Importing Data from Microsoft Access
To import data from an Access Database, do the following:
  1. Click on the Data tab, in the Get & Transform Data group, click Get Data , then select From Database > From Microsoft Access Database .
  2. At the Import Data dialog box, navigate to the Access database (this will usually be an *.accdb or *.mdb file) and then click the Import button.
    The Navigator dialog box is displayed. This dialog box is divided into two panes: On the left, there is a list of tables and queries and on the right, there is a preview. When you click an item on the left pane, a preview is displayed on the right showing the fields in the table.
    To import more than one table from the selected Access database, click the Select Multiple Items checkbox on the left pane. Excel will then display check boxes against each item on the list, which allows you to select more than one table from the list.
  3. After you’ve selected the table(s) you want to import, click on the Load button to import the data. It will be imported into a new worksheet as an Excel table with all the Table tools available.
The Navigator dialog box also provides other options for uploading the Access data:
Transform Data
At the bottom of the Navigator dialog box, there is a Transform Data button. When you click this button, it will open the Excel Power Query Editor , which provides several tools that enable you to transform the data before you import it. For example, you may choose to import only some columns or use a query to select only some of the data.
Load To
For more load options, at the bottom of the Navigator screen, click the Load button’s drop-down menu, then click the Load To menu item to open the Import Data dialog box.
This box allows you to import the Access data as:
You can also choose to import the data into an existing worksheet or a new worksheet (default).