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IF ALEX HAD IMAGINED his wedding day, it wouldn’t have been the scene that he found himself standing in the next evening. He had used his friend, the Duke of Ashford, to obtain a special license, and now they stood in Gerald's office to make it official. The business man had found a vicar from somewhere in London to perform the ceremony; they were just waiting for Rachel to make her appearance. The look on his future father-in-law’s face made Alex hope she was arriving soon.
"I told her to be down here half an hour ago." Gerald was staring at the door.
"I'm certain she just wants to look perfect."
"Or she's escaping out the window."
While that was a possibility, Alex felt confident that was not the case. Last night he had seen the spark of excitement in her eyes when he offered her the wager. She wasn't going to give up on the chance to get what she wanted. The Raven would never run.
"I will have to go get her." Gerald started for the door, but it opened before he took more than a step.
Rachel entered the room quietly, her head titled down. She wore a gown of soft blue silk with delicate lace across her shoulders in the same sky-blue color. It was less revealing than any of the evening gowns he had seen her in before, yet Alex felt his pulse quicken. Her face came up, and for a moment, he felt like he couldn't breathe.
Her thick dark hair had been pulled up in a loose knot that allowed tendrils to fall around her face. There were large white flowers pinned to one side, and he could smell the sweet scent from a few feet away. Without her mask, he could see her beauty more clearly. Her sun-kissed skin had the slightest hint of pink at her cheeks. Her eyes were a rich, warm brown fringed by thick lashes and arched brows. They danced with the spark of intelligence. It was that detail that he suspected not everyone could see, but he couldn't look away. She was beauty and brilliance all wrapped up together, and he was going to be lucky enough to marry her.
"I'm sorry I took so long." Her deep pink lips spoke slowly. "I didn't really know what to wear to something like this. I had to send Charity out for a new gown."
"Why didn't you tell me? I could have-" Gerald was ranting at his daughter on her wedding day, and Alex felt he had to stop him.
"I think you look lovely."
He gave her his most charming smile and was gifted by hers in return. It was a small but positive sign.
"Let’s get on with it." Gerald sounded gruff, but there was wetness in his eyes.
The vicar spoke softly, and his eyes wobbled from behind the thick glasses on his face. The flushed color of his cheeks hinted that he might have been deep in his cups when Gerald had found him and would rather go back to that as quickly as possible. Alex ignored the slur in his words and concentrated on the woman standing next to him. Rachel was staring at the vicar, but he could see the way she was biting her lips and the glossy look of tears in her eyes. Without asking, Alex reached for her hand, and she allowed him to hold it until the final words were spoken. He brushed a kiss on her cheek to avoid embarrassing her in front of her father.
“Will you be moving her things into your house tonight?” Gerald asked. “Or in the morning?”
Rachel’s mouth dropped open, but Alex had prepared for this.
"Actually, a good friend of mine has reserved a special room for us at the Nobility Hotel. It's a wedding gift."
"I have to leave tonight?" Rachel's voice was barely above a whisper.
"It's your wedding night. That's meant to be with your husband." Gerald moved to open the door for them.
Alex could see the fear in her eyes, but she was being brave and didn't beg to stay. She held her chin up and took his arm, giving him permission to lead her away. At the last minute, just as they reached the door out of the club she turned and fell into her father's arms.
"I thought you were cross with me?"
"I am, but I realized I'm going to miss you too."
Alex waited until they were finished with their goodbye and didn't rush things. He was going to have plenty of time with her now and he knew how important their relationship was. He wouldn't dream of getting the way. He also didn't mention the swollen eyes or the sound of sniffles as they got into the carriage. Instead, he just handed her a handkerchief and stared out the carriage window. As the hotel came into view, Rachel felt her heart beat quicken. While the servants led them through the elegant marble lobby, Rachel was silent with awe.
"Your friend is being very generous." Rachel entered their room at the hotel first, followed by the servant with some of the bags her maid had packed. Alex already had some of his things in the room.
"He's a very good friend."
Thomas and Eloisa had insisted on this when they had heard about his decision on the marriage. People as happy as they were enjoyed giving. Alex had found them a house of their own, but it wouldn’t be ready until tomorrow, so he accepted their offer for the comfort of his new bride. This was much more comfortable than having all of his aunt’s servants watching them and taking notes.
"How long will we be staying?" She walked around the room slowly, inspecting everything in the room closely.
"Not long. I already found us a house. Nothing too extravagant and as close to the club as we can get without being indecent."
"So you can keep an eye on it?"
"No. I thought you might like a visit from your father occasionally."
She cast him a quick glance over her shoulder, then continued to look at everything in the room but him. He knew she was trying to get comfortable so he didn't let it offend him. He pretended to be examining the room as well, keeping his eyes averted from her to give her some distance.
"There is another room through that doorway where they have a tub, if you would like to take a bath. I know it's been a difficult few days."
"Thank you. That would be very nice."
Alex was trying to do everything he could think of to help her relax. He wasted no time fetching the maid to request hot water be brought up for his new wife. Two footmen appeared with buckets of water, and he noticed that there was no door separating the two rooms, just a sheer curtain. He knew he should offer to leave, and give her privacy for her bath, but part of him wanted to share some kind of intimacy. He told himself that if she asked him to leave he would. If she didn't, he planned to stay.
"Do you also need a bath?" Rachel had gone in to the room with the tub and pulled the curtain closed but he heard her voice clearly.
"Excuse me?" His throat went dry as he thought about climbing into the large tub along with her.
“If you are also hoping to bathe I can make mine quick so the water is not too cold. I don't want those poor men to have to bring up fresh buckets again."
Alex felt the disappointment settle in his chest as he realized she hadn't meant that they should bathe together.
"No, I'm fine without one." He took a seat on the edge of the bed.
The inside of the bathing room was lit by a gaslight on the wall, and from the other side of the curtain, it cast shadows of the occupant. He could see Rachel as she was reaching around to undo the buttons of the gown and was having difficulty with them. He should have asked for a maid to help, but now all he could offer was himself.
"Do you need an extra hand?" he asked, reaching between the fabric of the curtains without looking in.
He felt the fabric of the gown against his palm and went to work on the fastening of it. He had undone enough buttons on ladies’ clothing that he didn't need to see it to get it done. She stood so close to him, with only the thin fabric between them. He could smell the flowery scent of her and he couldn't stop from closing his eyes and inhaling deeply. The task didn't take nearly long enough because she soon pulled away.
"Thank you." she said quietly.
"A husband must be good for something." He was hoping to make her laugh but nothing came. "Do you need anything else?"
He returned to his seat and watched as the show of her undressed and slipped into the tub. A little sigh could be heard, and he closed his eyes to savor the erotic sound of it. Alex could feel the beating of his heart and it quickened in response to his wild desire for her. This was a delicate situation, one where he needed to move slowly. Otherwise, he could ruin everything. Keeping his own need under tight restraint was the only way he could keep from overwhelming her.
"Is there anything you might need from downstairs? Something to eat or drink?" Alex was beginning to think it might be better if he left, to keep his mind off what might be on the other side of the curtain.
"No. This was very thoughtful of you."
He heard the splashing of the water and watched the shadow as it moved to wash her body. His mouth ran dry as he focused on the outline of her curves. So badly he wished he was in there, helping her to reach every inch of her body. He could spend hours dedicated to the act of rubbing away her tension and helping her relax. There were so many ways he could help her with that task.
"I just wanted you to enjoy your first night of marriage. I wanted you to be at ease."
That question caught him off guard.
"Why? You are my wife now."
"Yes, but we are also enemies. We are competing for something, so you should want to take the advantage."
"Making you feel uncomfortable wouldn’t be an advantage in our game. I'm trying to woo you, remember?"
There was silence from the other room.
"Has any man ever tried to win your affection?"
More silence and the sound of water sloshing as she leaned back into the tub. His chest tightened as he thought about how lonely it must have been.
"I imagine most men are intimidated by you. The Raven is a very powerful figure."
"I have had men approach me."
Alex froze, not sure what the proper response should be. "They did?"
"Yes, but not in a romantic way. It was usually more of a business proposition. They would offer to be my protector, save me from my life inside the club in exchange for me being their lover."
That sounded like something many would do. "They probably didn't realize you had more than enough money to support yourself."
"Money I had taken from their pockets."
"With great skill."
"None of that money was mine to keep but I didn't need to be rescued. I think too often men assume a woman does."
"That's because most women don't have as much control in their own lives. You were lucky that way."
"What about your sister?"
Alex coughed. "My sister?"
Daphne was the last person he wanted to be thinking about at the moment.
"I know that she is in your care and that is one of the reasons you were so desperate for money."
"Yes. I want to give her better options for her future."
"You want her to make a good marriage?"
Now he watched the shadow climb from the tub and reach for a towel to wrap around her lush figure. As she stepped from behind the curtain, she was holding it tightly around her body, and it was barely big enough to cover her ample bosom. Alex stared at the dip between her breasts as it disappeared into the fabric until she cleared her throat. He looked up to see her scowling at him.
"Women are not baubles to be bought and sold if they strike your fancy."
"Of course not." Alex hadn’t intended anything like that.
"Would you force your sister into a marriage she didn't want? If the man was rich or well-titled enough?"
Alex couldn't help but laugh. "I have never been able to force Daphne to do anything."
"You are her guardian."
"Yes, but that makes no difference."
As children, Daphne had always been the quiet, well-behaved one while Alex ran wild. Though she was younger than him, she showed maturity much sooner and was often the one with better judgment. She had tried to persuade him not to trust Deckland when the business proposition seemed too good to be true, but he had chosen not to listen. Yet, she had never been cross with him after the money was gone, and she had never blamed him for the situation she was in. That showed she had a better nature than him by far.
“She sounds interesting.”
"She is, and she can't wait to meet you. She should be arriving tomorrow."
"So quickly?"
"She was eager to leave. Our aunt is not very pleasant company."
Daphne had accepted the offer to be their aunt's companion as a way to contribute financially. Their aunt was not very generous but it helped keep some of the creditors away. The news that she would no longer need to be there had delighted his sister when he sent her word by special delivery, and now he couldn't wait to see her expression.
Rachel nodded and stood there, looking more uncomfortable by the minute. Her eyes kept darting over to where her luggage was.
"I need to get into my nightgown."
"Oh, let me give you some privacy."
Hastily, Alex turned around so that he was facing the bed. That did nothing to cool his thoughts as he heard the rustling of fabric while she dressed.
"I'm done."
At those simple words, he turned around, unprepared for what he would see. She wore a nightgown made of cream-colored silk cut to hug her hips and fall flowing to her ankles. The neckline was high but made of a lace that showed more than enough skin to tease him. That lace ran up to her neck and down her arms, both covering and revealing at the same time. Alex felt his mouth drop open at the sight of her.
"My maid got this while she was getting me the gown. She seemed to think you would like it."
He was going to have to offer that maid a job in their new home, because she was intuitive. He didn't just like that piece, he was amazed by it. He had to clasp his hands behind his back to keep from reaching for her. He took deep breaths and reminded himself to move slowly.
"You are beautiful."
He enjoyed watching her cheeks flush. Even a strong woman like to hear compliments.
"Are you ready for bed?" He moved so that she could get a good look at the four poster behind him. It could not look like a better night’s rest, but he saw the color drain from her face.
"I know that it's expected for us to consummate the marriage on the first night, but I’m a little nervous about it.” She spoke in a voice barely above a whisper.
“Has anyone told you what happens in the bedroom?”
Alex knew that there were courtesans that worked and lived at The Raven Club. He assumed Rachel would have heard things from them about their clients. Hopefully good things.
“Not the details. Gerald prohibited the other girls from talking about their business with me.”
That was going to make things tricky. Alex had no experience with virgins but knew that if he didn’t proceed the right way she might not welcome him in the future.
“I think we need wine.” he spat out. “Wine helps. It will relax you and get rid of the nerves.”
“My nerves?”
“Our nerves.”
She quickly showed signs of relief, even giving a slight smile. She went around to one side of the bed and climbed in, pulling the blanket up to her chin. She said nothing but lay there, watching him with those big brown eyes.
“I won’t be long.” He meant that as he left. He was most eager to be back in her company.
He got a bottle of wine and two glasses from a waiter in the lobby. The man looked like he understood why Alex was so desperate for it. Alex ignored the wink he got and returned to find Rachel hadn’t moved an inch. She was now sitting in the bed with her hands in her lap and her eyes wide. This was going to take some patience on his part.
“That was quick.”
“Were you hoping I’d get lost?”
He could see from across the room that her nose crinkled. Rachel probably didn’t know that she did that when she was lying. That information would be useful.
“Drink?” he offered her a glass, expecting her to take a sip, but instead, she gulped the contents down.
“I must have been thirsty.”
Another nose crinkle. Alex took a small sip from his own glass but didn’t want to feel the effect too strongly.
He should have extinguished the lamps before removing his clothes, but he hoped seeing him undress might work in his favor. If he enjoyed seeing her body, perhaps she would enjoy seeing his.
He usually slept naked, but tonight that might be taking it too far, so he decided to keep his smalls on. He slowly and carefully removed the rest of his clothes, folding them neatly on a chair. He hadn't had money for a valet since the mistake, so he was very good at undressing himself.
He looked back at her. Rachel was watching him with her brown wrinkled and concentration on her face. She realized what she had been doing and looked away.
"I hope you don't snore. I'm going to need my rest tonight." Alex turned off the lamp and crawled into the bed beside her.
"Do I look like I snore?" She had a sleepy sound to her voice.
"People make all kinds of noises in bed. I can't wait to learn all of yours."
He heard a gasp and smiled in the darkness. Unfortunately, he enjoyed his victory too long; he went to reach for her, she was already asleep. The wine had worked too well and he didn’t have the heart to wake her. Instead, he rolled to his side, pulled her in close, and fell asleep with her warmth against his body. He knew it would lead to the most erotic dreams, but he couldn’t resist.