Dear Reader,

Welcome to the fifth book in the Coltons of Texas miniseries! The incomparable Marie Ferrarella (who kicked off this miniseries with book one) welcomed me to my first multi-author continuity series, saying, “The main thing I’ve found that works is to have fun with it, because if we have fun writing this series, the reader will sense it and have fun reading it.” That set the tone for me right from the beginning, and I absolutely loved writing about Chris and Holly, not to mention the rest of the Colton family.

So what’s so special about Chris and Holly, you might ask?

Chris Colton lost so much in his life he built a fortress around his heart, afraid to love too much for fear he’ll lose again. If that wasn’t bad enough, there’s the knowledge that a murderer’s blood runs in his veins. He found one woman who could see beyond that shocking fact to the man he is, but she died. Can there be another woman out there brave enough to take Chris on, with all the emotional and family baggage he brings with him?

Enter Holly McCay, a truly brave soul and a loving heart. Her twin toddlers have taught her that love is never wasted, no matter the suffering involved; she’ll risk her heart and so much more to prove it to Her Colton P.I.

I love hearing from my readers. Please email me at and let me know what you think.

Amelia Autin