Moving Data Between Workbooks
There are two ways you can copy or move data between open workbooks.
Method 1
First, arrange the workbooks so that the worksheets you want to work with are visible side-by-side on the screen.
Select the range of cells in the source worksheet, then on the Home tab, click the Copy button (or press the Ctrl +C keys) to copy the data, or click the Cut button (or press the Ctrl +X keys) to move the data.
At the destination worksheet, select the top leftmost cell of the area where you want to paste the data and on the Home tab, click Paste (or press the Ctrl +V keys) to paste the data.
Method 2
The second method you can use to move or copy data between screens is to drag and drop the data from one workbook to the other.
Use the following steps to drag and drop data:
  1. Select the data in the source worksheet. 
  2. Move the mouse pointer over the edge of the selected range until it turns into a crosshair (see image below).
  3. Once the pointer has changed to a crosshair, click and drag the selection to the other worksheet window.
  4. At the destination worksheet window, you’ll see a rectangle representing the area containing the data to be pasted. Drag it to the left topmost cell of the range where you want to place the data and release the mouse button.
    Note : To copy the data instead of moving it, hold down the Ctrl key as you drag the data across to the other window.
  5. After you release the mouse button, you may get a prompt that says: “There’s a problem with the clipboard, but you can still paste your content within this workbook.” Just click OK to dismiss the prompt and complete the action.