Turn the plank position on its side to build upper-body and core strength, particularly in your obliques and shoulders, as well as the knees and hips. This posture also develops your balance. Use it as a warm up for any workout, or on its own to build strength and endurance.
• shoulders • upper back • chest • arms • core • hips • thighs
• Improves core stability • Builds upper-body strength and endurance • Strengthens hips • Increases knee stability and strength
1 Start in Plank with shoulders over your hands, core engaged, toes tucked, and feet hip-width apart. Lift the hips to form a straight line from shoulders to heels.
2 Press down firmly into your right hand, roll onto the outside of the right foot, lift your left hand off the floor, and stack your left foot on your right foot. Flex your toes towards your shins. Place the left hand on your left hip to stabilize the hips and achieve balance, then lift the hips as high as possible towards the ceiling.
3 Extend your left arm towards the ceiling. Pull the crown of your head away from your chest, and rotate your head to look up at your hand. Reach your tailbone towards your feet so your back is straight. Hold the posture, inhaling as you lengthen your body, and exhaling as you reach your arm and hips higher. Repeat on the other side.
• Engagement of hips, obliques, thighs, shoulder of base arm, and leg of base foot
• Stretch in shoulder of raised arm
• Chest facing down; if it is, roll back top shoulder to open chest to the side
Want more of a challenge? Lift your top leg towards the ceiling, keeping the foot flexed.