horowitz. “Rose Alley Press primarily publishes books featuring rhymed metrical poetry and an annually updated booklet about writing and publication. We do not read or consider unsolicited manuscripts.”


P.O. Box 1681, Hermitage PA 16148. (330)360-5131. E-mail: Website: Contact: Derek Vasconi, talent finder and CEO. Mss that don’t follow guidelines will not be considered. Publishes hardcover, trade paperback, mass market paperback and electronic originals and reprints. Pays royalty of 20-60% on wholesale price or retail price. Publishes ms 6 months after acceptance. Responds in 1 week. Book catalog available for #10 SASE. Guidelines online.

HOW TO CONTACT Follow guidelines online.

TIPS “Please make sure you visit our submissions page at our website and follow all instructions exactly as written. Also, Sakura Publishing has a preference for fiction/nonfiction books specializing in Asian culture.”


3120 N. Caden Ct., Suite 4, Flagstaff AZ 86004. (928)527-0070. Fax: (928)526-0386. Website: Publishes trade paperback originals and reprints. Pays varying royalty. Pays advance. Publishes ms 1 year after acceptance. Responds in 3 months to queries.

NEEDS “We accept poetry in English/Southwest language for children.”

HOW TO CONTACT Submit 3 sample poems.


Knockeven, Cliffs of Moher, County Clare, Ireland. 353(0)65-7081941. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Jessie Lendennie, editor. Publishes mass market paperback originals and e-books.

NEEDS “Salmon Press has become one of the most important publications in the Irish literary world, specialising in the promotion of new poets, particularly women poets. Established as an alternative voice. Walks tightrope between innovation and convention. Was a flagship for writers in the west of Ireland. Salmon has developed a cross-cultural, internatonal literary dialog, broadening Irish Literature and urging new perspectives on established traditions.”

HOW TO CONTACT E-mail query with short biographical note and 5-10 sample poems.

TIPS “If we are broad minded and willing to nurture the individual voice inherent in the work, the artist will emerge.”


2234 Dundee Rd., Suite 200, Louisville KY 40205. (502)458-4028. Fax: (502)458-4065. E-mail: Website: Contact: Sarah Gorham, editor-in-chief. “Sarabande Books was founded to publish poetry, short fiction, and creative nonfiction. We look for works of lasting literary value. Please see our titles to get an idea of our taste. Accepts submissions through contests and open submissions.” Publishes trade paperback originals. Pays royalty. 10% on actual income received. Also pays in author’s copies. Pays $500-1,000 advance. Publishes ms 18 months after acceptance. Book catalog available free. Contest guidelines for #10 SASE or on website.

Charges $15 handling fee with alternative option of purchase of book from website (e-mail confirmation of sale must be included with submission).

NEEDS Poetry of superior artistic quality; otherwise no restraints or specifications. Sarabande Books publishes books of poetry of 48 pages minimum. Wants “poetry that offers originality of voice and subject matter, uniqueness of vision, and a language that startles because of the careful attention paid to it—language that goes beyond the merely competent or functional.”

HOW TO CONTACT Mss selected through literary contests, invitation, and recommendation by a well-established writer.

TIPS “Sarabande publishes for a general literary audience. Know your market. Read-and buy-books of literature. Sponsors contests for poetry and fiction. Make sure you’re not writing in a vacuum, that you’ve read and are conscious of contemporary literature. Have someone read your manuscript, checking it for ordering, coherence. Better a lean, consistently strong manuscript than one that is long and uneven. We like a story to have good narrative, and we like to be engaged by language.”


105 Woodside Rd., Ardmore PA 19003. (267) 278-9541. E-mail: Website: Contact: Henry Israeli, publisher. “We do not accept unsolicited submissions. We hold a contest, the Saturnalia Books Poetry Prize, annually in which 1 anonymously submitted title is chosen by a poet with a national reputation for publication. Submissions are accepted during the month of March. The submission fee is $30, and the prize is $2,000 and 20 copies of the book. See website for details.” Publishes trade paperback originals and digital versions for e-readers. Pays authors 4-6% royalty on retail price. Pays $400-2,000 advance. Responds in 4 months on mss. Catalog online. Guidelines online.

HOW TO CONTACT “Saturnalia Books has no bias against any school of poetry, but we do tend to publish writers who take chances and push against convention in some way, whether it’s in form, language, content, or musicality.” Submit complete ms to contest only.

TIPS “Our audience tend to be young avid readers of contemporary poetry. Read a few sample books first.”


50 Westons Hills Dr., Emersons Green Bristol BS16 7DF, United Kingdom. E-mail: Website: Contact: Tony Frazer, editor. Publishes trade paperback originals. Pays 10% royalty on retail price after 150 copies have sold; authors also receive 10 free copies of their books. Responds in 2-3 months to mss. Book catalog online. Guidelines online.

NEEDS “Shearsman only publishes poetry, poetry collections, and poetry in translation (from any language but with an emphasis on work in Spanish & in German). Some critical work on poetry and also memoirs and essays by poets. Mainly poetry by British, Irish, North American, and Australian poets.” No children’s books.

TIPS “Book ms submission: most of the ms must have already appeared in the UK or USA magazines of some repute, and it has to fill 70-72 pages of half letter or A5 pages. You must have sufficient return postage. Submissions can also be made by email. It is unlikely that a poet with no track record will be accepted for publication as there is no obvious audience for the work. Try to develop some exposure to UK and US magazines and try to assemble a ms only later.”


P.O. Box 20, Lanesboro MN 55949. (507)458-8190. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Tom Driscoll, managing editor. Publishes trade paperback originals, mass market paperback originals, and electronic originals. Authors receive a maximum of 35% royalties. Average length of time between acceptance of a book-length ms and publication is 6 months. Responds to queries within 2 months. Catalog and guidelines online.

HOW TO CONTACT Submit 3 sample poems by e-mail.

TIPS “Quality writing. Query first. Development and full editorial services available.”


P.O. Box 3541, Eugene OR 97403. (541)344-5060. E-mail: Website: “Sponsors the Gerald Cable Book Award. This prize is awarded annually to a book length manuscript of original poetry by an author who has not yet published a full-length collection. There are no restrictions on the kind of poetry or subject matter; translations are not acceptable. Winners will receive $1,000, publication, and 25 copies of the book. Entries must be postmarked by October 15. Entries may be submitted by e-mail. See website for instructions.” Publishes trade paperback originals. Guidelines online.

TIPS “Read recent Silverfish titles.”


1915 University Press Dr., SIUC Mail Code 6806, Carbondale IL 62901. (618)453-6626. Fax: (618)453-1221. E-mail: Website: Contact: Karl Kageff, editor-in-chief. Scholarly press specializes in film and theater studies, rhetoric and composition studies, American history, Civil War, regional and nonfiction trade, poetry. No fiction. Currently emphasizing film, theater and American history, especially Civil War. Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals and reprints. Pays 5-10% royalty on wholesale price. Rarely offers advance. Publishes ms 1 year after acceptance. Responds in 2 months to queries. Book catalog and ms guidelines free.

NEEDS Crab Orchard Series in Poetry.

HOW TO CONTACT Guidelines online.


Department of English, Western Kentucky University, 1906 College Heights Blvd. #11086, Bowling Green KY 42101. (270)745-5769. E-mail: Website: Contact: Dr. Tom C. Hunley, director. Steel Toe Books publishes “full-length, single-author poetry collections. Our books are professionally designed and printed. We look for workmanship (economical use of language, high-energy verbs, precise literal descriptions, original figurative language, poems carefully arranged as a book); a unique style and/or a distinctive voice; clarity; emotional impact; humor (word plays, hyperbole, comic timing); performability (a Steel Toe poet is at home on the stage as well as on the page).” Does not want “dry verse, purposely obscure language, poetry by people who are so wary of being called ‘sentimental’ they steer away from any recognizable human emotions, poetry that takes itself so seriously that it’s unintentionally funny.” Has published poetry by Allison Joseph, Susan Browne, James Doyle, Martha Silano, Mary Biddinger, John Guzlowski, Jeannine Hall Gailey, and others. Publishes 1-3 poetry books/year. Mss are normally selected through open submission.

HOW TO CONTACT “Check the website for news about our next open reading period.” Book mss may include previously published poems. Responds to mss in 3 months. Pays $500 advance on 10% royalties and 10 author’s copies. Order sample books by sending $12 to Steel Toe Books. Must purchase a manuscript in order to submit. See website for submission guidelines.


University of Colorado at Boulder, Dept. of English, 226 UCB, Boulder CO 80309-0226. E-mail: Website: Subito Press is a non-profit publisher of literary works. Each year Subito publishes one work of fiction and one work of poetry through its contest. Publishes trade paperback originals. Guidelines online.

HOW TO CONTACT Submit complete ms to contest.

TIPS “We publish 2 books of innovative writing a year through our poetry and fiction contests. All entries are also considered for publication with the press.”


P.O. Box 548, Boiling Springs PA 17007. E-mail: E-mail: Website: “Please use our online submission form.” Publishes trade paperback originals and reprints; electronic originals and reprints. Pays 10% royalty on wholesale price. Publishes ms 3 months after acceptance. Responds in 2 months. Catalog and guidelines online.

HOW TO CONTACT Submit complete ms.

TIPS “Our books appeal to very diverse audiences. We are building our list in many categories, focusing on many demographics. We are not like traditional publishers—we are digitally adept and very creative. Don’t be surprised if we move quicker than you are accustomed to!”


P.O. Box 408790, Chicago IL 60640. (773)728-3780. E-mail: Website: “We do not accept unsolicited mss.” Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals. Pays 7-10% royalty on wholesale price. Publishes book 18 months after acceptance. Responds in 6-12 months. Book catalog online. Guidelines online.



1468 Mallard Way, Sunnyvale CA 94087. E-mail: Website: Contact: Robert Pesich, editor.

NEEDS “After publishing 25 chapbooks, a few full-sized poetry collections, and 1 anthology, then taking a short break from publishing, Swan Scythe Press is now re-launching its efforts with some new books, under a new editorship. We have also begun a new series of books, called Poetas/Puentes, from emerging poets writing in Spanish, translated into English. We will also consider mss in indigenous languages from North, Central and South America, translated into English.”

HOW TO CONTACT Query first before submitting a ms via e-mail or through website.


P.O. Box 189, Grafton VT 05146. E-mail: Website: Contact: Resh Daily, managing editor. Tarpaulin Sky Press publishes cross- and trans-genre works as well as innovative poetry and prose. Produces full-length books and chapbooks, hand-bound books and trade paperbacks, and offers both hand-bound and perfect-bound paperback editions of full-length books. “We’re a small, author-centered press endeavoring to create books that, as objects, please our authors as much their texts please us.”

HOW TO CONTACT Writers whose work has appeared in or been accepted for publication in Tarpaulin Sky may submit chapbook or full-length mss at any time, with no reading fee. Tarpaulin Sky Press also considers chapbook and full-length mss from writers whose work has not appeared in the journal, but asks for a $20 reading fee. Make checks/money orders to Tarpaulin Sky Press. Cover letter is preferred. Reading periods may be found on the website.


P.O. Box 7887, Huntington Beach CA 92615. (714)968-0905. E-mail: Website: Contact: Mifanwy Kaiser, editor/publisher. Publishes mss 2 years after acceptance. Responds in 3 months.

NEEDS Offers 2 contests per year. The Patricia Bibby First Book Contest and The Clockwise Chapbook contest. Go online for more information.

HOW TO CONTACT Query first via e-mail, with a few sample poems and cover letter with brief bio.


3003 15th St., Suite 901, Lubbock TX 79409. (806)834-5821. Fax: (806)742-2979. E-mail: Website: Contact: Joanna Conrad, editor-in-chief. Texas Tech University Press, the book publishing office of the university since 1971 and an AAUP member since 1986, publishes nonfiction titles in the areas of natural history and the natural sciences; 18th century and Joseph Conrad studies; studies of modern Southeast Asia, particularly the Vietnam War; costume and textile history; Latin American literature and culture; and all aspects of the Great Plains and the American West, especially history, biography, memoir, sports history, and travel. In addition, the Press publishes several scholarly journals, acclaimed series for young readers, an annual invited poetry collection, and literary fiction of Texas and the West. Guidelines online.

NEEDS “TTUP publishes an annual invited first-book poetry manuscript (please note that we cannot entertain unsolicited poetry submissions).”


410 2nd Ave., Saskatoon SK S7K 2C3, Canada. (306)244-1722. Fax: (306)244-1762. E-mail: Website: Contact: Allan Forrie, publisher. “Thistledown originates books by Canadian authors only, although we have co-published titles by authors outside Canada. We do not publish children’s picture books.” Pays authors royalty of 10-12% based on net dollar sales. Pays illustrators and photographers by the project (range: $250-750). Publishes book 1 year after acceptance. Responds to queries in 4 months. Book catalog free on request.

NEEDS “We do not publish cowboy poetry, inspirational poetry, or poetry for children.”

TIPS “Send cover letter including publishing history and SASE.”


P.O. Box 328, San Fernando CA 91341. E-mail: Website: Contact: Luis Rodriguez, director. Tia Chucha’s Centro Cultural is a nonprofit learning and cultural arts center. “We support and promote the continued growth, development and holistic learning of our community through the many powerful means of the arts. Tia Centra provides a positive space for people to activate what we all share as humans: the capacity to create, to imagine and to express ourselves in an effort to improve the quality of life for our community.” Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals. Pays 10% royalty on wholesale price. Publishes ms 1 year after acceptance. Responds in 9 months to mss. Guidelines online.

NEEDS No restrictions as to style or content. “We only publish poetry at this time. We do cross-cultural and performance-oriented poetry. It has to work on the page, however.”

HOW TO CONTACT Query and submit complete ms.

TIPS “We will cultivate the practice. Audience is those interested.”


#207-2 College St., Toronto ON M5G 1K3, Canada. (416)928-6666. E-mail: Website: Contact: Jim Nason, publisher. Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals. Pays 5-15% royalty on retail price. Pays advance of $200-300. Publishes book 1 year after acceptance. Responds if interested. Catalog and guidelines online.

Accepting submissions for new mystery imprint, Mysterio.

TIPS “Audience is young, urban, literary, educated, unconventional.”


2806 Melony Dr., Salt Lake City UT 84124. (801)810-9THP. E-mail: Website: Contact: Mark Bailey, publisher. “Torrey House Press (THP) publishes literary fiction and creative nonfiction about the world environment with a tilt toward the American West. Want submissions from experienced and agented authors only.” Publishes hardcover, trade paperback, and electronic originals. Pays 5-15% royalty on retail price. Publishes ms 12-18 months after acceptance. Responds in 3 months. Catalog online. Guidelines online.

HOW TO CONTACT Query; submit complete ms.

TIPS “Include writing experience (none okay).”


202-1807 Maritime Mews, Granville Island, Vancouver BC V6H 3W7, Canada. (604)662-4405. Website: Contact: R. David Stephens, senior editor. “Tradewind Books publishes juvenile picture books and young adult novels. Requires that submissions include evidence that author has read at least 3 titles published by Tradewind Books.” Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals. Pays 7% royalty on retail price. Pays variable advance. Publishes book 3 years after acceptance. Responds to mss in 2 months. Book catalog and ms guidelines online.

HOW TO CONTACT Please send a book-length collection only.


100 E. Normal Ave., Kirksville MO 63501. (660)785-7336. Fax: (660)785-4480. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Barbara Smith-Mandell, editor-in-chief. Truman State University Press (TSUP) publishes peer-reviewed research in the humanities for the scholarly community and the broader public, and publishes creative literary works. Guidelines online.

NEEDS Not accepting unsolicited mss. Submit to annual T.S. Eliot Prize for Poetry.


P.O. Box 1767, North Adams MA 01247. (413)664-9611. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Jeffrey Levine, publish/editor-in-chief; Jim Schley, managing editor. “We’re an independent nonprofit literary press. We accept book-length poetry, poetry collections (48+ pages), short story collections, novellas, literary nonfiction/memoirs and up to 80 pages of a novel.” Guidelines online.

NEEDS “Our mission is to publish thrilling, visually and emotionally and intellectually stimulating books of the highest quality, inside and out. We want contemporary poetry, etc. by the most diverse list of emerging and established writers in the U.S.”

HOW TO CONTACT Submit complete ms. Charges $28 reading fee.


WordTech Communications LLC, P.O. Box 541106, Cincinnati OH 45254. E-mail: Website: Pays in royalties. Catalog and guidelines online.

NEEDS “Dedicated to the art of story in poetry. We seek to publish collections of narrative poetry that tell the essential human stories of our times.”

HOW TO CONTACT No e-mail submissions. No calls for book-length poetry right now.


Artspace Building, 206-100 Arthur St., Winnipeg MB R3B 1H3, Canada. (204)947-1555. Fax: (204)942-1555. Website: Contact: Submissions Assistant. “Turnstone Press is a literary publisher, not a general publisher, and therefore we are only interested in literary fiction, literary nonfiction—including literary criticism—and poetry. We do publish literary mysteries, thrillers, and noir under our Ravenstone imprint. We publish only Canadian authors or landed immigrants, we strive to publish a significant number of new writers, to publish in a variety of genres, and to have 50% of each year’s list be Manitoba writers and/or books with Manitoba content.” Publishes ms 2 years after acceptance. Responds in 4-7 months. Guidelines online.

HOW TO CONTACT Poetry mss should be a minimum 70 pages. Submit complete ms. Include cover letter.

TIPS “As a Canadian literary press, we have a mandate to publish Canadian writers only. Do some homework before submitting works to make sure your subject matter/genre/writing style falls within the publishers area of interest.”


120 E. Mill St., Suite 415, Akron OH 44325. (330)972-6953. Fax: (330)972-8364. E-mail: Website: Contact: Thomas Bacher, director and acquisitions. “The University of Akron Press is the publishing arm of The University of Akron and is dedicated to the dissemination of scholarly, professional, and regional books and other content.” Publishes hardcover and paperback originals and reissues. Pays 7-15% royalty. Publishes book 9-12 months after acceptance. Responds in 2 weeks to queries/proposals; 3-4 months to solicited mss. Query prior to submitting. Guidelines online.

NEEDS Follow the guidelines and submit mss only for the contest: “We publish two books of poetry annually, one of which is the winner of The Akron Poetry prize. We also are interested in literary collections based around one theme, especially collections of translated works.”

HOW TO CONTACT If you are interested in publishing with The University of Akron Press, please fill out form online.


McIlroy House, 105 N. McIlroy Ave., Fayetteville AR 72701. (479)575-3246. Fax: (479)575-6044. E-mail: Website: Contact: Mike Bieker, director. “The University of Arkansas Press publishes series on Ozark studies, the Civil War in the West, poetry and poetics, and sport and society.” Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals and reprints. Publishes book 1 year after acceptance. Responds in 3 months to proposals. Book catalog and ms guidelines online.

HOW TO CONTACT University of Arkansas Press publishes 4 poetry books per year through the Miller Williams Poetry Prize.


1427 E. 60th St., Chicago IL 60637. Voicemail: (773)702-7700. Fax: (773)702-9756. Website: Contact: Randolph Petilos, poetry and medieval studies editor. “The University of Chicago Press has been publishing scholarly books and journals since 1891. Annually, we publish an average of four books in our Phoenix Poets series and two books of poetry in translation. Occasionally, we may publish a book of poetry outside Phoenix Poets, or as a paperback reprint from another publisher.” Has recently published work by Peter Balakian, Charles Bernstein, Peg Boyers, Killarney Clary, Milo De Angelis, Nate Klug, Robert Pack, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Vanesha Pravin, and Connie Voisine.


100 Kuhl House, 119 W. Park Rd., Iowa City IA 52242. (319)335-2000. Fax: (319)335-2055. E-mail:;; Website: Contact: James McCoy, director (short fiction, poetry, general trade); Elisabeth Chretien, acquisitions editor (literary criticism, literary and general nonfiction, military and veterans’ studies); Catherine Cocks, acquisitions editor (book arts, fan studies, food studies, midwestern history and culture, theatre history and culture). “We publish authoritative, original nonfiction that we market mostly by direct mail to groups with special interests in our titles, and by advertising in trade and scholarly publications.” Publishes hardcover and paperback originals. Pays 7-10% royalty on net receipts. Publishes book 1 year after acceptance. Book catalog available free. Guidelines online.

NEEDS Currently publishes winners of the Iowa Poetry Prize Competition, Kuhl House Poets, poetry anthologies. Competition guidelines available on website.


1155 Union Circle, #311336, Denton TX 76203. (940)565-2142. Fax: (940)565-4590. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Ronald Chrisman, director; Karen De Vinney, assistant director; Lori Belew, administrative assistant. “We are dedicated to producing the highest quality scholarly, academic, and general interest books. We are committed to serving all peoples by publishing stories of their cultures and experiences that have been overlooked. Currently emphasizing military history, Texas history, music, Mexican-American studies.” Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals and reprints. Publishes ms 1-2 years after acceptance. Responds in 1 month to queries. Book catalog for 8 12×11 SASE. Guidelines online.

NEEDS “The only poetry we publish is the winner of the Vassar Miller Prize in Poetry, an annual, national competition with a $1,000 prize and publication of the winning ms each Spring.”


TIPS “We publish series called War and the Southwest; Texas Folklore Society Publications; the Western Life Series; Practical Guide Series; Al-Filo: Mexican-American studies; North Texas Crime and Criminal Justice; Katherine Anne Porter Prize in Short Fiction; and the North Texas Lives of Musicians Series.”


1600 Hampton St., 5th Floor, Columbia SC 29208. (803)777-5243. Fax: (803)777-0160. Website: Contact: Linda Fogle, assistant director for operations (trade books); Jim Denton, acquisitions editor (literature, religious studies, rhetoric, communication, social work); Alexander Moore, acquisitions editor (history, regional studies). “We focus on scholarly monographs and regional trade books of lasting merit.” Publishes hardcover originals, trade paperback originals and reprints. Publishes ms 1 year after acceptance. Responds in 3 months to mss. Book catalog available free. Guidelines online.

NEEDS Palmetto Poetry Series, a South Carolina-based original poetry series edited by Nikky Finney. Director: Jonathan Haupt, director (


University of Tampa, 401 W. Kennedy Blvd., Tampa FL 33606. (813)253-6266. Fax: (813)258-7593. E-mail: Website: Contact: Richard Mathews, editor. Publishes hardcover originals and reprints; trade paperback originals and reprints. Responds in 3-4 months to queries. Book catalog online.

HOW TO CONTACT Submit to the Tampa Review Prize for Poetry.


1930 Monroe St., 3rd Floor, Madison WI 53711. (608)263-1110. Fax: (608)263-1132. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Raphael Kadushin, senior acquisitions editor; Gwen Walker, acquisitions editor. Publishes hardcoveroriginals, paperback originals, and paperback reprints. Pays royalty. Publishes ms 9-18 months after acceptance. Responds in 2 weeks to queries; 8 weeks to mss. Rarely comments on rejected mss. Guidelines online.

NEEDS The University of Wisconsin Press Awards the Brittingham Prize in Poetry and Felix Pollack Prize in Poetry. More details online.

TIPS “Make sure the query letter and sample text are well-written, and read guidelines carefully to make sure we accept the genre you are submitting.”


P.O.B. 42094 BP Roy, Montreal QC H2W 2T3, Canada. (514)844-6073. Fax: (514)844-7543. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Simon Dardick, president/publisher. “Montreal’s Véhicule Press has published the best of Canadian and Quebec literature-fiction, poetry, essays, translations, and social history.” Publishes trade paperback originals by Canadian authors mostly. Pays 10-15% royalty on retail price. Pays $200-500 advance. Publishes ms 1 year after acceptance. Responds in 4 months to queries. Book catalog for 9 x 12 SAE with IRCs.

NEEDS Vehicule Press is a “literary press with a poetry series, Signal Editions, publishing the work of Canadian poets only.” Publishes flat-spined paperbacks. Publishes Canadian poetry that is “first-rate, original, content-conscious.”

TIPS “Quality in almost any style is acceptable. We believe in the editing process.”


P.O. Box 7333, Winston-Salem NC 27109. (336)758-5448. Fax: (336)758-5636. E-mail: Website: Contact: Jefferson Holdridge, director/poetry editor; Dillon Johnston, advisory editor. “We publish only poetry from Ireland. I am able to consider only poetry written by native Irish poets. I must return, unread, poetry from American poets.” Query with 4-5 samples and cover letter. Sometimes sends prepublication galleys. Buys North American or U.S. rights. Pays on 8% list royalty contract, plus 6-8 author’s copies. Negotiable advance. Responds to queries in 1-2 weeks; to submissions (if invited) in 2-3 months.


P.O. Box 15271, Washington DC 20003. E-mail: Website: Contact: Kathleen Wheaton, president. Offers $1,000 and 50 copies of published book plus additional copies for publicity use. Guidelines online.

NEEDS Washington Writers’ Publishing House considers book-length mss for publication by poets living within 75 driving miles of the U.S. Capitol (Baltimore area included) through competition only. Publishes 1-2 poetry books/year.

HOW TO CONTACT “No specific criteria, except literary excellence.”


1938 Fairview Ave. E., Suite 201, Seattle WA 98102. (206)676-5337. E-mail: Website: Contact: Charlie Wright, publisher; Joshua Beckman and Matthew Zapruder, editors; Heidi Broadhead, managing editor. “Wave Books is an independent poetry press based in Seattle, Washington, dedicated to publishing the best in contemporary American poetry, poetry in translation, and writing by poets. The Press was founded in 2005, merging with established publisher Verse Press. By publishing strong innovative work in finely crafted trade editions and handmade ephemera, we hope to continue to challenge the values and practices of readers and add to the collective sense of what’s possible in contemporary poetry.” Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals. Catalog online.

HOW TO CONTACT “Please no unsolicited mss or queries. We will post calls for submissions on our website.”


215 Long Ln., Middletown CT 06459. (860)685-7711. Fax: (860)685-7712. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Suzanna Tamminen, director and editor-in-chief; Parker Smathers, editor. “Wesleyan University Press is a scholarly press with a focus on poetry, music, dance and cultural studies.” Wesleyan University Press is one of the major publishers of poetry in the nation. Poetry publications from Wesleyan tend to get widely (and respectfully) reviewed. “We are accepting manuscripts by invitation only until further notice.” Publishes hardcover originals and paperbacks. Pays royalties, plus 10 author’s copies. Responds to queries in 2 months; to mss in 4 months. Book catalog available free. Guidelines online.

NEEDS Does not accept unsolicited mss.


P.O. Box 236, Buffalo NY 14201. (716)627-4665. Fax: (716)627-4665. E-mail: Website: Contact: Dennis Maloney, editor. Publishes trade paperback originals. Pays contributor’s copies. Publishes ms 18 months after acceptance. Responds in 1 month to queries and proposals; 4 months to mss. Catalog online. Guidelines online.

NEEDS “Only considering submissions for our annual poetry contest.”


815 Church St., Honesdale PA 18431. Fax: (570)253-0179. Website: “We publish fresh voices in contemporary poetry.” Pays authors royalty or work purchased outright. Responds to mss in 3 months.

HOW TO CONTACT Agented submissions only.

TIPS “Collections of original poetry, not anthologies, are our biggest need at this time. Keep in mind that the strongest collections demonstrate a facility with multiple poetic forms and offer fresh images and insights. Check to see what’s already on the market and on our website before submitting.”


P.O. Box 209040, New Haven CT 06520. (203)432-0960. Fax: (203)432-0948. E-mail: Website: Contact: Christopher Rogers, editorial director. “Yale University Press publishes scholarly and general interest books.” Publishes hardcover and trade paperback originals. Book catalog and ms guidelines online.

NEEDS Submit to Yale Series of Younger Poets Competition.

HOW TO CONTACT Guidelines online.

TIPS “Audience is scholars, students and general readers.”