Do you have more hope for a future where you won’t feel like you are always in the doghouse? I hope so. Everything you need to win back the trust of your wife is in these chapters. I encourage you to go back over this material regularly and remind yourself of how important it is and what you need to do.
In every case I have worked with, there is only one reason a husband relapses or fails to gain the trust of his wife: he stops doing the healthy stuff he was doing in the beginning of the recovery and transformation. I hope you won’t make that mistake.
In the brief insights I’ve offered throughout this book are the twelve most important things to work on as you continue to regain your wife’s trust. I will summarize them here.
1. Powerlessness will result in strength.
2. Surrender will result in victory.
3. Faith will result in hope.
4. Confession will result in healing.
5. Connection will result in love.
6. Willingness will result in growth.
7. Sacrifice will result in fulfillment.
8. Responsibility will result in security.
9. Restitution will result in closure.
10. Humility will result in honor.
11. Forgiveness will result in freedom.
12. Service will result in reward.
All of these are tremendously powerful tools in regaining and maintaining your wife’s trust. Stay the course, my friend. God bless you.