


The rooftops are the easiest route out of New Zeralzi, and it’s surprisingly easy to get to the top of the conversion compound. Every corridor I walk through is eerily silent, and every room I try to check is either locked or empty.

Bar Clive, who I glimpse walking far below from the window of a library room, I don’t see any of the now-converted Untamed. I don’t know whether to be glad about that or not. How would I react seeing them with real mirrors? Would I freeze? Fight? And what if Clive is wrong and they haven’t all been converted? Part of me does want to stay here and look for them, but the other part knows I have to go. I’d be stupid to stay in case there are Untamed here who need my help when I know that Clive is out there, still Untamed, and in need of my assistance. Because let’s face it, he has no chance surviving on his own. I’m going to need to teach him, train him. And my own chances of survival would improve dramatically with another capable person. If I can make him capable.

I breathe hard as I let myself onto the roof through a roof-top door at the top of the conversion compound. The cool air wraps around me. My thighs burn with anticipation as I edge close to the edge of the roof.

Roof-jumping—not my favorite, not when you consider just how far you’d fall when you throw your body from one roof to another—but it’s the best option. And I can do this. I grit my teeth. I have to do this. Clive needs me. This is my chance for redemption.

From the roof’s edge, I work out my route. The gap to the next building—a block containing labs—isn’t big. I can jump that easily once I give myself a run up. From there, it’ll be another easy jump across the roofs to an old apartment block. I know from experience that that roof can be slippery on the far side though, so I’ll have to be careful there. Then, it’ll be a case of getting enough momentum going. There are grab-rails on the next building after that which I can use, and the compound that follows is huge, has roofs of different levels, but no jumps between buildings for a few minutes. I can’t see farther than that building from here, but my memory is good, and I know that after that the buildings get farther apart the farther out of the town center you get. That’ll be trickier, if I decide to stay on the rooftops. Would require bigger jumps.

But I can do this. I know I can. And I haven’t got any more time to ponder this or plan. Clive will be waiting.

The familiar adrenaline fills me, and my steps are light as I head backward to give myself a run-up to this roof’s edge. I smile, relish the way my heart pounds.

Let’s do this.

I run, propelling myself forward. My adrenaline fuels me—and it’s like a drug, addictive. This is what I live for. Being able to do this.

I make the jump across to the next roof with ease, landing in a slight crouch before veering forward, using the energy to fuel me. Energy’s fluid, that’s what Bhavesh always says. Energy can be absorbed, but if you can preserve the energy, redirect it, then you’ll do better. Use less overall.

Bhavesh—who’s now dead or Enhanced.

My heart tightens and my breathing quickens. No. I can’t think like that. He’ll have escaped. He has to have.

I plough on, hear my blood rushing in my ears, feel more and more adrenaline as I jump from roof to roof. My breaths are even, short, sharp, and I feel superhuman as I make the next jump. The wind seems to carry me though the air. I feel weightless, invincible, and I almost wish there were loads of Enhanced Ones about to see this. I want them to see how good I am at this, how confident, how I’m escaping and there’s nothing they can do about it.

I want Red—wherever he is—to look up and see me. Maybe look out the window and see me soaring past, see me flying. To know that his story hasn’t fooled me. To know that a few lies can’t hold me prisoner.

I want—

I wince as I land awkwardly. Pain in my ankle.

Shit. Wasn’t concentrating. I right myself, slowing my pace slightly as I test my ankle. No, I’m fine. I can keep doing. That was just a warning to me not to get too cocky.


I center myself—can’t let that misstep and tiny error throw me off. Every jump is a new jump. And I can do this.


I run, jumping into a high arc as I soar over the gap between the next roofs. I land perfectly.

There. My heart pounds. I can do this. Yes.

I run and run, count the roofs as they disappear under me. I’m getting close to the edge of the town now, and there’s still no one about. I look ahead. Can see the rock where Clive’s going to be waiting for me. Can’t see him yet, but I don’t look properly. Got to concentrate on this, on the—

I jump and—

I know the moment my feet leave the solid surface, that I’ve jumped wrongly. Got the angle wrong. Know it instantly. And it’s not like before where I made the small error. This is bigger.


My heart pounds, and I throw my body forward, through the air, trying to propel myself and—

But my jump is short.

I know my jump is short.

Shit. Shit. Shit!

And there’s nothing I can do to fix it.

Six stories up.

And I’m plummeting to my death.