alchemy Alchemy is the process and path of creating a life with awareness and intention and returning to a conscious relationship with Creator. It is transforming the density of your physicality into the Living Light Body. The process of alchemy changes the frequency of thought, alters the harmonics of matter and applies the element of Love to create a desired result.
All That Is Everything that exists. All the creations of Creator.
Arc of the Covenant The Arc of the Covenant is one of several energetics and tools presented during the activations of the sixth layer of the Living Light Body. It appears as an arc or dome over the top of one’s head and opens the brain and the neurological system so as to turn on the spiritual autonomic system in the physical and spiritual bodies.
Ascended Masters The Ascended Masters were once embodied on Earth as ordinary humans. They chose to do the focused work required – over many lifetimes – to become spiritually enlightened. Many of the Ascended Masters are now choosing to return to Earth in a physical form to direct and guide the uplifting of the planet and her inhabitants during this transition. Included among them are some of the new children who are currently being born.
Atlantis The Teachers of Light have described Atlantis as the ancient civilization that was instrumental in the Fall of Consciousness. It was here that the creator gods reached the apex of their mis-creations and mutations that caused Earth to fall into the density we call the third dimension. Jim was intimately involved in the final days of Atlantis and this was what called him to say “Yes” when the Teachers of Light asked him to participate in this experiment. A resident of Atlantis is called an Atlantean.
avatars Members of the collective called the Teachers of Light. At the time of writing this book, the avatars have not identified themselves as actively participating in this project.
causal body The causal body is the nonphysical body that holds the accumulation of the Soul’s positive experiences and converts them into wisdom for the Soul. These experiences are also called Memory Codes.
Centre of Your Head The Centre of Your Head is the initial place to put your attention in order to establish a “command centre” for operating your life. It’s an area directly behind your eyes. Being there brings you into present-time and neutral observation, both very important qualities for navigating these chaotic times of transition. To deeply experience the Centre of Your Head, you might imagine it as a special room or a place in nature within which to sit comfortably and observe the world through closed eyes.
Christ Consciousness An aspect of Creator.
Christed A state of being where you are one with the All That Is. A Christed planet is a planet that is fully in alignment with, unified with and demonstrating the Christ Consciousness of Creator. The Christed Matrix (within the Sacred Heart and within the planet) is a tool to bring that Christ Consciousness into our lives and into Mother Earth.
The Collective See Teachers of Light.
Colour Codes Enormous energetic patterns that contain many applications. During the activations of the Living Light Body these Colour Codes add opportunity and expand the capacity within the 12 strands of DNA.
Creator The Creator is the source of all creation.
creator gods Creator gods were created by Creator to go off into All That Is to have experiences and create in alignment with Creator’s desires and power. Duringthe Fall of Consciousness, the creator gods began creating with their own power and will and in less alignment with Creator. Soon the creator gods were not creating in alignment with Creator’s Light, which caused misalignments, glitches and mutations. Eventually this mis-creating brought us to the situation in which humanity now finds itself.
dimensions Dimensions are states of consciousness that are available to anyone who vibrates in resonance with the specific frequencies inherent within each dimension. These dimensions or levels of consciousness each have their own characteristics and ways of thinking, feeling and interacting. They also each have unique structures, qualities and aspects that contain a variety of experiences.
Earth goddesses Members of the angelic kingdom. These wonderful beings oversee and guide the Elementals upon their journey back to Love and purpose. Tara is one such Earth goddess.
El Shaddai A powerful sound template within the ninth Ray of Creation. The El Shaddai is used as a clearing mechanism. Where the eighth Ray releases more dense and known programming or energy, the El Shaddai is the broom that can reach into the hidden corners to release the smaller bits of stuck energy – the dust. It’s usually used in combination with the eighth Ray of Creation.
Elders An alternative way to describe the Teachers of Light. Our understanding and experience of the word “Elders” is less distant to the programmed human mind than the word “Teacher”, a term that for some can be fraught with old patterns of control and domination. The Teachers realize this and sometimes refer to themselves as Elders in order to bridge the gap and develop a closer relationship with the participants. An Elder can be equated to a kindly grandparent.
Elementals The Elementals are a group of four simple beings. Each Elemental represents and works with one of the four elements: Undine works with Water, Salamander works with Fire, Gnome works with Earth, Sylth works with Air. The Elementals have the ability to take what humanity sends them (Love, for example), and send it back to humanity in a more pure, amplified form.
Elohim Members of the collective called the Teachers of Light. As of now they have not identified themselves as actively participating in this project; however, other Teachers have mentioned their presence occasionally. They tend to be present at conferences, lectures and meditations.
emotional body See four-body system.
energetics Energetics are combinations of vibrations and frequencies (light, sound, colour, thoughts and emotions) that are organized in a manner that allows a human being to create its experience and environment.
Eye of Horus An energy template configured within the brain. When activated it opens access to higher levels of consciousness and greater aspects of intuition. Working with the Eye of Horus allows greater integration of the information and energetics offered on this path.
Fall of Consciousness The Fall of Consciousness was a devolution that took place over aeons. The Fall was set in motion when the creator gods began to use their own Light instead of the Light of Creator to create things. This turning away from the Light of Creator has ultimately created the chaotic and hurtful world we now experience all around us. The Teachers of Light offer us a way to return to a life of unification with Creator.
four-body system Humans have four bodies: a physical body, an emotional body, a mental body and a spiritual body. The first three are anchored in the third dimension but the spiritual body is not. Many of us are dominated by one or two of these bodies. The physical body is the most solid and dense and it is the slowest to make personal evolutionary changes. The emotional body is slightly less dense and is more flexible. The mental body has even more capacity to change and transmute into something more expansive. The spiritual body is the layer between us and our ultimate higher selves. All four bodies greatly influence each other. We need them to be integrated and balanced if we want to achieve life-balance and eventually wear the Living Light Body. As you work through the teachings in this course your mental and emotional bodies will become merged into one body.
Great Beings of Light A respectful term that refers to all members of the collective known as the Teachers of Light.
Higher Mind The Higher Mind is 2.5cm (1 inch) up and 4cm (1½ inches) back from the Centre of Your Head. Once you’re familiar and comfortable with being in the Centre of Your Head, you can put your attention in the Higher Mind as you continue to build a life experience of quiet observation, personal power and unification with Creator. The difference between existing here and in the Centre of Your Head is an experience that is unique to everyone. Many describe the Higher Mind as an observation platform that includes the higher aspects of who they are, whereas the Centre of Your Head is primarily for navigating the third dimension while still anchored in it. The Centre of Your Head is an excellent segue to existing in the Higher Mind.
Higher Self The Higher Self relates to the portion of the Soul that takes on embodiment for certain experiences for the Soul’s evolution.
Holy Spirit The aspect of Creator that creates.
Holy Spirit Shekinah As we anchor and incorporate greater levels and layers of the Living Light Body, we are able to deepen and expand our relationship with the Holy Spirit. One of these deeper layers of the Holy Spirit is referred to as Shekinah.
Home The teachings of the Elders refer to Home (with a capital “H”) as the place we return to when we unite with Creator. It is a sacred and affectionate term that many participants can viscerally feel and remember. Home is what we forgot when we volunteered to jump into the density of the third dimension.
I AM Presence A term first coined in 1875 by the Theosophical Society and used in the 1930s by Alice Bailey, Saint Germain in the Ascended Master Teachings, and various other organizations. Currently it can be defined as who you are as divine; who you really are when you ascend from the third to higher dimensions; who you are when unified with Creator.
Infinite Intelligence Usually used in relationship with Creator. The Infinite Intelligence of Creator is all that Creator knows. This intelligence is infinite and unlimited.
inner smile The inner smile exists within the Sacred Heart and within every aspect of you. It is a feeling and a state of being that may be described as joy, ecstasy, reverence and inner peace, although those words are too small to truly define it. Once experienced and anchored, the inner smile can be used as a reference point that allows you to return to those higher states of consciousness.
Law of Attraction The Law of Attraction is one of several universal laws (like gravity). It states that whatever we hold our attention upon, we draw into our life experience. Much of this occurs unconsciously rather than deliberately. The transition humanity is currently in (the Shift of Consciousness) is bringing this law into greater awareness, and consequently more of us are able to understand and leverage it for our personal comfort and growth.
Lemurian As Earth began slowly to recover from the Fall of Consciousness, higher aspects of consciousness began to become infused and seeded into the planet. This new consciousness was called Lemurian. Lemurians were simple beings that did not have dense physical bodies. They were the first step in the experiment to return Earth to its Christed state.
Light Light carries the vibration of wisdom, intelligence and consciousness through the layers and dimensions of All That Is. It can be used as a direct connection to Creator and as a tool for our personal guidance and wellbeing.
Light Language This is more than a spoken language. It’s an energetic format from which the higher-dimensional levels of thought are translated and made usable from one dimension to another. It provides coherence within the fifth, sixth and seventh dimensions.
Living Light Body Many mystical traditions offer definitions of the Light Body. In this course the Living Light Body is the form we are building that will allow us to re-merge with the Unified Field of Creator and All That Is. “Living” refers to the fact that we can now experience this body while alive and moving about our daily life. To activate a Living Light Body is no longer just the work of secluded gurus, sages, monks and masters. It’s a way of being available to all who wish to pursue it.
Lords of Light Members of the collective called the Teachers of Light. Lord xMetatron and Lord Melchizedek are Lords of Light.
Memory Codes Memories of positive experiences from past lives that are stored within the causal body. These are used as wisdom on your path Home. They are introduced during the activations of the third layer of the Living Light Body.
mental body See four-body system.
Mind of Creator See Universal Mind of Source.
Mind of Source See Universal Mind of Source.
On particles Thoughts that are thought by the Universal Mind and Mind of Source. These can be accessed within the Arc of the Covenant and drawn from the Undifferentiated Light through the eleventh chakra.
Over Soul The Over Soul oversees the physical body and the Higher Self, much like a foreman in a factory guides and watches the employees without doing their work for them. Some call this the Over Self. It has a potent relationship, energetically, to All That Is. The Over Soul is that part of you that directs light frequencies into the Living Light Body. The Over Soul stays with you even when the physical body is dropped and is no longer needed. The Over Soul oversees that transition into the nonphysical realm and remains with the Soul and the Higher Self until decisions are made to return to the vaster collective of All That Is.
Personal Power Field One of the first tools the Teachers of Light teach is how to establish your Personal Power Field. This is a field of energy that when built, and with regular use, offers an increase not only in your personal power but also your ability to manage the noise and drama of the third dimension. The ability to step into a Unified Field with Creator and All That Is also becomes possible.
present-time Present-time is the now moment. It is a moment of nonreaction that, when cultivated, helps you step out of the noise and drama of the third dimension and leads to a life of greater awareness and connection with who you came here to be.
Rays of Creation The Rays of Creation are taught during the unfolding of this project by the Teachers of Light. These are powerful tools and part of the pathway to bring humanity and Earth back into alignment with Creator. Each Ray of Creation is designed for a specific application or purpose.
Sacred Heart The Sacred Heart is the place where you can interface and connect with Creator, the higher aspects of yourself (such as your Soul) and All That Is. It is located in the area of the thymus gland in the centre of your chest, but is not the thymus gland itself.
Sanctuary of the Pink Diamond A room within the Sacred Heart. Within this sanctuary there exists a glowing pink diamond and an altar, both of which appear differently to everyone. As you enter and remain in the sanctuary, your awareness expands more and more into the fullness of what the Sacred Heart is. This is your sacred place where you can sit at the table and communicate with the higher aspects of yourself, the Elders and Creator. It’s a place of doing nothing and experiencing everything, allowing all things to come to you. Much occurs within this sacred space. It is the place from which to observe the world around you, and it is the room where each of the lessons in this book is best enjoyed.
Seed Crystals Crystalline seed energies are located within the etheric body. These Seed Crystals are able to translate various tones and sound vibrations (sometimes known as Light Language) that are not audible to the human ear.
Shift of Consciousness Humanity and Earth are currently in a transition known as the Shift of Consciousness. This may be one of the most, if not the most, important times in human evolution. We are transitioning from the dense, noisy, dull life of the third dimension into the higher awareness, ease and community of the fifth dimension and beyond. We are transitioning from separation to unity with All That Is.
sleep space Sleep space is the time when the physical body is fully at rest. During this time the mental and emotional bodies become one (the astral body), allowing the spiritual body to have adventures and experiences. This is the time when you meet the Teachers of Light at the table in the Sanctuary of the Pink Diamond. Most of us don’t remember this time when we return to our bodies; however, Jim is able to remember and bring the teachings back from his sleep space and share them with us.
Soul The Soul was created by Creator to go out and have experiences in physicality. Creator wanted to know Itself and this was how It went about doing that.
Soul Extensions Each Soul is comprised of Soul Extensions. You might imagine them like this: the parent (Soul) takes all the children (Soul Extensions) to the park (All That Is). “Go off and explore,” says the parent, “When you’ve explored and experienced all the games and toys (life’s adventures), return to me and we can all share and learn what you’ve learned. Then together we can go Home (back to Creator).” While incarnated it’s highly unlikely you will meet your Soul Extensions. They are scattered throughout All That Is, busy having new experiences. Some Soul Extensions have physical bodies, but many do not. Once all the Soul Extensions, including you, have experienced all there is to experience in the realm where you live, you all return Home, as one Soul, to the heart of Creator.
Soul Spirit The aspect of you that is in complete alignment with Source.
Soul Star One of the three centres within the third Triad. It is located above the eighth chakra and slightly to the left.
Source Another word for Creator. It is the creator and source of all things. The source of all wisdom and knowledge.
spiritual body See four-body system.
Teachers of Light The Teachers of Light have identified themselves as a collective of beings whose common intention is to create a pathway, called A Course in Mastering Alchemy. Their purpose is to offer tools, information and activations that, when applied, will uplift the individual participant, humanity and Earth to their full capacity to live in the fifth dimension and beyond. Members of this collective include Archangels, Ascended Masters and other significant players such as the Elohim and Lords of Light. Consider each one of these as a job title.
Triads The three Triads are your higher-dimensional chakra system. They create a Unified Field that opens realms of awareness, knowledge and wisdom that you have access to but had no knowledge of prior to working with the Triads. The first Triad is a sphere that surrounds the fourth chakra, thymus gland and fifth chakra. The second Triad is a sphere that surrounds the sixth chakra, pineal gland and medulla oblongata. The third Triad is a sphere that surrounds the seventh and eighth chakras and the Soul Star. These Triads are an unexpected gift of Creator.
Undifferentiated Light Light energetics that originate from Creator and are streamed through the eleventh chakra for our use within this ascension process. Undifferentiated Light is whole and pure with no predetermined purpose or direction, unlike the Rays of Creation, which were designed for specific purposes. Undifferentiated Light is able to flow freely, move and be used for any creation.
It is accessible only while living in the higher dimensions and within the fifth and higher layers of thought.
Unified Field All living creatures have an electromagnetic field (aura) surrounding them; sometimes it’s coherent; many times it’s disjointed. Using the Triads we are able to create an energy field that is unified and surrounds us in a full, stable and coherent manner. As we continue along this path we further activate it, anchor it and expand it. Our personal Unified Field becomes unified with (one with, conjoined with) Creator and All That Is.
Universal Mind of Source The Universal Mind of Source is accessed within the eighth, ninth and tenth chakras. The Teachers of Light offer a pathway to connect with (unify with) this all-encompassing library of experience, wisdom and creative power. It is also known as the Mind of Source and the Mind of Creator.
Veil of Ignorance and Forgetfulness A vertical nonphysical partition, perpendicular to the corpus callosum and located between the temples. It is an electromagnetic field of energy that significantly minimizes the function of the hypothalamus, medulla oblongata, pineal gland and the seventh and eight chakras. It restricts us to a narrow field of logic, duality and rigid rules. When the veil is neutralized or dismantled, observation from the Higher Mind is possible, as is awareness of multidimensional consciousness.
Ze-On particles Electrical in nature, Ze-On particles are your Higher Mind thoughts (Ze) merged with the thoughts of the Mind of Source (On).
Ze particles These are your thoughts that are thought in the higher realms and in your Higher Mind. They exist in the Undifferentiated Light and are not accessible or knowable while in the third dimension and the lower levels of thought.