Lil Mama
“Boo, get ready. I’m ‘bout to come pick you up.”
“Bitch, it’s dark thirty in the morning. I ain’t going nowhere.”
“I’ll be there in thirty minutes. Get the fuck up. We gotta go watch out for our babies today. You know they ‘bout to turn shit up.”
“Uggghhhhh! You get on my nerves. I’ll be ready when you get here, bitch!
I don’t give two fucks about her being cranky. JuJu told me about that shootout at the rink. These ole senseless ass shootings. Some may think I’m wrong for supporting my niece’s crime spree, but I say fuck whoever said that. They gon do what they wanna do anyway. It’s up to me and Boo to make sure that they do it right.
I still had about thirty minutes before I left, so I decided to watch the 5 o’clock news and check the weather. As soon as I turned on the news, I shook my head.
“Reporting live from Channel Seven. We are following the shooting that occurred last night at the skating rink on 76th and Racine. Details are still sketchy. All we know is that three are confirmed dead. The two youngest that were found were twin boys found on the arcade floor. They have been identified as Donte and Dontell Sullivan. It was their eighth birthday. One body remains unidentified. If you have any information on this tragedy tonight, please, we urge you to come forward. Sharon Love reporting live. Back to you, Deborah.”
“Damn that’s fucked up. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door.
25 Minutes Later
I pulled up to where Boo was staying with a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. One thing that I’ve learned from the FEDS and doing time for them is…Trust your gut.
I called JuJu instantly.
“Yeah auntie, what’s up?”
“Y’all good?”
“We ‘bout to head out now. Everyone’s here except for Meechie’s homie. He told Meechie he’d meet us at the spot.”
“Don’t say shit else about it. I’ll be there. Don’t even tell the rest of them. I don’t even know the lil nigga and already I don’t trust him.”
“Me either. He told Meechie that he took Tyesha home in a cab after the shooting. She ain’t answered her phone yet.”
“Don’t jump the gun. She might be asleep. I mean it is 5:45 in the morning.”
“You right. Look, we ‘bout to head out. I’ll call you when we’re done.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too baby. Be careful.”
I’mma kill Jaw’s ole disrespectful ass. This bastard didn’t even bother to come home last night. I got bigger shit on my mind, but as soon as we pull this off, I’mma punch that nigga in his eye.
“ReRe, did Poohman come home last night?”
She pulled on the blunt before passing it. “Nope and frankly I don’t give a shit.”
“Okay, let the games begin. Our target leaves her house every day at 6:30 a.m. We better head out so we can cut her off at the McDonald’s.”
“Aight E, you and Tiki be careful.”
“We got this. We love y’all.”
“We love y’all too.”
Dirty E
“Why you smoking so much, Tiki? Are you nervous?”
“Naw, I’m just ready to handle this business.”
“We good. This ain’t shit for us. Meech got us, don’t you kid?”
“Hell yeah. I’m alert and ready. This damn Red Bull got my ass ready to take off.”
I looked down at my watch. “Come on, it’s time to roll out. We got exactly ten minutes to catch the bank manager at Dunkin Donuts.”
Lil Man
“I’m sure they said this bank, Big Moe. Damn, I do listen.” This nigga gon make me shoot his ass.
“Make sure you call the police as soon as you see them go in the bank. I’m going to the other bank.”
“Let me come with you.”
“What the fuck did I say? Just do what I said!”
Big Moe (71st and Jeffery 6:30 a.m.)
I been waiting for my get back. I’m ‘bout to get paid without even lifting a finger on these chumps. Well, I’mma lift one finger…my trigger finger! Lil Man’s info better be accurate. I’m ‘bout to sit right here on 71st and Jeffery and see how this shit plays out.
Young Meech (79th and Stoney Island 6:37 a.m.)
“E, I’m already at the spot. I got a perfect view of the entrance.”
“Aight, we already at Dunkin Donuts waiting for the bitch. We was going to go to the bitch’s house, but this feels better.”
“Alright, call me when y’all on the way.”
Jaw and Poohman (71st and Jeffery 6:37 a.m.)
“Poohman, stop fucking laughing. This shit is serious.”
“Man, calm yo scary ass down lil boy. I’m sure they did their homework on this place. I know the bank opens at 7:30. They should be long gone before then. We’re just going to sit tight and watch their backs to make sure they get in and out safely. Pass me the blunt, nigga.”
JuJu (6:50 a.m.)
Just as I was pulling up to the gas station on 76th and Stoney Island, the bank manager was going into the store. “ReRe, gone and go jump in the car with her.”
“Bitch no! I’m ‘bout to go in the store and get her.”
Before I could protest, this damn fool was outta the car. This hoe is certified, I swear. As the lady was walking outta the store, Re was approaching her. I couldn’t hear what was being said, but from the look on the manager’s face, I could tell that she was scared as hell. The manager got into the driver seat, and Re got into the passenger seat. When they drove past me, this dumb bitch stuck her tongue out at me. “Dumb ass lil girl.”
I looked at my watch and it was 6:57 a.m. We were right on schedule.
Lil Mama (71st and Jeffery 6:59 a.m.)
I sat patiently behind the driver’s seat waiting for my niece to show up. The bank manager opens the door at 7:10 a.m. every day except for on the weekends. I’m ready for anything to pop off.
“Boo, have you heard from Jaw?”
“He told me the other day that he was on a mission. He just didn’t say what. Why?”
“Just asking. You know how stupid those two get over Thelma and Louise.”
I just so happen to cut my eye to the left and I almost died. “Oh shit! Girl, there them two fools go right there!”
ReRe (71st and Jeffery 7:03 a.m.)
“Park in the handicap spot in front of the entrance.” I wanted to laugh. This lady was so scared that she was shaking.
“P-P-Please don’t hurt me.”
“Stop fucking talking to me and quit fucking farting. You been farting since we left the gas station.”
“I’m sorry, b-b-but I’m nervous.”
“Nervous my ass! You stink! QUIT!” This funky ass bitch was blowing me. I hit JuJu on the chirp. “Miss I’m that bitch, where you at?”
“Right behind you. Put yo face on.”
“Let’s go. Don’t try nothing funny because I won’t hesitate to shoot yo stanking ass.”
LJ and Poohman (71st and Jeffery 7:05 a.m.)
“Jaw, look at them crazy ass broads.”
All Poohman and I could do was watch our girls in action. “Poohman, I hope that things go as planned.”
He looked at me and shook his head. “I know right, because I ain’t physically ready for no damn gun battle.”
“Mannnn, Poohman, I got chu my dude. I bought the big boy with me today.” I reached under my seat and pulled out my TEC-9 with the extended clip. “Damn Poohman, they been in there for three minutes already. I’m getting nervous. Aww shit, Poohman look! Tell me that ain’t that nigga Big Moe! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!”
Young Meech (79th and Stoney Island 6:30 a.m.)
My adrenaline was pumping. I’ve never been on shit like this before. I’m ready though. I hit Dirty to see where they were. “Dirty, where y’all at?”
“I’m at the donut spot waiting for Tiki and the manager to pull up. We was supposed to snatch the bitch up here, but yo sister wanted to go play Snatch a Hoe. Man Meech, yo sister a beast.”
I started cracking up because I could just imagine my big sis recking shit. “Well, come on. I been here for like twenty minutes. The police been riding through like every seven minutes.”
Tiki (6:37 a.m.)
“Shut the fuck up, please. I said I wasn’t gonna hurt you, but if you keep getting on my nerves, I’mma shoot yo ass.”
This old ass lady been crying since I snatched her from her front door. “Mr. Know-It-All, head to the bank.”
“Aight, hurry up.”
This old bitch was driving as slow as hell. She was really testing me.
“You don’t have to do this. You are such---”
I popped her ass on the side of her head with my pistol. “Save that shit. You better try and save your life and shut the hell up. Damn! What part of that…”
“Don’t you…”
I saw that she was looking kinda woozy. “Bitch, don’t crash this car.”
Lil Man (79th and Stoney Island 6:50 a.m.)
Where the fuck are these bitches? I been here since 6 o’clock. I know I’m in the right spot. All I’ve been seeing was the police patrolling around this bank every few minutes. Who picks a bank on the corner of a busy intersection anyway?
Damn! That’s my phone.
“Don’t forget what I said, Lil Man. Call the police as soon as you see them go in there.”
This black bastard was starting to get on my nerves. “I’m not hard of hearing. I got you.”
“I’m over here at the other bank posted up. As soon as I see them go in, I’m going to let them bat up all the money and then I’mma murk they lil asses.”
Dirty E (79th and Stoney Island 6:57 a.m.)
I had to smoke a blunt to ease my mind. As soon as I put it to my lips, I saw Tiki pull right up to the front door. “Bout time.”
When they got outta the car, I started cracking up. Tiki’s silly ass was holding the old lady’s hand as if she was helping her cross the street or something. As I made my way to the front door to catch up with them, I had this crazy ass feeling. “Maybe I do need to quit smoking weed.”
Tiki looked back at me and winked her eye. “You ready?”
She turned around and pushed the old lady towards the door. “Put the alarm code in, now!”
Lil Man (79th and Stoney Island 7:02 a.m.)
Here we go. I grabbed my phone and thought about it for a second. I wanted to kill them. I didn’t want them in jail. “Fuck calling the police. I’m ‘bout to shoot these hoes.”
I jumped out the car and headed for the entrance to the bank. When I got to the door, I opened and closed it as quietly as possible. I heard noises, but I couldn’t make out what was being said. It didn’t matter. I pulled my gun out and walked to where I could see them. I wanted them to see my face before I got Pancho’s revenge.
Dirty had her gun pointed at the old lady. “Hurry up and put the money in the bag.”
Tiki walked over to the counter and filled another bag. I’mma take a bag or too for me.
“Mr. Know It All, are we gonna still do the thing?”
I didn’t know what thing they were referring to, but I was about to do my thing.
“What up E?”
She had to do a double take. “What the fuck? Lil Man?” She looked down at my hand. “Oh so now you on some gangsta shit, huh?”
“Fuck you bitch! Y’all killed my brother! Now y’all can burn in hell with him!” I raised my gun at Dirty and pulled the hammer back. “Big Moe ‘bout to kill them other two bitches too!”
Young Meech (79th and Stoney Island 6:57 a.m.)
Damn, I wish they would hurry the fuck up. I ain’t sign up to sit in this car all damn morning. I put the blunt out for the third time, and when I did, I saw Dirty and my sister at the entrance of the bank with some old lady.
“Aww shit! Here we go!” I was so hyped that I was talking to myself. I perked up and got ready to do whatever was needed for them to make it outta there safely. A few minutes had passed and they were still in there.
“Hurry up y’all.” At that moment, I felt in my heart that something wasn’t right. As soon as I reached for the door handle, I saw Lil Man creeping in the bank. “What the fuck?”
I knew that nigga was cruddy. I watched him slither in the bank like the snake he was. I was so upset that I pounded my hand into the steering wheel. “I’mma kill that motherfucker!”
I waited for him to disappear inside the bank before I made my move. I opened the door to the bank and crept inside trying not to make a sound. I heard talking so I stopped to listen. “Oh so now you on some gangsta shit, huh?” “Fuck you bitch! Y’all killed my brother! Now y’all can burn in hell with him!”
This nigga done lost his mind. I can’t believe I been chilling with the enemy all this time. “Damn!” I can’t let this shit end like this for Dirty and my sister. I heard a gun cock, so I knew it was now or never. “Big Moe ‘bout to kill them other two bitches too!”
Lil Mama (71st and Jeffery 7:05 a.m.)
“Oh shit Boo! Get up bitch, look!” I shook my friend outta her sleep.
“Bitch what?”
“It’s Big Moe! NO! NO! NO! He just went in there after our babies!” I’m on the verge of having a panic attack.
Boo jumps up and punches me in the arm. “Fuck! I told you I wasn’t ready for another gun battle!”
“Fuck all that shit! Let’s go!”
We jumped outta the car and made it to the door in a matter of seconds.
“Boo, I got you sis. Just watch my back.”
She was about to say something when outta nowhere Jaw came running up to the door.
“Jaw, where the fuck did you just come from?”
“Come on Lil Mama, when it comes to mine, you know I don’t miss a beat!”
I was happy to see his ass. I got my gun out and readied for war.
“Grab the door Jaw and pull it open slowly.”
As soon as he did, we heard two shots.
I screamed, “OH NO, JU!”
Big Moe (71st and Jeffery 7:05 a.m.)
Before I made my move, I called Lil Man to make sure he did what I told him to do. After watching them two lil bitches go in the bank, it was time to make my move. I’m murdering everyone inside and taking all of the money. Hell, I deserve it. I casually walked to the entrance of the bank and entered as quickly as possible. The inside was quite small so it wasn’t hard to locate them lil bitches. I stood still for a few seconds trying to hear what they’re saying.
“Jackpot bitch! They must have just restocked the vault. Look at all the neatly stacked hundreds and fifties.”
That instantly made my dick hard. The talking continued.
“Hurry up and finish bagging this shit up. What are you doing? You tryna memorize my face so you can tell the police what I look like? Look all you want, bitch! You’ll never get the chance!”
It got eerily quiet. I was about to show my face and do my thing when I heard the sound of two gunshots.
I pulled my gun out and ran towards that back of the bank when I heard someone scream, “OH NO, JU!”
ReRe (71st and Jeffery 7:07 a.m.)
When we got in the bank, I noticed it was small as fuck. “Man, ain’t no money in here.”
Ju told the lady to unlock the steel door that I assumed was the vault. As soon as she did, I was geeked. “Jackpot bitch! ! They must have just restocked the vault. Look at all the neatly stacked hundreds and fifties.”
I whispered in Ju’s ear and told her to get all the tapes from the security office. I walked back over to where the bank manager was bagging up the money. Instead of concentrating on bagging up the money, that hoe was giving me the ugly face. “Hurry up and finish bagging this shit up. What are you doing? You tryna memorize my face so you can tell the police what I look like? Look all you want, bitch! You’ll never get the chance!”
I pulled out my Glock 40 and shot the bitch twice in the head. Not even two seconds later, I heard a familiar voice scream, “OH NO, JU! Ju get them bags and let’s go NOW!”
I grabbed the bags and made a run for the door when, BAM! I ran smack dead into this big black bastard. “Who the fuck---”
He grabbed me. “Shut up bitch! Remember me?”
Before I could respond, I heard footsteps behind him. The voice I heard next was music to my ears.
“Naw, bitch ass nigga, remember us?”
Lil Mama, Boo, and Jaw were standing there ready to kill something. He was outnumbered and from the looks of things, this was gonna finally be his last ride. I don’t know where Ju went, but she came flying around the corner right into the nigga’s arms.
“Let me go!”
He had this smirk on his face that told it all. “Get the fuck back before I blow this bitch’s brains all over this place! GET THE FUCK BACK!”
The look on Jaw’s face set the tone for our next move. He threw his hands in the air. “Man, Big Moe you got it. Don’t shoot my girl, nigga, because if you do, you gon die with her.”
I was standing there shaking my head because this shit was going all wrong. Call me crazy, but that nigga was not gonna punk us like that. If she died, then so would he and the rest of his bloodline!
I blurted out, “Ju, I’m sorry!”
She had this unreadable expression on her face. “It’s cool. I love y’all.”
He snatched her backwards. “Fuck all this sentimental shit! Grab them two bags over there and let’s go! Now I’m about to slide out this back door with her. If I think that y’all ‘bout to run after us, I’mma shoot this bitch. Do I make myself clear?”
I rarely show emotion, but that nigga had a gun to my bestie’s head. God, if he pulls the trigger… please let her go without suffering. Deep down in my heart, I knew that she was about to die. He had every intention on shooting her as soon as he was outta our sights.
As they reached the back door, he laughed. “Well guys, it was fun. I’ll see all y’all in hell.”
He opened the back door with his back and walked out backwards with Ju in front of him. Smart move. None of us had a clean shot. As soon as the door closed, we heard,
I couldn’t take it anymore. I fell to my knees and screamed, “JUJU!”
Poohman (71st and Jeffery 7:07 a.m.)
After we saw Big Moe enter the bank, I knew that there were about to be a few murders. Jaw decided on a plan that I thought was crazy, but I didn’t have much of a choice. I waited a few minutes after Jaw, Boo, and Lil Mama run into the bank before I drove the car around to where I thought the backdoor would be. I thought that it was a dumbass plan because there ain’t no way in hell that nigga Big Moe was gonna come outta that backdoor.
I sat there with the dumbest look on my face. I should have went in there with them. My woman was in there too. “Fuck! What’s taking them so long?”
I was about to follow my first mind and take my ass in the bank when I heard loud talking by the door that I was now standing in front of. I couldn’t make out what was being said, but I pulled my pistol out just in case.
About ten seconds later, the back door flew open and I saw the back of this big ass nigga backing outta the door with someone in his arms. He was laughing and taunting my peoples, “I’ll see all y’all in hell.”
I took a closer look and that’s when I noticed whom he had in his arms. It was a chance that I had to take. Big Moe was too busy taunting Jaw and the rest of them so he never paid any attention to the rest of his surroundings.
JuJu felt my presence because when she looked to her left and saw me standing off to the side of the building, she dropped all of her weight to the ground.
I shot him three times in the back and twice in the head.
“Come on Ju, we gotta go!”
Shit, she jumped in the car so fast that you woulda thought that she came to pick me up. She hugged me tight as I pulled off. “Thank you Poohman!”
“Damn girl, you go make me crash. Let go.”
I drove to the spot where we was all supposed to meet after the job was done. “Ju, call Jaw.”
Standing there watching that nigga pointing a gun at my girls head set my heart on fire. I wanted to kill that nigga. I had to act accordingly because one wrong move would end in this fool shooting my girl. So when he said to back the fuck up, it was a no-brainer.
ReRe gave me the look of death. I ignored her crazy ass. She’d rather shoot it out. If we made it outta there, I was gonna tell Poohman to take her ass to see somebody. I told Poohman to wait at the back door hoping that he’d use that door to make his getaway.
So far, it was working to our advantage because he was backing up in that very direction. I locked eyes with my boo and I instantly felt her pain. I had to look away. My heartrate sped up as that motherfucker did exactly what I wanted him to do. It pissed me off that I wasn’t gonna be the one to send his punk ass to dance with the devil.
“I’ll see y’all in hell.” I prayed that Poohman’s hotheaded ass stayed put instead of getting impatient and trying to come up in here. No sooner than I saw the door close, I heard five gunshots.
ReRe lost it! “JUJU!”
I grabbed her. “She good ma! We gotta go! Grab some bags Auntie Boo.”
She looked at me like, nigga please. “My bad. Lil Mama and Re, grab those bags. We gotta go!”
As I picked up the last bag, my phone rung. “Tell me she’s good, bro.”
“We good nigga! Meet us at the spot.”
Young Meech
“Lil Man, what the fuck?” I walked towards him slowly with my gun pointed at him and my finger on the trigger. If he so much as farted, I was gonna make his ass dance. He had the nerve to actually smile at me. “What up Bro?”
“What up? What you on, Joe?”
Lil Man started giggling like a five year old. I knew right then that, that nigga had snapped mentally.
“Young, how nice of you to join us.”
“Why the fuck do you have that gun pointed at my sister?” I guess he didn’t like that question because his ass snapped.
“Aight, calm down, my dude. We can talk about---”
“AIN’T SHIT TO TALK ABOUT! I missed at the restaurant, but I won’t miss today!”
“What? The restaurant? You hoe ass nigga! You shot at us at Fred and Jack’s?”
He started giggling again. “I wasn’t trying to hit you, Young. I just wanted them. Y-you shot me, Young. I know you didn’t mean it, though. You didn’t know it was me. I forgive you, but I’m killing these bitches today!”
I knew that if I didn’t do something right then, his crazy was going to kill us all. “Come on bro, let’s grab that money that’s on the floor and go someplace and talk this shit out. This ain’t really the place. I looked at my sister who was slowly easing her gun from behind her. I shook my head no, but it was already too late because Lil Man saw her.
“Oh yeah? Bitch, let’s get it then!”
What happened next sent me into a blind rage. Miko snatched her gun out and pointed it at Lil Man, but he was quicker. He shot her in the chest.
She went down like a ton of bricks. Dirty ran over to where she had fallen. I rushed Lil Man knocking him to the ground.
The nigga was possessed with something that wasn’t human because he flipped me with the quickness.
“Y-y-you wanna fight me? L-l-let’s go then!” He snatched me off of the ground and threw me into the glass wall that separated the lobby from the main area. I bounced up real quick, though. I ain’t no pussy by far. I started punching that nigga in his face as if I was trying to rearrange it. He took every punch like a champ.
“That’s all you got, Young?”
Outta the corner of my eye, I saw Dirty creeping our way with a crowbar in her hand. I tried to move outta the way, but Lil Man’s crazy ass grabbed me.
“Where you going, Young? The party just began.”
He flipped me off of him and got on top. I was still swinging and connecting every punch.
“You w-w-wanna keep hitting me?”
At that point, that nigga snapped. He made this crazy ass sound. “AGGGHHH!”
The nigga started scratching my arms and my face as if he was a damn alley cat. “I’MMA KILL YOU!”
I was losing my strength. “Dirty, get this nigga off of me!” I stopped fighting. Shit at this point, all I wanted to do was cover my face up.
That nigga screamed out, “OUCHHH!”
Dirty kicked him so hard he went screaming through the air. The shit was like a scene outta a Tom and Jerry episode. The nigga hit the wall so hard it knocked him out.
“Come on Dirty. Grab that money. Let’s get the fuck outta here.”
I ran over to where my sister was laying. She looked as though she was barely breathing. “Come on sis, you got to get up.”
Dirty came running back in the bank after putting the bags of money in the car. “Come on Young, pick that bitch up! She aight! She just got the wind knocked outta her! Look, she got a vest on.”
She lifted up Miko’s shirt and showed me the vest. “Let’s go Young before that nigga wakes up.”
I looked at Lil Man’s unconscious body on the ground and I felt sorry for him. I felt so bad that I let him live. That would be my mistake!