This is a great beginner’s stretch to release glute soreness and counteract muscle imbalances caused by sitting. It can also alleviate pressure on the sciatic nerve by stretching the piriformis muscle, a small gluteal muscle. This stretch is a good alternative to Pigeon, because it requires less hip mobility.
• glutes • hips
• Relieves lower-back pain • Eases symptoms of sciatica • Improves hip flexibility • Speeds up glute recovery
1 Lie on your back. Lift your knees directly over your hips, and cross your right ankle over your left thigh to form a figure-4-shape with the legs. Relax your arms. To protect the right knee, flex your right foot by reaching your toes towards your shin.
2 Interlace your fingers behind your left thigh. Rotate your right hip outwards so your inner thigh faces you. Gently pull the left thigh towards your chest. Squeeze the right glutes for a more active stretch. Keep your back, neck, and head relaxed on the floor by tucking your chin and pressing the navel towards the floor. Hold the posture, inhaling as you maintain the position, and exhaling as you deepen the stretch. Repeat on the other side.
• Stretch in outer hip and glute
• Release in lower back
• Knee pain; avoid pressing knee forwards and focus on rotating hip outwards
Focus on the external rotation of your hip to stretch the glutes. Don’t worry about pressing your knee forwards.