Lesson 10
The diamond of Light surrounding you
If you wish to have water to drink, you need a container in which to hold it. If you have no glass, the water will quickly spill all over the table. Likewise, to hold the wisdom from the Teachers of Light you also require a container. This container has long existed but has fallen away from us due to neglect and the habit of fear that surrounds each of us. This container for the wisdom is the electromagnetic field around you that you may know as your aura. The problem is your aura has lost its definition or structure. You have become the water without a container.
By restructuring the harmonics of your aura to a particular sacred-geometric form, you can re-create the container. This specific geometry aligns with a unique higher-dimensional body of wisdom and becomes your antenna – a receiver and transmitter. The aura without structure and focus is like a radio that cannot tune in to the station you wish to listen to. Instead of listening to more distant stations with many choices, you can only tune in to the local neighbourhood gossip. By creating a specifically tuned transmitter and receiver you can begin to align your personal energy field to your own frequency, which in turn allows you to tune out incoherent frequencies that constantly flow through you. These disruptive frequencies don’t belong to you and have nothing to do with who you are, but they hold such a strong magnetic charge that they actually blind your understanding of your purpose.
Once your geometric container is in place, fascinating new opportunities become available to you. For example, by learning to increase the speed at which the geometric field spins, you can begin to rise above life’s drama, noise and distractions. This creates an opportunity to realign your antenna to your own purpose and become happy. You are then consistently and successfully able to hold higher thoughts and feelings of passion, enthusiasm, clarity and ease.
This geometric container is your Personal Power Field. It is the vessel that holds the wisdom of All That Is. By fine-tuning your antenna, you will eliminate the noisy, incoherent vibrations of events and people around you and begin to know yourself as the Living Light Body.
This fine-tuned alignment provides a quiet focus that enables you to begin to remember and rewire your self in ways that have not been available to you for many lifetimes. It allows you to recall, receive and re-experience the abundance and wisdom that you already know in the higher dimensions. There’s no anxiety, competition, worry or drama, because those energies simply do not exist within this geometry. You find yourself becoming certain, strong, clear and nonreactionary. You have the ability to choose to listen to others or not. You have the ability to choose to experience yourself in your own way. Rebuilding your Personal Power Field restructures both how you perceive yourself and how you present yourself.
And here’s where the alchemy begins.
From this new, higher, faster perspective you will find that time exists in a very different form. There is no past or future. There is only now, where time is simultaneous and where all experiences exist at the same moment in the same place. Everything flows simply and effortlessly. In this simultaneous now, all answers to any questions are available to you before you have to act or respond to the question. The answers you seek exist exactly where you ask the question.
Think about this. If you knew all the answers, and what would happen in each situation before you had to act, why would you ever choose an experience that was not enjoyable? With total choice you would choose the possibility that most joyfully meets your needs and then step into that choice, thereby creating the reality that you desire.
From this higher, faster, clearer platform of consciousness, you will discover that many of the concepts, beliefs and truths once held in this lower consciousness are no longer accurate or useful in the higher perspective. You now have the opportunity to make new choices. You can choose to play the game you have always played, or you can step up to a greater platform of certainty, seniority, personal power, happiness, command and grace. On this platform you will find that you have many more colours to choose from on your palette. The pictures you paint with this enhanced palette will be much grander and more alive. And simply by reconstructing a sentence or speaking with a different tone, you can create experiences with very different results.
Greater levels of Light, wisdom and knowledge become increasingly available to you. The more you can anchor and consistently hold the Light within you, the quicker you will fulfil your spiritual purpose. As you begin to vibrate within the fifth-dimensional consciousness, while still surrounded by third-dimensional energy, it is very important to recognize and live within your own Personal Power Field.
The next tool you will learn rebuilds your aura into a strong and stable geometric field, so your personal power and energy can remain with you, instead of being weakened and lost among external places and people. Constructing this sacred field – the container – and living within it will allow you to view and experience your internal life and the world around you from a much more calm, quiet, confident and elegant perspective.
The Octahedron
In sacred geometry there are five forms known as Platonic solids, each of which holds unique characteristics. One of these forms is the octahedron (a diamond with eight faces). You can imagine an octahedron as one four-sided pyramid pointing upward, with a second four-sided pyramid connected at the base pointing downward.
Besides being a strong vessel to contain your energy and personal power, this geometric field is also an antenna. The Octahedron tool attracts and receives frequencies of thought. It also transmits your thoughts, intentions and desires in a clearer, more direct way. If you can manage your antenna, you can influence what your antenna transmits and receives.
EXERCISE: How to construct the Octahedron
This exercise uses the Rose tool; however, using a simple dot as a marker will work just as well.
1. Take a moment and find your space. Check your Grounding Cord and be sure you’re in the Centre of Your Head or Higher Mind.
2. Create your Rose tool in front of you, at the edge of your energy field. If you need to, hold your arm (physical or imaginary) out in front of you and pretend you’re holding a rose between your fingertips.
3. Be aware of the noisy third dimension on the other side of your Rose. Take a breath.
4. Close your eyes. While being aware of the Rose in front of you, create a second Rose directly behind you. There is now one Rose in front of you and one behind you. Feel them and/or “see” them in your awareness.
5. Now connect the two Roses by drawing an imaginary axis line that passes through your heart chakra (the centre of your chest).
6. Be aware of those two Roses and the axis line, while you create one more Rose on your right and another on your left.
7. Draw another axis line through your heart chakra to connect these two new Roses. There are now four Roses at equal distances around you.
8. Place a Rose about 45cm (18 inches) above your head.
9. Place a final Rose about 15cm (6 inches) below your feet. All six Roses are now in position, creating the six points of the Octahedron.
10. Draw one more axis line, again passing through your heart chakra, from the Rose above your head to the one below your feet. These axis lines create a gyroscope, which creates stabilization in your energy field.
11. Still with your eyes closed, draw an imaginary line from the Rose in front of you to the one on your right. See it and feel it.
12. Draw a line joining the Rose on your right to the Rose behind you, then join that Rose to the one to your left. Finally draw a line from the Rose on your left to the Rose in front of you. This completes a square at the level of your heart chakra.
13. Next draw four imaginary lines that connect the Rose above your head to each of the four Roses at the level of your heart chakra. You have now created a four-sided pyramid pointing upward. Feel the change as if an umbrella surrounds you.
14. Now draw four imaginary lines that connect the Rose below your feet to each of the four Roses at the level of your heart chakra. You have now created the full Octahedron.
15. Notice how you feel when you are surrounded by your Octahedron. The three axis lines help stabilize and keep you energetically balanced as you continue to build your Personal Power Field.
16. Bring your attention to the eight faces of your Octahedron. Fill these eight triangles with brilliant translucent Light. Notice how this feels.
The space inside this Octahedron is yours, and only yours. Everything outside this field defines the rest of the universe. This diamond of Light that surrounds you is not a wall or a defence system. It’s a stable containment field that allows you to move around more effectively, without becoming affected by external noise and drama. As an antenna the Octahedron aligns with the greater wisdom and information being transmitted during this Shift. It creates an alignment with all that you are, and simply filters out that which you are not.
The best way to reinforce this geometry and to own it for yourself is to trace the lines of the Octahedron repeatedly throughout your day and during your meditations. Make it fun and amusing. Reinforcing your Octahedron anchors it around you. If you consciously stay within your Light-filled Octahedron you will become less and less affected by other people’s emotions, thoughts and erratic behaviour. Construct it around you daily, reinforcing it whenever you feel the need. It won’t take long to begin noticing the difference this tool makes in your day.
As you live and work within your Octahedron, you will begin to align with the knowledge and the wisdom you once had. You will also begin to transmit more clearly, and with greater strength, your intentions, desires and dreams for the universe to see and reflect back to you. You will begin to know yourself.
A word about “spin”
As you move through this course, you will read references to “spinning”. You’ll spin the Octahedron, the Triads and more. As soon as you hear the word “spin’ your rational mind may say, “Well, which way? Do I spin it forward or backward? Do I spin it left to right or right to left? How do I spin this?” Let’s keep it simple. When you give the command to the Octahedron to spin, it knows what to do. This is a part of you that you have simply forgotten. Your field will spin, though you won’t see the actually turning. Instead you might observe a glow or radiance. The Octahedron is spinning faster than human eyes can see.
EXERCISE: How to activate your Personal Power Field
As you built your Octahedron, you may have noticed that the top portion is shorter than the lower portion. This is because your Personal Power Field is not fully activated as yet. The following exercise will turn it on and bring it into a balanced geometric alignment. The full instructions for how to do this are a complicated initiation with multiple steps. For here and now, I’ve simplified it. The final result will still be effective and felt.
1.Find your space. Check your Octahedron and be in your Higher Mind.
2. Notice and reinforce the lines you drew when you created the Octahedron
3. Now notice the line of Light that runs from the point of your Octahedron above you, through the centre of your body, to the point of the Octahedron directly below you.
4. Breathing slowly, deliberately widen the line of Light to about 10cm (4 inches). You now have a column of Light connecting and moving through your energy field.
5. Be the word Certain and give the command to the column to begin to move the Light within it up from your third chakra, out through the point at the top of the Octahedron and then let the Light flow down around the outside of the geometry to form a sphere around it.
6. Next give the command to the column to begin to move the Light within it down from your third chakra, out through the point at the bottom of the Octahedron and then let it flow up and around the outside of the geometry to form another sphere around it. You now have two spheres of Light surrounding your Octahedron. You might notice that they touch all six points of the geometry.
7. To bring the Octahedron into a balanced form, you must now activate it. From that place of Certainty and Presence in your Higher Mind, give the command for both spheres to begin to spin. (They will naturally know how to spin.) The Light will continue to move up and out the top of the column and down and out the bottom of the column simultaneously. Your only job is to watch as this occurs, not control or force it.
8. As the Octahedron begins to glow and radiate Light, give it the command to double in speed. It will. Notice the increase in radiance. You may physically feel a sensation, though many people don’t. You may notice that the energy spirals around your Personal Power Field and then accelerates even more as it moves through the column. As it does this it will reach a point 8. where it will stabilize at a very high speed and then settle into a nice comfortable sensation. Another thing you may notice as you increase the spin of this energy is that the shape of your Octahedron has become more balanced and aligned. The spin of the field of Light will become perfectly spherical, and the Octahedron will expand outward so that all six points are an equal distance from each other; all touching the edge of the sphere. There is no need to analyse this, just experience and enjoy it. The higher, wiser aspect of you knows exactly what it’s doing. The reality is this has been yours forever.
Success story
Last month I went to a hot-springs retreat centre in northern California. I needed quiet time alone to reflect and retreat. One dusk, as I was meditating in one of the pools, a very boisterous group of visitors entered. They were enjoying the waters in a way quite different than I was. The happy bunch began playing with each other, loudly laughing, talking, splashing and creating great waves that rocked my body to and fro. I found myself getting irritated and I decided to take this opportunity for a little experiment.
Not moving or even opening my eyes, I erected my Octahedron. I soon found a distance of approximately 1 metre (3 feet) around me to be undisturbed by the waves and rippling water. I smiled inside and out, and settled back into my space with gratitude and appreciation.
A few moments later I decided to play again. I experimented by extending the field out further and discovered that the further I extended my Octahedron, the quieter the pool became. When I finally opened my eyes some ten minutes after I began the experiment, I found myself to be entirely alone in the pool again. The group of friends had left and moved on to another location to party!
Dani, California, USA
9. Now, without opening your eyes, become aware of the Octahedron and the spheres you have created. Notice how it feels. From inside, be aware of this flow of Light spinning around the Octahedron and accelerating back up through the column within you. At this point you may be feeling less pressure, cooler, more stabilized and more comfortable.
Congratulations! You’ve successfully built a new energy field from which to create your life. This is where things begins to get really interesting. The more you play with this tool, the more you will develop a new awareness of yourself, and of the fact that there is something different about how you now move around. Your Personal Power Field will grow into a self-contained, self-generated, spherical field of Light that completely surrounds the Octahedron and you.
Online resources
Online resourcesQuestion: Will my Octahedron affect others? (01:45)
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