
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as you are doing.


From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.


THE PURPOSE OF THIS PRACTICE is to join with a small group of people who are fairly close to you in order to discuss some of the things you’ve learned in this chapter, as well as to encourage each other through affirmations that help rewire faulty neural pathways.


Set a time and date for a simple meal (a potluck works great). Invite a handful of family and friends (a maximum of six people) with whom you feel you can be yourself —this could be a small group you are already a part of. Feel free to include kids or even to do this with your family, but consider adjusting the format some if you do. Ask older teenagers and adults to read this chapter sometime before your gathering and to jot down two or three things they found interesting about relating together. Have enough note cards on hand for group members to share with each other (so, for example, if your group has six members, you will need thirty-six cards).

During the Meal

While you eat, talk about the things in this chapter that stood out to each of you. Maintain a relaxed, conversational environment, but when necessary, rein the discussion in and direct it back toward the topic of connecting with each other.

After the Meal

While still at the table (perhaps over dessert and coffee), remind everyone briefly about how our brains form faulty neural pathways based on life experiences, and how we can help each other rewire these pathways with the guidance of God’s Spirit. First, ask members to think of something about themselves that they tend to dislike or struggle to accept. After they’ve had a few minutes to think, do the following:

  1. Have one person share his or her answer.
  2. Give the group two minutes of prayerful silence while each member thinks of an affirmation to offer this person regarding his or her answer. During this time, you will quietly listen to your hearts and the Spirit in order to have something to share. You will write your affirmations down on note cards to give to the person. People may write down words of encouragement, Scripture, expressions of affection, or something else. The person who is being prayed for may also receive something during this silence, so encourage him or her to write this down as well.
  3. After two minutes have passed, go around the table and have each person speak his or her affirmation to this person.
  4. Ask the person to give a brief response regarding what these things mean to him or her.
  5. Repeat the process with each group member.
  6. End with a brief prayer confirming the work of God’s Spirit in your hearts.

Encourage members to read their cards every day for the next month as they work on this area in their lives.