
Welcome to what’s possible.

This is a course and a journey to personal power and ascension that has never before been offered to humanity. The Archangels, Ascended Masters and other Teachers of Light who bring it to you asked that the conversations and classes they teach with Jim be transcribed and shared with humanity in book form. They asked Jim and Roxane to be their scribes.

Jim has been in communication with these Teachers since childhood. He has the ability to distil and simplify their transmissions in a way that allows their tools and information to be understood and practised by all. Dedicated students transcribed the lessons and Roxane, in collaboration with the Teachers, compiled and edited them to create this step-by-step path in written form.

How this book works

The Teachers of Light chose the most fundamental and transformative aspects of A Course in Mastering Alchemy to include here. The full online course is three years of focused, intentional coursework and live interaction with Jim and Roxane.

This book is divided into four parts; each one includes excerpts from transcriptions of channelled conversations and classes with the Teachers of Light.

Part 1: Introduction

In the first part of the book you’ll discover the meaning of alchemy, meet the Teachers of Light and find out their intention with this course. You will also learn about the Fall of Consciousness and how humanity has got to the chaotic place in which it now finds itself.

Part 2: Creating the platform to receive

Here you will be taught how to create a platform to receive the tools and wisdom from the Teachers of Light. You’ll find out how to build your personal power field, understand what the dimensions are, and begin to anchor new choices for your life. You’ll learn simple, practical, foundational tools to master your emotions, thoughts and actions. This is the mastering of alchemy.

Part 3: Gifts from the Teachers of Light

With a strong and stable platform in place, you will be able to receive and practise the 14 key energy tools that will allow you to be the master of your life at every moment.

Part 4: Your Living Light Body

Should you choose to continue on this path, the Teachers explain what the Living Light Body is and offer the activations of the seven layers of the Light Body that will allow you to begin to experience its higher vibrational fields of Light. You will experience the lightness of being as you become one with Creator and All That Is.

What to expect from this course

Although simple, the lessons in this book hold profound energetics that can be felt and experienced viscerally. The Teachers have embedded energy and wisdom within their words. This is not a study for the rational mind, but instead an experience for the part of you that yearns to reconnect with who you are and with Creator.

Each lesson builds upon the previous one. If you choose only to engage in one or two sections of the book, you will still receive much more than written words. If you study and practise only the tools in Part 2, your life will change in powerful ways. The noise, stress and drama of the third-dimensional world around you will fall away. Carry on through all the lessons and you will continue to experience greater success, peace of mind and spiritual transformation.

How best to benefit from this course

A college course takes a complex subject and breaks it down into smaller areas of study. For example, when you study mathematics you take classes in individual topics such as algebra, geometry, trigonometry, etc. Likewise this course is divided into lessons, each one containing elements that will expand your understanding and perspective of the world and create new possibilities. The results are measured in the feedback you receive as you observe how you’ve changed and how the world around you responds to your demonstration of greater certainty, grace, happiness and personal power.

We suggest you don’t skip around through these lessons. (There is a reason why you learn addition before multiplication.) Work your way through the lessons in order. Return to past lessons often to review what you’ve already learned. Take notes of your observations and any questions you might have. You’ll be surprised at how often the answers appear before you.

Also included in this book are links to supplemental online resources, including audio recordings, videos and PDFs. These are not essential for your understanding but will enhance the lessons in the course. These additional resources are available in a private classroom only accessible by readers of this book. You’ll find links to these online resources throughout the book.

Many terms on this path may be new to you. We’ve included a glossary of special terms at the end of the book, which we hope will be a valuable reference.

Your journey on this path

This is a course unlike any other. It is orchestrated by the Teachers of Light specifically for those who are committed to becoming who they came here to Earth to be. You are not small or insignificant. You are a big player and have an important contribution to make to your Soul, humanity and the Earth. This course is provided to experience the adventure you came here to master.

We wish you many blessings on this grand journey to who you are.

Jim and Roxane