The next morning, I called Kate. It wasn’t a call I was looking forward to, but it had to be done. Over the phone? Whew, I didn’t like to, but I didn’t trust myself to tell her face-to-face about my encounter with the inimitable Olivia Hansen.
“Hey, Kate.”
“Hi, Harry. What’s up?”
“I have some news about the pendant. My father found the woman at the club, who he thought was wearing one like it. She was. I did some research.” I was glad she couldn’t see me, then. Research… sheesh.
“I went to see her last night. Seems it’s a key that gets you entry into some kind of weird, mystical society. Membership is invitation-only. I didn’t get much out of her other than that, and that sex could be involved. The membership includes some very powerful people, but she wouldn’t give me any names. Did you go to the gym?” That’s the way to do it; change the subject.
“I did. It’s just that, a gym. A very fancy one that seems to cater only to Chattanooga’s beautiful people; there were plenty of them there. I didn’t join or work out. Didn’t have time. But, sex? What does that mean?”
“I think the club is a vehicle for discreet encounters between members. She told me that the pendant is a device they use to introduce themselves to each other. Weird, huh?”
“Very. Are we still on for tonight?”
“Dinner at Ducat? You bet. In fact, I’ll give them a call and see if I need to make a reservation. Eight o’clock good for you?”
“Yes. Pick me up?”
“I’ll be there at seven thirty.”
She cut the connection, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I felt like shit.