
Acknowledgements are gratefully expressed for permission to use the following artwork:

Children’s thoughts on challenging and controversial picturebooks

Cover and two double-page spreads from Smoke by Anton Fortes and Joanna Concejo (2009). Permission given by OQO Publishers, Spain

Chapter 1

One double-page spread from Hello Baby by Jenni Overend and Julie Vivas (1999). Permission given by Frances Lincoln Children’s Books, London

One image from Snowhite by Ana Juan (2001). Permission given by Ana Juan

One image from Die Menschenfresserin by Valérie Dayre and Wolf Erlbruch (1996). Permission given by Wolf Elbruch

One double-page spread from 14–18: Une minute de silence à nos arrière-grands-pères courageux by Thierry Dedieu (2014). Permission given by Editions du Seuil, France

One image from Hansel and Gretel by Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm and Anthony Browne (1995). Walker Books, London. Permission given by Anthony Browne

One double-page spread from Hansel and Gretel by Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm and Susanne Janssen (2007). Rostock, Germany. Permission given by Susanne Janssen

One image from La Barbe-bleue (2005) by Thierry Dedieu. Permission given by Editions du Seuil, France

One image from Capitan Omicidio by Charles Dickens and Fabian Negrin (2006). Permission given by Orecchio Acerbo, Italy

One double-page spread from The Story of the Little Mole who Knew It Was None of His Business by Werner Holzwarth and Wolf Erlbruch (1989). Koch, Neff and Oetinger & Co, Germany. Permission given by Wolf Erlbruch

Cover from Nu (Nude) (2009) by Sara. Permission given by Editions du Seuil

One single page from Duck, Death and the Tulip by Wolf Erlbruch (2008). Gecko Press, New Zealand. Permission given by Wolf Erlbruch

Cover from Ratten(Rats) by Wolf Erlbruch (2009). Jacoby and Stuart, Germany. Permission given by Wolf Erlbruch

Cover from Bornenes Bedemand (The Children’s Undertaker) by Oscar K and Dorte Karrebæk (2008). Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, Copenhagen, Denmark. Permission given by Oscar K and Dorte Karrebæk

Cover from Idiot by Oscar K and Dorte Karrebæk (2009). Høst og Søn, Copenhagen, Denmark. Permission given by Oscar K and Dorte Karrebæk

Double-page from Hamlet by Oscar K and Dorte Karrebæk (2009). Dansklærerforeningens Forlag, Copenhagen, Denmark. Permission given by Oscar K and Dorte Karrebæk

One image from Lejren (Camp) by Oscar K and Dorte Karrebæk (2011). Høst og Søn, Copenhagen, Denmark. Permission given by Oscar K and Dorte Karrebæk

Cover from Knokkelmanden’s Cirkus(Death’s Circus) by Oscar K and Dorte Karrebæk (2014). Høst og Søn, Copenhagen, Denmark. Permission given by Oscar K and Dorte Karrebæk

Chapter 3

One image from La Barbe Bleue by Charles Perrault and Jean Claverie (1991). Editions Albin Michel, France. Permission given by Jean Claverie

One image from Ma Peau d’Âne (2002) by Anne Ikhlef and Alan Gauthier. Editions du Seuil, France. Permission given by Alain Gauthier

One image from Little Red Riding Hood by Charles Perrault and Sarah Moon (1983). Permission given by The Creative Company, Mankato, Canada

Preliminary work on The Girl in Red image by Roberto Innocenti (1988). Reprinted by permission of The Creative Company, Mankato, MN © 2012 Roberto Innocenti

One image from Snowhite by Ana Juan (2001). Permission given by Ana Juan

One image from Rotkäppchen by Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm and Susanne Janssen (2001). Carl Hanser Verlag, Germany. Permission given by Susanne Janssen

One image from John Chatterton détective by Yvan Pommaux (1993). L’Ecole des loisirs, France. Permission given by Yvan Pommaux

One image from Rødhatten og Ulven by Fam Ekman (1985). Cappelen Damm, Norway. Permission given by Fam Ekman

Rood Rood Roodkapje by Edward van de Vendel and Isabelle Vandenabeele (2003). Uitg. De Eenhoorn, Belgium. Permission given by De Eenhoorn Publishers, Belgium

One image from Mon Chaperon Rouge (1998) by Anne Ikhlef and Alain Gauthier. Editions du Seuil, France. Permission given by Alain Gauthier

One double-page spread from Les Cubes by Béatrice Poncelet (2003). Editions du Seuil, France. Permission given by Béatrice Poncelet

One image from L’Ogresse en pleurs by Valérie Dayre and Wolf Erlbruch (2004). Editions Milan, France. Permission given by Wolf Elbruch

One image from Vous oubliez votre cheval by Christian Bruel and Pierre Wachs (1986). Le Sourire qui mord, France. Permission given by Christian Bruel

Chapter 4

Cover, three images and two double-page spreads from De skæve smil by Oscar K and Lilian Brøgger (2008). Klematis, Denmark. Permission given by Oscar K

Cover and five double-page spreads from Krigen by Gro Dahle and Kaia Dahle Nyhus (2013). Cappelen Damm, Norway. Permission given by Gro Dahle

Chapter 5

Cover, one double-page spread and one image from The Wolves in the Wall by Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean (2003). Bloomsbury Publishing, London. Permission given by Dave McKean

Cover and four images from The Tragical Comedy or Comical Tragedy of Mr. Punch by Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean (2006). Bloomsbury Publishing, London. Permission given by Dave McKean

One double-page spread from Pictures That Tick by Dave McKean (2009). Darkhorse, London. Permission given by Dave McKean

One image from The Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish by Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean (2005). Bloomsbury Publishing, London. Permission given by Dave McKean

One double-page spread from Crazy Hair by Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean (2015). Bloomsbury Publishing, London. Permission given by Dave McKean

Chapter 6

One image from Hänsel e Gretel by Wilhelm Grimm, Jacob Grimm and Lorenzo Mattotti (2009). Permission given by Orecchio Acerbo, Italy

Cover, six double-page spreads and one images from Capitan Omicidio by Charles Dickens and Fabian Negrin (2006). Permission given by Orecchio Acerbo, Italy

Chapter 7

Cover, one double-page spread one single page from Fox by Margaret Wild and Ron Brooks (2000). Permission given by Allen and Unwin, Australia

Chapter 8

Cover and three images from The Girl in Red by Aaron Frisch and Roberto Innocenti (2012). Reprinted by permission of The Creative Company, Mankato, MN © 2012 Roberto Innocenti

Chapter 9

Cover and five double-page spreads from Loup Noir by Antoine Guilloppé (2004). Permission given by Albums Casterman, France

Chapter 10

Cover and three double-page spreads from Wolves by Emily Gravett (2005). Permission given by Macmillan Children’s Books, London

Cover, one double-page spread and two single pages from Guess Who’s Coming for Dinner? by Cathy Tincknell and John Kelly (2004). Templar Publishing, Surrey. Permission given by Bonnier Publishing, London

Chapter 11

Cover and three double-page spreads from The Red Tree by Shaun Tan (2001). Lothian Books, Melbourne. Permission given by Shaun Tan

Chapter 12

Cover from Home and Away by John Marsden and Matt Ottley (2008). Lothian Books, Melbourne. Permission given by Hachette Books, Sydney

Chapter 13

Cover and one double-page spread from Angry Arthur by Hiawyn Oram and Satoshi Kitamura (1982). Permission given by Andersen Press, London

Cover and one double-page spread from Not Now Bernard by David McKee (1980). Permission given by Andersen Press, London

Cover and one double-page spread from Chicken Clicking by Jeanne Willis and Tony Ross (2014). Permission given by Andersen Press, London

Cover from Tadpole’s Promise by Jeanne Willis and Tony Ross (2005). Permission given by Andersen Press, London

One double-page spread from Frog and the Birdsong by Max Velthuijs (1991). Permission given by Andersen Press, London

One double-page spread from Lovely Old Lion by Julia Jarman and Susan Varley (2014). Permission given by Andersen Press, London

One single and one double-page spread from Denver by David McKee (2010). Permission given by Andersen Press, London

One double-page spread from I Hate My Teddy Bear by David McKee (1982). Permission given by Andersen Press, London

Cover and one double-page spread from Tusk Tusk by David McKee (1978). Permission given by Andersen Press, London

Cover and three single pages from Letters to Klaus by Klaus Flugge (2013). Permission given by Andersen Press, London

Every effort has been made to contact and acknowledge copyright owners, but the author and publisher would be pleased to have any errors or omissions brought to their attention so that corrections may be published at a later printing.