
As always, I have many people to thank for helping me transform this story from a glimmer of an idea to an actual book:

My family and friends, whose support never wavers and whose love never falters.

My amazing critique partners: The Wild Writers and Lynn Rush.

My agent Nicole Resciniti, for loving this story and talking me off the ledge more than once.

My editor Liz Pelletier, who always pushes me to take my stories to the next level and tolerates my weird text messages.

Stacy Abrams, for bringing insightful editing and fresh eyes to this story.

Beta reader Allie Bass, who generously shared her surfer expertise.

Finally—to the book blogging community, this book is for you. I’m in awe of your passionate love of books and the time and dedication you give to reading and reviewing. Thank you for your ongoing support of authors and for all of your reviews: the go-go boots, the granny shoes, and everything in between.