She ran so hard her leg muscles felt like they were about to explode.
David kept getting out in front of her in the race to escape the Philistines and the army of shadows. He tried to stop a few times to check on her, but she continued to wave him on toward the Israelite camp.
As she ran behind David, praying that they’d make it without getting hurt, an invisible hand lifted her off the ground, and she started flying again. But this time she was not riding on the back of Josephine.
The wind rushed past her face, and the ground fell away like she was a plane taking off, leaving the airport far behind.
“David!” Wren yelled, but her friend couldn’t hear her. She was too far up in the air now.
Down below, he turned around and looked for her. He finally saw Wren and waved, but the soldiers and the dark shadows were almost upon him, so he took off running again toward the camp.
The world spun around in circles as Wren’s body did a few barrel rolls high above the earth. Her stomach was having a hard time keeping up with all the changes in motion. When she leveled out, she felt like she was on a roller coaster that was suspended from the tracks.
She looked down and saw a band of light wrapped around her waist.
Now she was over the Israelite camp, soaring in a figure eight. That’s when she saw David safely reach the camp too.
A wall of glittering, crystalline shapes rose up in front of the Israelites. Wren didn’t know how this flying thing worked, but she wanted to get closer to see what was happening. She also wanted to meet back up with David and tell him about this flying stuff!
Descending, she could see that the shapes had delicate blue-colored wings and emitted shards of brilliant light. And getting closer still, she saw they were actually butterflies!
The human-like shadows that had been in pursuit of David broke into a thousand pieces of black. In no time, the pieces took flight as dark birds and soared straight into the butterflies. The birds tried attacking the butterflies, but when the tiny creatures were hit, they just turned into flashes of light.
When Wren looked back where the Israelites had been, beyond the wall of butterflies, all she saw was a pasture filled with sheep. The peaceful creatures had their heads down, grazing, completely unaware of the bizarre battle being waged around them. This vision made her feel like God was showing her how He takes care of His people. In this new place, the battlefield was gone….
One of the birds, its wings spread wide like a hungry hawk scouring the sky for prey, left the others and zeroed in on Wren. The creature closed the distance between them in seconds. Wren tried to dive and change directions, but it was useless, because the hawk was the more skilled of the two.
It stretched out its talons and snagged her shirt. The band of light that had been around her waist snapped away and gravity took over.
Speeding toward the valley far below, Wren prayed desperately.
The hawk swooped down and snatched her body up before she hit the ground. Even though she was much heavier than the bird, she couldn’t escape its supernatural grip.
Other hawks, all black with bloodred eyes, circled in the air around her.
The raptor carried Wren back to the cliff where Mark Grant had protected her. She was dropped and fell down on the hard earth.
A stab of pain ran up her right leg. When she looked around the predator was gone.
The dark man, Ra’zeil stood before her.
How did he get here?
How could that bird carry me like that?
“I don’t know who you are, but I do know you’re special. The angels watch over you.” Ra’zeil stepped closer with each word that came from his shadowy lips.
Wren looked around for Josephine.
“All you need to do is help me.”
The smoky clouds roiled beneath the demon’s translucent skin. He shut his eyes for the longest time. She blinked and then jumped. It looked like her mother was now standing there in front of her. Close enough to touch! How did her mother get here?
But when she blinked again, her mother had disappeared, and the shadow man was back in front of her.
“No, I’m not Mommy. But I can tell you where to find her.”
Wren was confused. How did this thing in front of her know about her mother?
“Let’s go. We don’t have much time.”
She was exhausted.
Where was her father?
How could she leave this crazy place and get back to him?
“Are you ready to help me?”
Wren’s eyes filled with tears. She was at the breaking point. There was only so much she could take.
There was no way out.
But she knew that whatever this thing was, it wasn’t good. Helping it was not an option.
Ra’zeil looked at her, his mesmerizing eyes swirls of red and gray. “Are you sure? I am the one in charge here. The giant will do as I command. If you help me, I will make sure you get home in one piece.”
Goliath lumbered over to where they were standing.
Home. She wanted to be home more than anything. The creature’s words were inviting. She wanted to see her dad and feel his strong arms around her. Yes, home sounded perfect now.
Goliath reached out his hand to grab her.
“Last chance, Wren Evans. You will either help me, or you will suffer in the giant’s hand.”
That’s when she saw the neon-green card sticking out of her jeans pocket.
With God, anything.
Wren had to believe that God meant what He said and that He was a keeper of promises.
God, please help me get out of here!
“No, I will not help you. My God will save me.”